Reviews from

in the past

The surreal clay art style of this game is the obvious selling point of this point and click adventure. It gets better when our progression is rewarded with funny claymation cutscenes. Althought most problem solving and puzzles are intuitive enough, like many games of this genere, it's easy to get lost if you don't have a guide.

I'd like to pick it up again and finish it someday.

The Neverhood is a truly lovely point-n-click adventure that is chock-full of vision and creativity. The design of the world is clearly thought out, as shown by 40 rooms of lore engraved walls! The art style of the game mimics a clay visual that is incredibly unique looking. The puzzles of course are very prevelant though a bit of backtracking for some can prove troublesome. And of course the music is a great memory that'll forever live on in various playlists for me.

Definitely recommended if you enjoy point and clicks.

Firmly believe that if this were a good video game, it would be the best video game of all time.

Not always a fan of people using "if x had a baby with y" as a descriptor for anything, but I really kept thinking this is what it would be like if Aardman Animations made Earthbound.

I don't know the last time (if ever) that I cried laughing at a game. Neverhood checks almost every box for me, but there's bash your head against the wall backtracking and puzzle solutions in here for sure.

I've been wanting to play this game since I was in high school, and I think that the experience will stay with me for a very long time. If you factor in the reality that I might not ever replay this, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of it's short run time.

Man, things are good.

I would do anything to have more games that look like this You have no idea.

Criado inicialmente em 1996 para o PC e mais tarde para o PS1 (que é a versão que peguei), The Neverhood é um jogo ousado, nem digo necessariamente para a sua época, mas em como ele foi um dos pioneiros em utilizar o estilo Claymation para os seus gráficos, algo que praticamente não envelheceu e mesmo nos dias atuais é possível aprecia-lo sem ver ele como um jogo velho.

Não há muito no que se falar do jogo, até porque ele não te conta uma história, você só controla um personagem que é chamado de Klaymen, personagem no qual entra em uma jornada para descobrir suas origens seguindo as ilustrações, que é onde maior parte da história se concentra e cabe à você interpretar, e cartas encontradas pelo jogo, que servem como dicas para os Puzzles que você vai fazer.

Sou bastante suspeito para o quanto posso falar bem dos diversos pontos do jogo, já que Point and Click é um dos meus gêneros favoritos dos jogos e Claymation/Stopmotion é uma das minhas técnicas favoritas de animação. Mas não é só sua gameplay e visual que me encanta, mas também a trilha sonora, que é bastante animada e criativa, onde por maior parte parece misturar um pouco do Blues com um estilo mais infantil. Uma música em especial que eu gosto bastante é a "Everybody Way Oh!", ela tem um toque bem simples e relaxante de um instrumento que me soa como um violão enquanto que o vocalista canta diversas vezes o título da música.

Esse jogo expressa carísma por todo lugar e oferece alguns desafios interessantes que te fazem pensar, mas que há uma lógica neles, e com as dicas das cartas não há necessidade de você buscar um detonado como acontecia com diversos Point and Click da época, com uma excessão, a partir do momento que você chega na metade do jogo, ele começa a ter alguns desafios muito específicos, que ou vão exigir uma atenção mais extrema, nesses momentos até as cartas não ajudam muito. Eu não diria que esse é um ponto negativo, mas acaba incomodando por te fazer ficar batendo a cabeça na parede até entender o que você deve fazer.

E bom, acho que isso é uma conclusão, é um jogo encantador e carismático, que brevemente conforta e diverte.

In 1998 my father came home with a copy of this game that he won at work (He worked for Microsoft at the time) and I remember looking at the big box in the car ride home (I was only 4 years old and my mom would bring me with her to pick up my dad) and just being fascinated. I played through it once with my mom when I was a little older, maybe 6 or 7 (I used to sit on her lap and play point and click adventures with her) and I remember it being such a blast. Fastfoward 20 years and these memories are so very special to me and so is this game.

This game to me represents a time where creativity flourished in the industry. Developers took risks and whether that was rewarded or not did not matter. It was a time of pure freedom in gaming. A freedom that the industry has long since lost sight of, save for a large handful of mostly indie devs. Idk call me old or short sighted but they just don't make em like this anymore. Sure the game isn't perfect. Klayman takes forever to get anywhere, some of the puzzles are eyerollingly obtuse, and there is some pointless back tracking. This however is met with a fun quirky sense of humor, beautiful stop motion animation work, and a charm that just wont quit.

10/10 Thank You The Neverhood

the music, animation, voice acting, and story/setting are all great, but it offends modern players with pointless, time wasting puzzles that force us to do dreadfully slow backtracking. I still wouldn't recommend watching on Youtube since, like many games in this genre, the frustration and stumping are part of the intended experience.

This is so early in my memories of gaming that sometimes I wonder it this was real and if my mind is making it up. Every once in a while I get a flashback to the monster chase scene.


Bordel de chiasse que ce jeu est sous-côté sa mère. POURQUOI IL EST PAS DANS SMASH, HEIN ?!!

This game absolutely oozes style and creativity! A delight every time I feel the need to go back and play through it

The Neverhood is one of my favorite point and clicks. It's world and atmosphere are unmatched, and the game being made entirely of clay is insane.

The lore that the world this game takes place in spans for almost an entire books worth. Not joking. There's a 40 screen long hallway containing all of it. It's actually a very good read!

Gameplay isn't so bad to boot. I actually really like quite a lot of the puzzles in the game, and exploring the Neverhood and seeing where I will end up next was fun! There are a few puzzles here and there that are tedious for what feels like the sake of it, but nothing too bad.

A thoroughly aggravating slapstick adventure that makes the player the butt of it's schadenfreude. It's also one of the best graphic adventure games ever made. Maybe better to watch someone else play than to actually play though.

Best game ever to be based on a biblical story.

what a chore. what a pain. this feels like the most annoying, brash kids show ever made with dumbass puzzles. it's just not enjoyable.

Best point n click adventure game ever imo. I replay it all the time. Always a guaranteed good time

I can appreciate a lot about this game and what it brought to the point and click games and I adore its art style and quirkiness a lot but man the puzzles and backtracking really drag this thing down. Shame, this would have been a favorite if it wasn't so annoying at points.

Great game. FUCK Doug TenNapel tho.

This game is really interesting. I went into this game with no expectations because I've never heard of it until recently. After playing it though, I realize why a lot of people really enjoy this game. It's wacky, funny, weird, crazy, creepy, challenging, and everything in between. It's like playing a cartoon that is always coming up with something new to tickle your brain and make you laugh. And the biggest part is the fact that everything is animated with real clay. You can really tell that a lot of love and effort was put into this game. The developers had a crazy idea and were luckily able to go through with it all the way.

definitely one of the more unique games ive played in my childhood. oozes personality and creativity.

fuck doug tenapel though.

I used to play the hell out of this game in the computer lab when i was younger

Great game. Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

One of my favorite games of all times!!! The OST is the best, the characters are great and memorable, the plot is so fun and silly with incredible and witty jokes, THE GRAPHICS, DESPITE BEING VERY PIXELATED BY TODAY'S STANDARDS, ARE STILL CHARMING AND NOTICEABLY REALLY WELL MADE AND HAVE A LOT OF EFFORT PUT IN!!!!!! god, i wish more people discussed this game! DAMN!!!

Tons of personality and some incredibly obtuse puzzles. I definitely prefer Skullmonkeys' gameplay and music, but this has some pretty great jokes. Just make sure you're comfortable being the butt of the joke.

This has more lore than the entirety of One Piece and yet it's still underrated. I hate this planet.

My Dad's favorite game ever and the first point-and-click game I ever played. Some puzzles are a bit obtuse thought that is fitting with the theme. Incredible animation and art style.

The only score of mine that might be affected by nostalgia. So maybe subtract half a star if you want to.