Reviews from

in the past

Society's opinion on music:
you a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe (Amazing)

sonic heroes sonic heroes bind you confine you defying your reign (Stupid, emo, gay)

Wtf has this world come to.....

pretty easily the most bafflingly received 3d sonic i've played. i find it unfathomable this is the one that's so polarizing - even to the point of frequently being compared to its successor for some inane reason

sure, the slipperiness takes getting used to and there's some occasionally janky hit detection... but what else?

i suppose there's something to be said about the more impersonal and back-to-basics narrative. it's a far cry from the sheer ambition sa2 put on display just two years prior, but i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. heroes instead opts for being a straightforward, fun, gamey-ass video game

what's presented here is what most sa1/2 detractors claim to wish those games were - almost nonstop, high class speed stages. seaside hill? grand metropolis? frog forest? egg fleet? these are some of the best zones in the series - and casino park is EASILY the coolest take on that running theme without question. what, you gonna tell me you prefer casinopolis? are you stupid?

i'm not gonna deny there are stinkers in the mission count - the chaotix variant of mystic mansion is fucking abysmal, team dark's enemy rush segments are especially tedious and racing for chaos emeralds frankly feels like complete dog shit no matter who you're controlling - but these sections all amount to a footnote in contrast to what heroes does right - everything else

sick final boss as per usual too. neo metal is so fucking cool and "what i'm made of" is easily a top 5 crush 40 track

...speaking of top tier crush 40 tracks

Let me fill you in with some perspective. I'm someone who used to HATE this game. I hated the controls, the stage gimmicks, the combat, the obnoxious casino levels, the fact that you had to play the game essentially 4 times to fully beat it, etc. I put it down for years after I beat it and that was the end of it.

But years later when I returned to it, I was willing to try and put in the effort to work at getting better at this game's controls and mechanics, learn speedrun tech, all that jazz. I wanted to see what others saw in this game, and low and behold, after putting a lot of time in to improve at this game, Sonic Heroes has quickly become a game I despised, to one of my favorite Sonic games of all time.

I think we should start with the control issue, yes speed formation is slippery and finnicky on a first playthrough, but you have other styles to switch to, power and flight. Both of these are slower and have better traction so it's easier to get a handling on the terrain, but once you DO master speed formation, the movement abilities and cool tricks you can do is second to none. You can rocket accel up slopes and ramps to bypass fan gliding sections, use tornado jump as a means of a double jump, slide off a platform and jump before the animation ends to get crazy distance in the air, combining rocket accel with Tails or Knuckles to get crazy distance, it's super satisfying to pull off.

And in terms of the combat, I'll be the first to say that while it isn't amazing, I think it's very interesting and fun to use for a platformer. You have different means of attacks and different strategies for different enemies (like flying metal enemies needing to be stunned by Tails before it can be taken care of by Knuckles). Knuckles straight punches are super effective at clearing hoards of enemies super fast at the cost of being pretty slippery, but you also have the much safer but slower fireball dunk to take care of enemies this way. Faster combat being a trade off for looser control, while the safer option is more slow. Risk and reward design like this is present all throughout Heroes. Another example of this is using the more unwieldy rocket accel to take off shields and flip the turtle enemies (or even use poles) without slowing down versus stopping to use the whirlwind attack and dealing less damage overall. Leveling up throughout a stage also increases your combat effectiveness tenfold; each character can level up 3 times in a stage, with all levels being reset if you die, rewarding skillful play if you keep your characters leveled throughout. max level speed or flight characters can clear a room much much faster than they originally could against Power, with Power formation absolutely slaughtering giant brutes at max level. And then you get team blast which nukes the entire area you're in killing all enemies on screen, and can also have different effects depending on the team you pick. It's usually best to save Team Blast for when you really need it (such as an area full of enemies with a tough bigger brute character with armor), rather than using it whenever you feel like it.

The levels themselves are a blast to traverse through as well. The levels are expansive with different paths and shortcuts to take with a decent length to each level without any of them really overstaying their welcome. Combine this with the excellent movement mechanics in conjunction with the combat and you have a marvelous high speed platformer.

It's not all perfect though, certain issues I had with the game then still are prevalent now. The casino stages absolutely blow. I don't know who was in charge of the pinball physics needed to go up the tables or steer in Bingo Highway but they completely failed at it. The physics are just all over the place and fluctuate on a whim, often times I can be holding a direction and Sonic just refuses to go in that direction and ends up falling to his death. These can make the pinball sections take forever as you can be constantly stuck on the table because the controls just refuse to work with you at all. The special stages are also still awful. The act of getting to them is fine enough (collecting a key locked in a cage and keeping it throughout the level without getting hurt) but the special stage itself controls like garbage and it's near impossible to see obstacles coming in time while moving at such a ridiculous speed. Team Chaotix as a whole is pretty unremarkable as well, with their gameplay being mission focused. Easily the worst out of all the other teams. The game forcing you to play it multiple times can be a turn off but since I love the core gameplay and level design I'm at least somewhat willing to look past this.

Overall I get why people can not like this game I really do. And I also understand if taking the time to master the controls and mechanics and really "git gud" at the game isn't a guarantee you'll like it (heck I did the same for DMC4 and Sonic Unleashed and I still hate both those games), but I employ you to at the very least give it another look at with everything I said in mind. Sonic Heroes is a very weird but extremely rewarding experience. (Also you don't have that stupid Chao raising crap and the upgrade system is gone + no mechs so I consider this better than SA2 by default. Maybe one day I'll try and 100% the game and get Super Hard Mode.)

•Aviso: estou fazendo a Review da versão do Gamecube•

Sonic Heroes é o primeiro jogo multiplataforma totalmente novo do Sonic para os consoles da Sexta Geração, muitos fãs da série adoram esse jogo, mas será que ele é bom mesmo ? É o que vamos ver !

Para começar, os gráficos, não acho eles nada mal, na verdade até são bonitos na verdade, especialmente as zones como Seaside Hill e a Casino Park que são zonas muito bonitas até os dias de hoje.

A trilha sonora do jogo é sensacional, uma das melhores de toda a franquia na minha opinião, músicas como Sonic Heroes, Seaside Hill, Power Plant, What I'm Made Of, This Machine e Follow Me são as minhas músicas favoritas do jogo.

A História dele acho bem bacana, ela é bem simples, mas adoro como os personagens ficam se interagindo uns com os outros e apesar de ser simples, é divertida, a reta final é legal também com todos reunidos.

Agora começa as críticas, o que eu gostei eu já disse tudo, agora o que eu não gostei, rapaz, é bastante coisa.

A Gameplay tem um conceito super interessante, que é reunir três personagens com atributos de Correr, Voar e Socar, além disso, existe a mecânica de Level Up que é quando você pega um esfera com uma cor sendo azul, vermelho ou amarelo e eles aperfeiçoam o atributo dos personagens deixando eles mais fortes, porém, não acho que ela foi usada com todo potencial.

Os controles são simplesmente escorregadios, andar nesse jogo me dá um medo danado, toda vez que ando eu sinto que algo de ruim vai acontecer, jogar com os personagens tipo Knuckles, Omega, Vector e Big também pode te matar se você não se cuidar direito nos socos.

O Level Design é uma das piores coisas que já vi na minha vida, no começo no jogo é bem legal e interessante, porém quando eu cheguei na Bullet Station, as coisas PIORAM e muito, essa fase em específico foi a fase mais difícil na minha opinião por causa dos vários bugs, além do que as fases desse jogo são gigantes e nada divertidas, os checkpoints ficam muito longe dos outros, acho que o tamanho das fases tinha que ser o mesmo da Team Rose só que mais difícil.

Falando em Bugs, simplesmente incomodam bastante, principalmente quando você faz um Light Speed Dash e erra miseravelmente ou quando está numa rampa e simplesmente você atravessa ela, são coisas como essa que me dão medo.

Os Special Stages voltam, para conseguir entrar "basta" pegar uma chave no Ato 2 de qualquer zona e não levar dano, elas são uma verdadeira porcaria, além de serem difíceis, é simplesmente muito mal feito, as físicas não funcionam e controlar os personagens é muito ruim, pelo menos no Generations do 3DS, elas estão até que legais.

Rank A, ah sim, uma coisa que nunca fui fã é fazer Rank nos jogos do Sonic, porém nesse acho simplesmente horrível, você precisa ir bem na fase, com isso quero dizer que precisa pegar vários anéis, não morrer nenhuma vez, matar vários inimigos e etc, como eu disse antes, o tamanho das fases são gigantes e isso atrapalha mais ainda pegar Rank A na minha opinião.

Os chefes são outra coisa ruim, principalmente os chefes Robot Carnaval e Robot Storm que nem são chefes, só uma horda de inimigos, além disso existe o Egg Emperor que é um péssimo chefe, é difícil de entender como ataca ele.

As batalhas contra as equipes são outra bagunça, já que ou você vence em 1 segundo ou demora uma eternidade.

Esse é Sonic Heroes, um jogo que tentei gostar mas nunca vi graça, na verdade é o jogo da franquia que mais me deixou com raiva, tendo vários problemas graves, então Sonic Heroes é isso, um jogo com ótimas ideias porém não foram executadas de forma boa.

There is a specific way you can look at art. You can appraise it on a technical scale, assess its merits, and incorporate a rubric to try and determine how you ultimately feel about it. That's what my reviews in large part do. However, you can go more free-form and say "This piece of art impacted me in this way that I cannot quantify.", sort of like you're explaining the emotions it evoked out of you and leaving them out for a third-party audience to mull over.

So, in the spirit of trying something new, I will simply say that Sonic Heroes is a video game that has brought the most misery and unhappiness out of me that I can ever recall of any piece of art. Trying to 100% this game was nothing short of a waking nightmare, and it brought out such severe anger in me that I wasn't actually aware I was capable of. This game significantly reduced my capacity to experience joy or contentment during the entire time I was playing it. Every time I sat down to play it, I walked away unquestionably feeling worse.

That is my review of this game.

Oh yeah I love to play the same stage 4 times and play for the same session of the stage 5 times for 10 minutes straight.

Endlessly charming and colorful and spirited but unfortunately playing it is like trying to control a wet bar of soap by blasting it with a leaf blower

Probably one of the most divisive games in the franchise, but personally I like it. It's one of the few titles in the series to satisfy my 'fun controls in 3D platformer' niche, loss of things like the spindash are a shame but otherwise the movement and physics are on crack which I greatly enjoy tinkering with, abilities of different characters will compliment each other (as an example, performing a rocket accel will have all gained momentum translate perfectly into flight, allowing you to cross large gaps with ease.), helps that the levels compliment this a lot too, they're large while also being decently varied but aren't too long or tedious, makes revisiting them or trying to beat your best rank a ton of fun.

Combat isn't my preference in these games, and I don't think it's necessarily praiseworthy here either, but out of all the titles that focus on it, I think it's easily at it's best here. Enemy variety is pretty solid and tend well to your attacks, and it's probably the only combat system in the franchise that rewards and encourages experimenting with your approaches thanks to the level up system and team formation mechanic. Ultimately both of these aspects form an interesting gameplay loop that revolves around frequently swapping between and using your character's abilities throughout the levels to their fullest both in and out of combat, and I gotta say once you put in the work to learning all of it's mechanics and you hit that point of mastery it feels GOOD. Like, really fucking good.

And i'm not trying to wave off criticisms of this game with "git gud." It's easy to see, even as someone who deeply enjoys it why some may greatly dislike it. It has a ton of issues, a lot of glaring ones. The casino stages are - let's face it, dogshit, a lot of the gimmicks such as rail grinding are riddled with jank and sometimes don't work, and having to beat the game with all four teams to unlock the true ending is blatant padding. But despite it's issues, I like Heroes a lot.

Looking at opinions on this is funny since most of the time it's either one of their favorites in the series or they absolutely despise it. I have a bit of a soft spot for this one, especially since it's one of the first Sonic games I played and THE first game I ever properly emulated. I think it's pretty fun with its structure, it almost feels like a classic title with its progression. It'd give it half a star higher, but making you play the game with minimal differences four times for the true ending is very questionable.

Os controles desse jogo são tão precisos quanto um sniper cego. Você tem certeza que vai fazer uma coisa mas morre porque a porra do jogo não entende a tua ação e faz outra coisa. Eu não me incomodo com fases longas, mas de tanto que eu morri nessa porra desse jogo por causa dessa imprecisão fodida de input fez eu ODIAR o tamanho das fases nesse jogo, e eu tenho certeza que não é skill issue porque eu não tive metade desses problemas com SA2. Outro problema dele pra mim é a câmera, quase nunca tá no canto que você quer, e o sistema de final verdadeiro desse jogo é horrendo, zerar um pouco mais de quatro vezes pra pegar um mísero final é se humilhar demais. Além disso, meu save foi corrompido por algum caralho de motivo e eu perdi meu progresso inteiro enquanto eu fazia essa tarefa ridícula. Ademais, eu só digo pra jogar isso se você quiser jogar algo ruim mesmo.

Absolutely putrid game. This sat in the top 10 best selling games in the UK for an entire year after its release, which tells you everything you need to know about this clownish landmass.


Playing this game made me just feel sad, because when it works I think gameplay wise this is my favorite Sonic game, but unfortunately 9 times out of 10 it just doesn't.

It is my life's mission to destroy every copy of Sonic Heroes, or as I prefer to call it: Sonic Losers
I will not fail my mentor, the Game Dude

Found the old family gamecube and needed a memory lane trip with a game i have nostalgia for but never soaked my feet DEEP into. I picked Sonic Heroes. (I promise toadstool tour is coming soon Vee)

I liked Heroes coming back to it. It's really flawed, and I don't think the true ending payoff is worth the effort. And the lack of a proper story arc or conflict makes this pill tougher to swallow than many of the more ethos-focused 3D Sonic excursions.

The team gameplay style is genius and maybe my second-favorite interpretation of 3D Sonic design behind Frontiers. Having 3 separate characters to switch to on the fly for different physics and weights is a more satisfying and fluid design choice than people would like to admit. Toggling between them mid-section to keep momentum up is fun to master, and learning the sections you can break by using the wrong character is even moreso. And hell - I just like playing as three Sonic guys at once. These characters drive the series; having a single adventure where they get to cooperate and quip around seamlessly was a Sonic fan treat I didn't realize I missed out on.

I don't have any critiques you haven't heard before from sonitubers and such. Levels are too long. Special stages suck. Getting to special stages sucks. Getting A-ranks feels good but runs are easier to fuck up than ever because of rail and platforming physics issues - again, exacerbated further by long stage length. Half of my hate for this game is that it's excruciating to slip off a ledge at the 6-minute mark of a level and have to limp to the end with an 'E'. It's so fucking demoralizing. And playing through the game 4 times for a milquetoast bossfight is a bigger blue ball than Sonic himself. And why is there all this effort put into the combat systems but no meaningful bosses to actually use it on?

But what's most frustrating is just how easy it would be to make Heroes a great game. Like, I hate being the 'I fixed it, hire me' guy, but the solution to making Heroes good is as simple as taking each level, chopping it into 4 short quarters, and giving them to each team. That's it. Totally unique content for all 4 playthroughs and all the levels last 2-4 minutes, just like the best of the Adventure games. And that fixes the special stage issue too, because now accessing them is as easy with one team as it is with Rose.

Hell - now that I'm being honest with myself, I don't even think the special stages themselves are as bad as people say? You use Power to grab orbs en masse, then Speed to breakneck ahead. You can avoid most mines entirely by riding the ceiling. Don't hold up; just toggle left and right like 2's special stage. I did this and got every emerald on my first try. I wouldn't argue them being 'fun', but 'tubers like Johnny VS created this weird reputation that they're totally impenetrable, broken messes. But cheesing them is way easier than people realize: It's just getting there that's dumb.

Knowing this was a lot of people's first Sonic game, I'm genuinely shocked nobody at SEGA or in the larger fandom has attempted to fix this game. It's arguably the series entry that would benefit most from a remaster. Frontiers tells me Sonic is finally going back to AAA-adjacent experiences - which will probably have 3-5 year dev time between them. Now is better than ever for SEGA's side studios to use gap years to bring back and spruce up titles like this into something really magical.

I tried. Oh my God, when I tell you I tried, I mean it. I TRIED. I grew up as a kid with the Sonic Anthology on Playstation 2, which included a preview of the newest Sonic to be released next: Sonic Heroes. I was fascinated with it as a kid, it looked so fun. So when I saw it sitting for cheap in a used retro gaming store, I thought - hey, why not?

For the past two months, I have tried every couple days to sit down and chip away at this game. I got 1/2 through all the groups and about 4/5 the way through Team Rose before I had to call it quits. The controls are insanely broken, I have NEVER played a game that made it practically impossible to play, though a friend of mine told me that on Playstation 2 it's infinity worse than on Gamecube, so maybe I need to try it again on another system.

The second I land from being flown in the air, my character is instantly THROWN to the side of the screen, making me fall and have to start from the beginning if it's not a wide enough platform or there's a wall keeping my character from speeding off the edge. Even when there were walls, sometimes my character would make it their goal to glitch through them so they can continue their path to jump to their sweet, sweet death. I tried focusing more on the flying characters as the ones on ground would just fly off the edge whenever given the chance, but instead the character would not always register that I was pressing/slamming my finger down to fly resulting in me ALSO flying off the edges again. When the rails came into play, they looked super fun to ride, only for my character to just glitch through them and fall to their deaths at random points yet again. I was excited for the casino sections as it was my favorite part of Sonic 2, only for my characters to constantly get stuck in circles that were impossible to get out of unless, you guessed it, I let them fall off the sides to their death again.

It sounds like a problem with my controller, and that's what I first thought as well! Except I tried three different controllers and it was still all the same! Fighting against the computers in the game and seeing them also flinging themselves off the edge from not being able to control themselves lead me to believe this is just how the game is. Not to mention constantly having to replay the levels after being thrown off the edges means I got to hear the same lovely catchphrases over, and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and FROGGY?!

Who knows, maybe my copy is busted, maybe the PS2 version is really that glitchy compared to the Gamecube or Xbox one, but all I know is this game was next to impossible to play, and after almost two months of trying with this game, I am done. If I stumble upon a copy on Gamecube for $10, maybe I'll give it another shot.

never touching this broken piece of dogshit ever again

edit: i'm going to be nicer to this game because it has a godlike ost

Growing up, this was one of the only games I had to play on my FAT PlayStation 2. I bought it for 6 dollars pre-owned at a GameStop because I begged my mom for a new game so I could stop playing Nicktoons Unite!

I remember having so much fun playing this game. I played it over and over I think I fucked up the game disc because of it. It might've been the best thing I've ever experienced up until that point in my life. Back then, it was awesome.

Now that I'm grown up, I realize. This game fucking blows. I've tried replaying this game on five separate occasions over the years, and nowadays I keep dropping it around halfway through Team Sonic's campaign because this game is mindless and, honestly, really boring as it goes on.

I don't mind the controls for the game; after playing it extensively, I've grown accustomed to them, and it feels like second nature. In this game, it feels like you have to be super careful so as not to have the game freak out on you, like in Mystic Mansion or Rail Canyon. Sometimes mistakes don't even feel like your fault, and it's just the game shitting itself for no reason. I don't think I should shit my pants trying to position myself correctly so the lightspeed dash doesn't fuck up for no reason, and the Rocket Accel being inconsistent is annoying too. I will say, though, that when you get the right momentum with the game, it can be a blast, especially during the earlier levels.

You can tell Iizuka was struggling with designing the levels towards the end of the game because they just turn into repeated platforming and combat set pieces, and it gets more apparent towards the end of the game. I'm not shitting on Iizuka; I believe he did the best with what he could, and not a lot of people would do what he did in his position, so I respect him a lot for his work here.

Iizuka aside, I don't feel as if this game has content good enough to justify four repeated playthroughs (I'm aware of how different Team Rose/Chaotix's levels are, and I still don't like them). It's kind of a shame, though, because I think this game has very good environmental design and art direction that makes all levels stand out in amazing ways, but the level design itself is nothing to write home about past Power Plant.

Bosses are either too easy or just a chore to sit through. Egg Hawk is embarrassingly easy, and Team battles are mind-numbingly broken. BUT, they're at least better than Robot Carnival/Robot Storm which just feel like they waste time and do nothing interesting except spawn waves of enemies over and over. The final boss is... okay I guess. playing as all teams is a neat idea but they all play the same and the super sonic portion is a nice spectacle fight but that's all it really is to me. Spectacle.

If this game didn't force you to play the same 14 levels and boring/annoying boss fights four times, then I wouldn't be so hard on it, but I can only take so many of the same levels, Robot Carnivals, and bad level design before I turn the game off and play something better.

If I had to pick a favorite team, though, it would be Team Dark. Their campaign has the best balance of challenge and platforming that I like out of all the playthroughs.

This game should not be as good, or as fun as it is to me but it's one of my favourite ever games. Love everything about this game and in my opinion has one of the best soundtracks ever.

Stop me if you heard this one before for a 3d Sonic game: Interesting idea but the execution falls flat.

It's weird. I don't have a problem the way teams work in stages. I don't even mind how combat works for the most part. I think the game does a good job using all 3 formations in this lil beat em up platformer. And it's pretty fast paced like a Sonic game should. Plus it's stage to stage with Special Stages to get emeralds. Like they took the classic formula (in terms of progression) with a twist. Hell, the stages themselves look more inline with classic Sonic than either Adventure game.

The problem lies in I feel.... in everything like the ground controls, stage length and just overall unstable jank. The controls feel very slippery especially in the Speed formation. It's so hard to keep in one direction when you so much as tilt your analog stick in the upper left or right, you go careening off to the sides. They don't appear every time but I also got deaths due to programming jank like not holding forward when going through a loop or ramp then falling off a pit. In Bullet Station, when I got to that part where I get shot though the cannon, I bounced off one of the rails in the flying formation to the very right. The pinball levels are just bad.
Stages in general take too long later on. 5 minutes was already stretching it but then they reach 10 and in Team Chaotix's missions, more than 20 if you get lost in the later missions. Team Rose has the perfect length for this type of gameplay.

Eh. I think it can be okay at best when you're playing as one team. Play with all 4, It gets draining.

Sonic Heroes man, What can I say about it? It's a game I absolutely adore despite its janky, messy, frustrating and repetitive nature throughout the entire game, but despite this, the game is incredibly charming, simple and fun and that's all I ask. This would be one of my favourite Sonic Games, heck one of the best games of all time if it had more time in the oven to fix the issues I'm going too list soon enough in the review, though with the state and development history they have to release it at some point lol.

Before we can begin with the review this review is a slightly repurposed and expanded version of one I used to post in a Discord server I used to be in but have since left not because the server was bad or anything but due to boredeem of talking about the same things and bettering my life as a whole but anyway here is the review.

Sonic Heroes is one of the best 3D sonic Game for these reasons

Level & World Design

Level & World design is fantastic having a balance between it's difficulty, combat, speed, platforming and exploration which feels like a flawless evolution of Classic Sonic in terms of environment and level design philosophy, the cartoony world of Classic Sonic has been transported to next generation hardware (at the time) and looks better than the Adventure games imo barring the character models. Each level feels unique and varied with each stage having a balance between spectacle and fun straight forward levels, being the perfect balance of SA1 and SA2 Level design. The exception for this is Team Rose as it's too short and easy and some of Team Dark as it throws a bit to much some times.

Mechanics & Physics
The Mechanics are great, characters are a bit fast and slippery, making it frutstaing when you fly off a cliff and flight characters not being in a totem pole other than using a switch but other than that, it's great being clear and simple to learn yet complex to master, the team mechanic while simple provides a somewhat unneeded shake up (still a bit salty on the loss of the Bounce Bracelet and Spin-Dash but the Triangle Jump and Rocket Accel are neat) but is somewhat understandle to cater to newer fans, but putting that aside the Team work with all 12 Characters is fun as it doesn’t have different gameplay styles that ruin the game like the adventure games and instead does something like Sonic 3&K where the characters are relatively the same but have different attributes to make them both fun and somewhat unique.

Story & Writing
The story is simple but still respects past material like with Shadows character and the retconned introduction to the Chaotix and is a great entry point for new fans (Side Note I know from experience as this game reintroduced to the series after the first Sonic Movie) , The Main Villain (Neo Metal Sonic) is also quite underrated having a good motive and Plan, his writing is surprisingly great as he has turned into something so unrecogniseable from Sonic only to justify his existence, i probably think this is my favourite sonic villain just of sheer threat and writing alone. The game has a chill theme compared to the literal Gods bulit up and we had to fight in the first 2 games throughout but still having huge stakes unlike the lastest sonic games, this is mainly due to the strong character writing and interactions, this is the first game with Character interactions throughout the game instead of the final story like in SA2 and it really does make Heroes special, it's complemented by the decent though admittedly dated voice acting, they finally nailed the voice acting in this game apart from Tails and Charny who sound awful and have the opposite problem to the Bringas Bros of which they overact instead of underacting, but aside from that I feel like every character just sounds and feels right to me and have some great VA direction, Metal Sonic especially I wish they kept his voice for future games, being the final console game to use these voices, it feels like a great send off to these characters and has somewhat of a sense of finality to it kinda like Advance 3.
The Presentation is Great, the OST while on the lower end of Sonic games due to only having one style of music, still sounds great with some memorable songs such as the beach and metropolis stages, The Vocal themes are also great, each one perfectly embodying the Team dynamic and personalities. Graphics (Barring the CGI Cutscenes with the characters) is one of the best looking sonic games at the time and heck and heck even now barring Unleashed, Colours and Generations due to it's great artstyle with bright colours, great models (without the gloss might I add), and Fantastic & Unique Enviroments being zone ideas from the past but have enhanced due to being 3D now and having the spectacle from SA2.

The amount of content is outstanding yet is Heroes biggest issue, being on of the biggest sonic games with Many missions and multiplayer, however at a cost they aren't very good quality wise, Each story mode is basically a glorified Difficulty select, (Team Rose=Easy/Ring, Team Sonic=Normal/Time, Team Dark= Hard/Enemy & Team Chaotix=Wild-card) but the issue is you're forced to do them even a Tutorial for Team Rose, though since I had fun with nearly every main level (even including the special stages) I can't complain though the Bosses are easily the weakest part, I don't like the Eggman bosses their either too easy or janky, The rival bosses are laughable and the Enemy storms aren't even Bosses though the final Boss is great.

Sonic Heroes is probably the most flawed 3D Sonic Game as it has some horrible issues even not present in 06 or Rise of Lyric but I don't care man, I have an insane amount of fun with Sonic Heroes due to its charming and challenging nature, that's what matters to me the most, What a game does well instead of what it doesn't do, I feel like Heroes does some much right as it's insanely fun, and don't get me wrong if you hate this game that's completely fine it's not for everyone (Though some people like the Arin just have a skill Issue lol) but you have to admit the game has a certain charm to it that no Sonic game has or has been achieved since, you can tell the Team wanted to make the best Sonic Game they could with all the odds stacked against them such as porting to the PS2, the insane amount of Crunch, developing for a new fanbase Delays and more and for them to succeed in mine and many other eyes and being a commercial sucess makes this game all the more greater which is why I can't stand excuses with games such as Colours Ultimate or Fronteirs because I know people subject to this can make great games and this wonderful game proves it.

Wow, I didn't expect to write that as my conclusion but yea, Game good you should go play it.


Anyone who claims to like this game is incorrect. Especially if their name is Josh.

I liked this game as a child
now as I play it as an adult, I can easily say that this game SUCKS
emerald challenges SUCK

Hoje aprendi a lição que não é bom revisitar amantes da infância... ok, vou ser direto, esse jogo é uma droga.

Eu tinha boas lembranças dele, de passar nas fases como manteiga, e o épico final, Isso ainda se mantém, mas agora entendo o porquê desse jogo ser tão odiado. Por algum diabo de motivos, muitas fases do jogo tem a sacanagem de te jogar em um buraco gratuitamente, que se for pela primeira vez, você não vai nem conseguir reagir. O maior causador de morte vai ser os corrimões, puta merda, pra essa merda grudar no personagem, você tem que cair bem em cima dele, porque só um pouquinho para o lado, já era, tu cai em um buraco, e eles tiveram a audácia de fazer uma fase inteira focada nisso, e ela também é responsável por ter os piores deslocamento de personagem, sempre te jogando em um buraco de graça. Caso você não tenha entendido, muitas molas te jogam pra uma direção, porém pra direção errada, e isso acaba te matando, ou você é cai e erra miseravelmente um corrimão. Outra merda são as "cordinhas" (não sei o nome disso, mas são aquela parada que o personagem pega e vai pra cima ou pra baixo), quando você pega ela e chega até seu limite, ao personagem sair dela, ele pula, então graças a genialidade de level design, tu pode acabar se jogando em um buraco... goty.

Outra coisa é o jogo ser "escorregadio" no começo não entendia muito esse conceito, e agora tenho noção dessa porcaria de jogabilidade. Os boneco do jogo são muito atrapalhado quando há muitas plataformas pequenas, esse problema fica mais aparente nas fases finais, com plataformas menores, quando sonic pula para uma delas, você pega toda a sua velocidade e vai para o buraco sem parar. O jogo até tem uma mecânica de parar o personagem quando ele chega na ponta, mas às vezes o personagem não para, então essa porcaria não serve para nada. E seria até skill issue cair no buraco frequentemente, porém eles não estavam satisfeitos, e agora o personagem vira para outra direção quando encosta em uma parede, puta que pariu, como eu morri graças a essa merda.

Acho que dava pra fazer um compilado de 15 minutos de eu morrendo por essas escolhas de design e mecânicas questionáveis. Até parece que não testaram o jogo antes de lançar, ou eram bons demais nas fases para perceberem defeitos.

Outra merda são os chefes, nenhum, nenhum mesmo se salva, além do boss final. Todos os chefes desse jogo se baseiam em ficar apertando X com personagem de velocidade até ele morrer, porque eles não fazem nada pra te impedir, e duas das batalhas de chefes são uma wave de inimigos, que graças aos personagens de força, são fáceis pra caramba. E uma coisinha legal em ideia que implementaram aqui, foram as lutas de time... que é só pegar um personagem de força e espamar ataque aéreo que tu vence em 15 segundos, que pedaço de merda.

No jogo é necessário zerar ele com todos os times e pegar todas as esmeraldas do caos (que tem um puta minigame merda), para assim conseguir o final verdadeiro. Muitas pessoas vê isso como chatice, mas eu acho que o jogo melhora um pouco com você rejogando, muitas partes você já sabe como reagir, e a cada jogada as habilidades vão melhorando, e foram essas memórias que me deram uma boa percepção desse jogo, e vale totalmente a pena, a luta final é uma das coisas mais épicas que teve na franquia, todo meu sofrimento agora virou "what i'm made of", banger demais.

Sempre ficava me questionando o porquê das pessoas odiarem tanto o jogo, e agora entendo isso. De qualquer forma, ainda gosto de jogar ele, a versalidade de trocar de personagem, os atalhos que tem nos estágios, é simplesmente maravilhoso jogar ele quando funciona, porém entendo quem odeia esse jogo, ele possui muito mais defeitos do que qualidade, e acredito que sonic pode ser muito melhor do que isso... NÃO É? SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG.

Pretty fun when the game is working properly, some of the best 3D Sonic stages in general are found here, on the other hand it's absolutely infuriating when I'm there kicking ass with all my characters at level 3, in a nearly flawless run... Only to get killed by some fucking bullshit like falling off the loop because the script broke, a spring/ramp not working the way it should or randomly careening off the platform into a bottomless pit.

If I had to pick any Sonic game to get a remake, it would be this one, at least Adventure 1 is still a solid game, but Heroes actually is a waste of great level designs, ideas and music.