Reviews from

in the past

Game breaking glitch makes it impossible to progress.

j'ai adoré ce jeu j'y jouait pas seul mais je l'ai refait en solo et ça restait une bonne expériences, étant fan de LOTR

Un muy buen action RPG, con buen combate y una historia que aporta un poco de lore a la guerra del anillo.

what that other guy said. i played this a shitton with my dad and the game always felt like it took a few years off of my lifespan

i remember this game being really, really long. i fell like when i've beaten it in the early 10's, i must have been playing it for months or years.

Sucessor espiritual de Golden Axe

beat this game with three of my other friends, if you enjoy the lord of the rings movies and the books as well as the hobbit, you'll love this game. it puts you in the atmosphere of the world made by Tolkien. this game is a little janky for modern day standers but for a game that came out over a decade ago it is perfect.

Currently playing co-op with my brother. May not finish.
Mechanically, the game reminds me of Dragon's Dogma and Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning--a rather slow-paced hack 'n' slash mixed with an RPG. Enemies are very spongey and everything is very brown.

Didn’t finished it. But I remember fun couch coop sessions with my friend. Despite being quite simple.

Jogo legal do universo LOTR, finalizei a campanha solo, mas parece ser interessante para jogar com amigos

This was a fun co-op focused successor to Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (even being made by the same developers).

It has a virtually non-existent story with comically bland characters, and the plot all too conveniently lines up with the timing of Frodo's journey. The three main characters are kind of meant to be vessels for the three of you to inhabit, but even as vessels they fail. I feel little connection to any of them. The only time there was any real presentation of character traits and flaws was at the beginning of the final level, when Eradan helps Farin climb a mountain despite his stubbornness. More of this would have been great, and especially fun to discuss with friends while playing. Beleram the Eagle was by far my favourite character because he was always there in time.

The game was also buggy, but rarely in an intrusive way. Most of them were really entertaining, as bodies would collapse during combat or fly every which way, particles floating around when our weapons disappeared in cutscenes, hair clipping through armour, as well as cutscenes having visual bugs like the other eagles being frozen in the corner of the screen, or two of the same character appearing at once. There were also some hilarious pacing issues when cutscenes would trigger; combat would be cut short and then the characters would just be standing around talking. The most intrusive bug occurred when we'd choose to return to the hub mid-level, and then try to go back to where we were, and we'd be separated, forcing a level restart. The game is not polished overall; I've had a few instances where I was locked into a combo by multiple enemies. You don't have any invincibility frames in the game, to my knowledge. It's awkward.

With all of this said...the game, at its core, is really fun. I think the gameplay loop is solid, and though its level design and variety pales in comparison to Dark Alliance, it provided enough engagement and strategy to keep things fresh throughout, despite repetition seeping in toward the end. It was great fun to experience with friends; just an man, elf and dwarf on a quest together. Sharing laughter and commentary on the game itself. It was just as much fun to pick on as it was to actually play. The environmental design was also GORGEOUS, a beautiful realization of Middle-Earth in the interactive medium for sure.

I completely understand why the game flopped upon release; going up against Dark Souls the same year and Skyrim the same WEEK wasn't going to be easy. It also isn't the most polished or interesting game from the outside looking in. Hell, even on the inside, it doesn't have a lot to call its own. But it was fun, and I'd recommend it if you have a couple of friends that love Lord of the Rings and want something goofy and fun to play. (Actually the game was delisted, you can't get it anymore on digital storefronts lmao)

Played this with a friend in one day. We got to the last boss then my dad turned the internet off. We never went back to it.

What I did play was super enjoyable as a long-time fan of Lord of the Rings. If you dont like LOTR. You probably won't get as much out of it.

A really solid One Of Those (being a B-Game RPG/looter-slasher) that actually does quite a lot with the Lord of the Rings license that I wish other games would have done.
It connects to the story of the books just enough to provide context, but not so much you feel like the Tardy Tag-Along Crew from The Third Age. Getting to see places like Fornost, the Barrow-Downs, and Gundabad mentioned in the books but never visited in the films is fun.
In my opinion, this is the way to handle licensed content - a competent story about new characters, largely (or ideally, completely) independent of the parent story, respecting the tone and ideas of the original but doing something new.
It's a shame the game did pretty poorly and sank any chance of ever seeing anything like it going forward.

I have basically no memory of this game which likely means that it was boring and unispired. I know I played it. I'm pretty sure I beat it. Sad that it left literally no impression on me.

Okay so this isn't a very good game in terms of game
it's probably the most respectable fanwork of original tolkien's work that exists. It explains the story of what happened on the lands of the north while everything was happening with LotR, and it accomplishes not stepping on anything tolkien said or the tone of the original works. That is, by itself, the most respectable accomplishment any lord of the rings product has ever got since the movie adaptation of LotR.

So close to greatness, the art-style is still gorgeous with levels that look like paintings, excellent animations and flowy combat. But the game is weighed down by uninteresting main characters, a shorter campaign, and lots of bugs. Music is fantastic, the writing feels appropriately Tolkien (if albeit sometimes simplified) but seeing characters from the lore in the Peter Jackson aesthetic universe like Elladan and Elrohir as well as Halbarad is awesome and they fit the movie's aesthetics perfectly. Voice acting is all over the place, some Fellowship members especially are jarringly different from their movie counterparts despite having the same design as the films (Elrond is especially very different from Hugo Weaving's performance as Elrond). The player characters are all blandly voice acted, but there are some good performances here! The fantastic original character of Beleram the Great Eagle is amazingly voice-acted, the before-mentioned lore characters of the Elven twins Elladan and Elrohir sound perfect for the setting and characters. Gandalf (while sounding different from Ian McKellen), is a fantastic interpretation of the character. Legolas and Gimli sound good, as well as a few others! If they gave this another half year to year in development, I think this could have been one of the ARPG greats, but sadly it is instead a truly flawed hidden gem, it is very much worth playing and is a blast doing so, but it could have been so much more. I overall recommend it for the fantastic aesthetics straight from the films and greater Legendarium of Tolkien, very fun hack and slash combat with gory finishers, and just sheer enjoyment! Have fun!

i borrowed this game from a guy i went to high school with and i played it nonstop because it was so satisfying and fun to play but then i stopped talking to that guy because he was a FREAK and forgot that i had the game but he kept coming to my house repeatedly and calling me all the time for MONTHS and then one day my brother answered the door and found out he was using getting this game back as an excuse to keep trying to contact me and my brother went to get the game for him and i remember the heartache i felt watching him walk to the door with this game in hand from where i was hiding out of sight in the hallway. i miss it but i never heard from that guy again.

this game is a contender for most times completed I think, me and a friend just used to run the campaign everyday for weeks towards the end of 2012, fond memories

Game breaking glitch prevented completion.

One of my favourite childhood games, it's such a massive shame it isn't available anymore. I'm glad I still have it though, it's an amazing game.

Eh. Might come back to it at some point, but the combat is far too repetitive for me to care right now. If you've played 5 minutes of the combat, congratulations, you've played the whole game. The story isn't nearly captivating enough for me to care to keep going.

Combat is simple and repetitive, but that's fine because it's so satisfying. Animations are incredibly clean, combos and crits are intuitive but not so easy it's boring. Seriously wish Skyrim's melee combat was like this. All equipment and weapons are also fantastically visually designed. No one's here for the story but that's just as well because whoever wrote the dialogue needs to be shot, it was cringe when I was 10 and it's unbearable now. Extra half a star for combining multiplayer and unique classes/skill trees. Seriously if WitN and Skyrim combined it would be the best high fantasy game of all time

I had to abandon this halfway through due to the game-breaking Beleram/Mirkwood glitch (that this remained unpatched speaks for the game's lack of polish), but I wasn't that annoyed to let it go. The gameplay is rather simple, with basic hacking n' slashing, basic levelling, and basic loot. I alternated between the three characters each level, yet they play largely the same (and character-wise they're bland). I would've liked to switch between characters mid-level (for the character specific actions), but it seems this game was mainly designed for co-op. It is at least neat that the plot runs in tandem to the main story, and that you get to visit some of the unseen locations.

Não vi os filmes da saga então não posso dizer se é fiel aos filmes, mas é divertido da sua maneira. Zerei com um amigo, jogar sozinho deve ser uma experiência ruim.

This game kinda sucks. Combat is very one dimensional, gear kinda feels shoved in, and its way too linear to my taste.

I'm not even that big of a fan of the middle earth stuff, but damn this game filled so much time for my cousin and I growing up, and it's still a damn fun hack and slash rpg.