Reviews from

in the past

Everyone who said this game was fun was lying to you. Goodness me, this game is simply miserable!

This game is a janky mess and I'm not a fan of how it's structured, but there is fun to be had with the jank as long as you skip enemies.

Compared to SA2, this game is very disappointing.

It seems like after admitting defeat in the console war, Sega and Sonic Team just does not give a shit about their games anymore. We lost the multiple well executed playstyle we got in SA2 and instead got what I can best describe as a team rotation playstyle. It is executed decently. However instead of developing more individual levels, Sonic Team decided that it's best for us to play the same levels four times over. Yes, there were slight variations for each of the 4 teams but the layout of the levels were essentially the same. It feels like cheap cost-saving measure.

I have a lot of problem with the controls of this game. We went from the responsive and predictable controls of the adventure era to what can only be described as ice skating. Seriously, the characters move so fucking slippery that you can somehow die from scripted loop segments due to being off from a spring. The controls are not good for this game at all and will lead to a significant amount of frustrating deaths.

I have no idea why they decided to make Sonic and friends look like they are made of plastic. Somehow the aesthetics in this game became worse than that in SA2, and SA2 didn't exactly have stellar aesthetics either!

The plot and characters are also whatever to me. None of the character moments stick with me. Even Neo Metal Sonic is forgettable with "What I am made of" playing in the back ground.

This is a painfully average game. The only redeeming part is the music and the somewhat not too bad level design. But everything else about it is just not good. It really looks like they didn't put any effort behind this game at all.

ive never beat this game but half of the levels are annoying. the special stages and music are great. other levels are fine

i wish i actually liked playing this game as much as i adore the cheesy-ass vibe

Sonic Heroes was a big part of my childhood, and I still have a blast revisiting it. The level design is great, offering a mix of speed and platforming that kept me engaged after school for hours.

While it might not be the best Sonic game out there, it holds a special place in my heart. I'd definitely introduce this to my future kids, as it's a fun and nostalgic experience that's worth sharing.

I can hear the menu music while typing this

Gets waaay to much hate for a game with the best level design in the entire series

I loved this game a ton as a kid, opinion it has gone down over time. I still think it's fun enough, but there are quite a few things that bring it down when compared to some other games in the series.

Played as a kid and didn't know what I was doing

im one of the few people who dont think team chaotix was that bad, i just think the game in general isnt great and the fact you gotta play through it 4 times to get the true ending is certainly one of the game design choices of all time. team dark was fun as hell though i wont lie

Not as good as I remembered and does not hold up to adventure 1 or 2.

played thru team rose this game is so finicky but honestly I kinda love it

Juego de la infancia, muy divertido y genial pero...tiene algunos problemas de diseño, controles algo toscos, fases especiales mediocres y algunos ligeros bugs, pero eso no quita que sea buen juego. Ojalá se animen a hacer el Remake.

10 minute levels you have to play 2 times all the way through at least...

genuinely one of the most miserable experiences ive ever had playing a sonic game and im flabbergasted at how consistently garbage this game is. you have to play it 4 times just to get to the final final boss but just playing it once makes me want to grab a rope. everything from the physics to the janky mechanics to the hilariously awful boss fights i fucking hate this game

Pretty good but it's the start of modern sonic.

Un juego infravalorado, con una BSO fantástica, Sonic nunca defrauda en esto y varios equipos que elegir.

Jogo bem divertido com uma gameplay diferente de outros Sonic e com uma boa quantidade de campanhas e personagens jogáveis, apesar de não mudar muito de uma a outra, terminei apenas a do Sonic e do Shadow pois não curto muito o restante. Porem o jogo é extremamente bugado em algumas partes com pulos extremamente imprecisos, acredito que na época ainda estavam aprendendo a fazer sonic 3D. Esse jogo PRECISA de um remake ou sequencia para todas as plataformas atuais com a jogabilidade e graficos atualizados.

Merci à mon grand frère de me l'avoir prêter.
Sah quel classique, meilleurs jeux Sonic de mon palmares, pouvoir jouer avec différente team rajouter tellement de vie.
Shadow supremacy.

It breaks my heart to know that director and lead designer Takashi Iizuka crunched so hard to make this game that he couldn't sleep and lost 22 pounds. A game that was so formative to me was hell for the people that made those memories possible. I know that lots of games I love were made with the same callous disregard for workers that happens all the time in this capitalist hellscape, but it stings just a bit more with this one. A game regarded by many as the beginning of the decline, marking the start of Sonic's “dark age” (a time where the series had lots of good games, but that's besides the point).

But this game is way too cool and made with too much passion for that to be its legacy. Firstly, this game's aesthetic is aggressively vibrant. Sonic and co. are such bold primary colours that at times they look almost cel shaded. The level themes and set pieces are all really inspired too; Ocean Palace and Egg Fleet are both all-timers. While the title track is a bit too “cartoon theme song” for me, there's still plenty of great music here, Mystic Mansion and What I'm Made Of are personal favourites. Being able to switch between different characters on the fly and having them all work together is such a great premise. It makes the game feel dynamic in a way that having all those same mechanics used by just 1 character wouldn't be.

And the cast of characters here is, as far as I'm concerned, iconic. Not only do we have the classics from the Mega Drive and Dreamcast, but also obscure characters from the 32X are brought back, along with 2 brand new mainstays (Cream did appear first in Advance 2, but she was made for this game). This was around the time that the “Sonic’s annoying friends” narrative started to develop, but I'm officially here to say, fuck that shit. Wanting these games to only have Sonic, Tails and Eggman is boring. From the very beginning every Sonic game introduced new characters, each one with a unique personality and great character design. There is a reason that Sonic OCs are some of the most prevalent OCs of any fandom (like, who wants to make a Mario OC?).

You can really tell that Sonic Team wanted to take advantage of this being the first multi-platform Sonic game. A game that would introduce newcomers to a large feeling world full of colourful characters, while blowing them away with blistering speed and non-stop pacing. A game that says “Hey! This is what you guys have been missing!” and for all its problems (and there are many), it certainly succeeds in leaving an impression. It’s definitely not the best Sonic game, but in some ways, it is the MOST Sonic game.

Also fun fact, the 60hz option in the PAL release of this game is a goddamn turbo mode, seriously. For some inexplicable reason, in order to make the PAL version run at 60hz, they actually SPEED UP the game by about 17%! This also includes all in-engine cutscenes, which means they gradually go out of sync with the audio. Now tell me, how can you not love that?

Games pretty fun for the first two zones, pretty visuals, rocking music and gameplay that's fun when its not stop/starting because of your teammates different speeds. Zone 3 and beyond? It's a survival game, death at a moments notice. Scarier then dying light, honestly.

First PS2 game. First Sonic game.

I genuinely adore the level design and variety. Perfect mix of speed, platforming and combat. However the amount of glitches and weirdly jank moments you can have can drag down the experience somewhat considerably at times... Like grinding not being functional and switching to flying formation bouncing you around for some reason. Despite these issues I still love the game lol.

I dont care what people say this game SLAPS

What a snore fest. There is just something extremely unappealing about this game to me. I think the X-factor of why this game rubs me the wrong way is that this and “Shadow the Hedgehog” was the turning point of when Sega completely forgot what made the original Sonic games so fun. Some people like this game and if you are one of them then I respect that. I do think it’s possible to enjoy this game. It’s just not for me