Reviews from

in the past

Actually finished it for the first time after numerous attempts as a younger unskilled kid in the 2000's.

This game is just as peak as I remembered.

This might be nostalgia talking, as this was the very first GameCube game I ever played 20 Christmases ago, but I genuinely don’t understand why critics at the time slammed this game so hard. It’s fine. It’s not much more than fine, and I can’t genuinely recommend playing it, but it’s not nearly as bad as the reviews would lead you to believe. As far as licensed games go it gets far, far worse than this.

This game sucks ass but I played it a ton as a kid.

This game was a lot of what I've played since I was a kid, however, it can get pretty dull once you've completed most of the content

The most underrated Ninja Turtles game in my opinion. I remember having so much fun playing this, and the music for the first level is BANGING!

Good god these levels are so long, and the enemies take ages to die! Or maybe it just feels that way because it's a tedious button-masher that's clearly been designed for more than one player.

Either way it's not terrible but it is just kinda meh I guess.

I forgot what I did in this game

An ultimately solid 3D brawler that falls apart on the final two stages. I had always thought as a kid that I got slightly boned on just having the GBA game, but this is one of the rare instances where the handheld game is leagues better than its console counterpart. Besides getting some concept art unlockables in the console version, and equally fantastic original music, everything is done better in the GBA version.

Is this worth playing for TMNT fans? Sure, I got a lot out of it and even though I refuse to go for the true ending (just watch that shit online lmao) on this stint, I wouldn't mind going through the entire game with more turtles with friends or family.

Had a lot of nostalgia for this game back on the Gamecube, but it gets way too repetitive for my liking. TMNT fans will like this one though.

It's pretty funny, short and repetitive, but still funny

Beat em up divertido para jugar coop.

I always thought the food in this game looked good

An underrated Turtles game! A bit basic sure, but has charm and good staples of a classic 3D beatem-up.

Já me diverti e ainda me divirto muito com esse jogo. É um beat 'em up "moderno" bem aceitável da 6ª geração, que entrega o que propõe de maneira divertida. Na época em que foi lançado eu achava ele um jogo muito necessário pelo fato de que desde o SNES não tínhamos um jogo minimamente DECENTE das tartarugas. Joguei muito nas locadoras com os amigos e até em casa mesmo, é legal sozinho ou co-op e ainda hoje às vezes me pego jogando. A única coisa que realmente me desagrada é que você pode estar na última fase de um estágio, se você morrer vai voltar para a primeira e ter que passar por tudo novamente, o que faz com que seja frustrante. Mas o jogo é legal e tem uma boa gameplay a ponto de não te fazer desanimar de continuar. Fica melhor ainda se você tiver assistido o desenho, que passava na saudosa Tv Globinho na época.

have always liked the animation in this

É um jogo legal, lembrava dele ser mais divertido, mas mesmo assim ainda vale a pena pelas tartarugas e pelo gênero que hoje em dia faz falta!

Definitivamente um dos beat'n'up já feitos.

a gem my brother and i rented from blockbuster and spent tons of time on 🥺

Muito divertido. Jogava na época com minha mãe.

I remember when I was a kid I used to cry at the game over screen because the music made me sad.

If handled with care during development this game could have been good. It's a simple beat'em up with limited combos, repetitive enemies and too long scenario's. Mediocre product.

This could've done with some better difficulty settings because I remember it feeling obnoxiously hard towards the end and these types of beat-em-ups simply do not need to pretend they are high-skill games.

Regardless, I really loved the majority of the game and thought the cut scenes from that era of the cartoon was a great way to move through the plot.

An ordinary bitemap transformed into a cheap 3D with boring 3-button combat and slow (VERY) enemies

gameplay can be so reptitive but I can recommend this game as a great COOP experience especially with a little TMNT fan

I remember this game really being great, and falling in love with it shortly after I rented it from BlockBuster for that weekend.

Great co-op brawler in the vein of the classic arcade games. The sequel improved on it though.

This was a really good entry for the TMNT videogames franchise. I played a lot back in the day, the action, gameplay and all the colors and style of the ninja turtles, everything was pretty well done. I really hope to see this game again, maybe in the Nintendo Switch.

Eat feet eat feet eat feet eat feet