Reviews from

in the past

Unironically better than The Witness

Nice spoof on The Witness, very funny and actually tricky in parts, I felt well entertained.

Helps to have some knowledge of The Witness going in but not necessary to get humor out of the game

nice fun little game with clever idead

its a pretty good parody, i feel like it might bash the witness a bit too much
optimization could've been a bit better but its whatever.

Genuinely got a few laughs out of me and has some pretty clever puzzles in the mix. Loses some points for me though because of some wack controlling and awful optimization.

Witty game. Wonder what Jonathan Blow thinks of it lmaoo

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Great ending

This game alone makes it worth it to play The Witness.

An absolute killer parody of The Witness. 10/10 humor
5/10 game.

The terrace puzzle is bad. I'm embarrassed to say that I had to look up a playthrough to get passed it. If your silly parody game requires you to make a leap in understanding without telling the player, unfortunately, you're not better than the game you're parodying.

Harder than The Witness but better in every single other aspect

انا اعشق العاب الالغاز واللعبة ذي قدمت لعبة الغاز بفكرة جديدة وجميلة جدا حبيت فكرتها جدا وحبيت الكوميديا الظريفة يلي فيها وكل شي فيها بيرفكت مع الاخذ بعين الاعتبار كونها لعبة مجانية

It's a fun parody game of The Witness. It doesn't try to be deep at all at it, the puzzles are okay and the game delivers exactly what it proposes, nothing else. Very short, I recommend it just to be able to say you've played it and was mildly amused.

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It’s a dick joke

I don't have anything bad to say here. Good game, funny commentary, ending blew me away.

Parody game of "The Witness" was very funny at times and had some genuinely clever puzzles. That "On rails" achievement sucked to get though

Never played The Witness but I played this. Had a decent time with it, laughed at a lot of the jokes. The puzzles were actually pretty good, too!

Maybe i should play the original, not the parody. This left a lot to be desired and little impression

Eh. Kinda funny, some puzzles felt dumb. Worth a try if you have an hour or two to burn and like puzzles

Perfect tribute/parody to The Witness.

Eine ganz nette Parodie mit ein paar guten Scherzen. Die Rätsel sind in Ordnung, aber nicht wirklich besonders.

Genuinely as creative if not moreso than The Witness in both puzzle design & loopholes, though at points just as annoying to figure out (as intended). Need to compile those audio logs, they're all gold.

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The ending of this game is one of the ________ ending in gaming. Nice free game.

I played The Witness for about an hour and genuinely hated it. I am not a fan of puzzle games and it felt like the video game equivalent of nails on a chalk board. This though, this is it. This game was really funny and enjoyable. I loved the puzzles and even the tougher ones were still fun for me. Everything tied together to make the game one of the funniest I've played in a while and had a lot of charm throughout. While the game is very short, it felt handcrafted to be enjoyable start to finish and has absolutely zero filler. For a free game I think this is a must play. If you have any motion sickness issues with first person games I might recommend playing it in increments though as I started to feel sick towards the end and I'd imagine others may too.