Reviews from

in the past

Very good game. You just need to be quick to heal as there is no pause.

Muito simples e ao mesmo tempo muito bom

This is my favorite Gba game ever

I love the sprite art and music I love the gameplay I love the funny dialogue

Everything I about this game I love

Good rpg, i havent bothered with the story honestly, but the battling part is engaging. After finished it with every class on hard mode i have to say that blood knife, max knife, max crit,max stun, brawler and max typhoon max mp regen mage are pretty awesome. All the classes are usable for solos, but if you use morph dark mage it feels extremely boring and repetitive to use. Hard mode is decent but it doesnt really offer much gameplay wise on my opinion, you perfectionate your characters there and its harder yes but it just feels redundant.

This is a good GBA action RPG. Several of the classes are very interesting and fun, but some of them are weak and boring.

Back in the day my friends and I all got copies of this game used (back when it was affordable) and had a blast.
I dug it out recently and finally played through the whole thing single player. It's a straight-forward but competent ARPG with an abundance of charming sprites and dialogue. If you want to play Diablo on your gameboy and also be a furry, this is the game for you.

I loved this game growing up, went back to play it recently and it's still a fun little game (although WAY more simple than my little kid brain remembers it).

Nice diablo-like game with a diverse cast of characters. There's really nothing like it nowadays, at least with the more active ARPG type combat rather than your RTS type of gameplay you get with most diablo-like.

It feels however like they shy'd away from more complex combat options or due to limitation within the system, avoided them. Due to that, combat can feel monotone and class skills flat out boring or samey.

not enough kill the past

wonderful ARPG for GBA and one of the first game I beated before I fully understand the system.
Rates for drops are pretty low and getting the card collection is a pain.
PS: Use chaos ring and helmet with -2 drop rate to spam items.

Lançado no ano seguinte ao primeiro jogo, a sensação é de jogar quase o mesmo jogo, com pequenas diferenças de mecânica e um novo cenário, com personagens e tramas distintas, algo que passa a sensação das diferentes gerações Pokémon, mas mantendo quase tudo igual, como ocorre em FIFAs muito próximos.

Assim como seu antecessor, apenas testei e não cheguei a concluir.