Reviews from

in the past

Silent Bomber is an action game where you run around a gigantic spaceship and blow up everything. Levels are short and sweet, and objectives revolve around finding things and exploding them. There are one or two missions that make you protect a target but they're over quick. The control and overall game feel is shockingly fast and fluid for a ps1 game, and I swear, explosions from this generation of gaming, with their low res billboard sprites, little triangles flying everywhere, and low bitrate stock sound effects blaring loudly, are so incredibly satisfying and crunchy compared to today.

Boss fights are the highlight, you can use your different bomb types, paralysis, napalm and gravity in different ways to handle them, though the final boss is such an insane difficulty spike it leaves a bad taste after hours of otherwise super fun game.

This game wants to be MGS so bad, lmao.

It's pretty fun, but the end boss is just a nightmare of how bad it is designed. Don't know why the game throws such a sudden change on difficulty.

Silent Bomber is hardly very silent. It's similar to Bomber Man, but more action than puzzle or strategy. It's a really short experience, able to be completed in a couple of hours. For the most part it'd like to say it's fun, but it has some terribly tedious sections that can be downright frustrating at times. There were moments I got confused, as it can be really bad at making it clear where you need to go. Along with not explaining things there's a fun little upgrade system, but as far as I know the game never tells you it exists. The difficulty curve is all over the place, some bosses are total cakewalks meanwhile other levels feel almost unfair. My favorites would have to be the water tunnel and the giant elevator shaft, both levels where you are confined to a decent size space that is all visible on screen at once. In contrast the levels that I dislike are either so large you fall victim to screen crunch, or are really cramped to where it's hard to avoid enemies or give your bombs space. You are given special limited "liquid" bombs that you are really never pressured to use on normal enemies, and you don't want to either. Certain boss encounters are extremely obnoxious, but can be trivialized by effective use of the liquids - especially the stun liquid. The CG cutscenes have not aged very well at all, and the story is nothing to write home about. However, the actual graphics have their charm, and the music isn't amazing, but it's not bad. Lastly, there's a score system, it grades how well you do on each mission. However, there's no restart mission or replay mission buttons. Not only can this be annoying, but it also means you can't play a mission again for a high score without playing the whole game over. Overall it feels kinda half baked, but the central mechanic is enjoyable. I actually like the way the game looks and feels, and I hope we see something like this again.

metal gear bomberman but it's character action instead of stealth puzzles.

extremely unique game; as such, it's pretty uneven, and suffers for being developed prior to the dualshock, which could have enabled a much more elegant aiming system.

also the tutorial is literally a war crime. incredible

Yeah yeah therapy is cool and all, but exploding buildings is much more fun y'know.

In the best possible way, this feels like an amalgam of all the 5th gen sensibilities: a briskly-paced action game that plays around with perspective and enemy arrangements, and has you fighting everything from mercenaries to BOW’s in only a couple of hours- and it also sports a pretty clever upgrade system.

Instead of just getting slotting points into static changes for your character, you’re given the ability to respec at any given time, meaning that victory is often as much about your strategy as it is about reflexes. There are some fights that gave me hell for the longest time, but more for the fact that I had carried the idea that I was committed to this single playstyle from so many other games; start playing around with your defense or range, and suddenly those same fights become a lot more manageable. It's a cool wrinkle on a feature that’s become static in the years since- though I imagine the reason more games aren’t as malleable is that it might irk too much see your damage or health go down, even as you’re powering up some other facet of yourself. (Also kind of weird to think of your character as a Star Trek-style ship, siphoning energy from your weapons to your shields, even though you're just… a guy.)

And, as much as it pains me to say it, I was invested enough in the story that the collateral damage of gameplay did feel at odds with its intro, where Jutah ends up being responsible for the deaths of a number of innocent people- only to spend the rest of the game surgically destroying everything in the environment. I don’t even mind exactly: I both admire the story for punching above the weight of PSX action game, and like the big dumb sensibilities of the game itself, but there is a bit of disconnect when you find yourself levelling entire (uninhabited) residential blocks a few missions into the game.

Otherwise, it’s great- just brace yourself for the final boss.

Silent Bomber ran so Spec Ops: The Line could walk.
Incredible high-octane arcady action where your only method of attack is to plant and detonate bombs. One of those late-PS1 games that realises so much more than you'd expect the console to be capable of graphically - the levels and bosses are detailed, varied, and smartly designed around the controls. The game finishes before you know it at around two hours, making this one of the most cut and dry cases of Just Fucking Play This On That Emulator I Know You Have Right Now.

I feel like a kid desperately trying to get his dad's approval when I finish a level thinking I did well only to be met with yet another D-rank.

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This game is cringe.

Besides from the fact that you are not silent when destroying your enemies... the gameplay for this game is pretty straightforward. The last few stages are a challenge but with correct preparation, you can finish every boss of the level just fine.

the english voice acting for this game is pretty interesting to listen but likewise, their dialogues are... meh.

Ein kleiner Überraschungshit für mich.
Eine simple, blockige Grafik aber mit großartigen Designs.
Sehr simple, schnelle Action die durchgehend flüssig bleibt.
Eine Story die nicht viel ist, aber trotzdem ganz neat erzählt wurde.
Und dann ein Gamebreaker und ein finaler Boss die diesen Eindruck enorm trüben.

Aber ich mag dieses Gameplay, diese Action bei der man schnell zum Gegner hin, Bomben legen und wieder weg muss, geht sehr schnell in Fleisch und Blut über. Das Spiel ist auch lange Zeit nicht zu hart um bloß nicht sofort zu frustrieren. Und es hat eine schrullige Synchro.

Es ist so das perfekte PS1 Spiel zum "mal eben nachholen". Nur später wirds leider deutlich schwächer mit einigen echt nervig designten Leveln. Aber die erste Hälfte ist großartig

Really great idea with some tedious sections. Shame there's no follow up that expands on this idea further.

Between the horrendously ugly stage and annoying pattern, the final boss is a tedious slog. Still worth checking out.

Existe um certo charme em jogos que precisam ter pressa para te passar a experiência desejada.
Esses jogos corridos que parecem querer fazer demais e não entregam metade do que parecia ser capaz, muitos deles por talvez por tentar ser grandioso demais ou por não saber por limite numa obra de arte, que precisa e sempre terá fim (isso talvez, seja o que mais defina uma obra de arte).
Viajando em jogos da quinta geração, é comum vermos jogos que caibam nessa característica, mas eles se distinguem substancialmente dos casos contemporâneos.
Existe, talvez pelo fervor da indústria do fim dos noventa ou uma incerteza orçamentária, um prestígio de jogos que são claramente cortados, mas ainda assim conseguem ser inesquecíveis e entregar uma experiência única.
Silent bomber é assim.
Controles surpreendentemente bem polidos para um jogo sem 2 analógicos e um tema com narrativa que cativa pela personalidade e que é apoiada por uma direção de arte acima da média com momentos de içagem ímpares.
Esse jogo ter saído no fim da 5a geração talvez tenha sido seu fechar de paletó, mas claramente fez um excelente uso do domínio das técnicas de se fazer jogos e entregar experiências incríveis adquiridas ao longo da geração.
Esse jogo tem cgis clássicas de ps1, tem set pieces Épicas, tem uma mecânica inovadora que carrega MUITO BEM ao longo do jogo todo, tem uma narrativa curiosa, tem um level design desafiador e inteligente e tem muito, mas muito coração.
Nesse jogo, existe a vontade de pessoas que queriam criar algo enorme. Por mais que para a indústria eles não tenham conseguido, para mim conseguiram.
Bomberman meets MGS

Cool game. Beyond meh story. Final boss can suck it.
No joke, the final boss is the biggest reason why I took... let's say, a 5 year long break from this game.

Otherwise, really fun arcade-y experience that doesn't overstay its welcome.