Reviews from

in the past

A fun platforming experience.

Fun movement and a decently interesting story, but it's short runtime prevents Valley from really shining.

No le entendi un pito, pero fue divertido

This game feels like a good dream. I really love the movement, it feels like an upgraded version of A Story About My Uncle. The narrative is not really a strong point and a bit too overbearing for this kind of game, but it does manage to integrate different environments into the gameplay, all discoverable with great movement. A pleasure all around.

This is on sale a Lot on the switch, get it

really enjoyed the time i spent with this. didn't hold my attention for a full playthrough, but there are some really awesome moments. wish more of it was like level 3(iirc) where it's a more open banjo-kazooie feeling experience.

Fuck nature.
I wanna jump higher.

So my view of this game is that it, boiled down to its essentials, can be summed up as a simple concept that is a feeling I desire occasionally. I just want to control a character in a 3D space sometimes, and I want that to feel good. In this, it is all about traversal, moving through this space that is a fairly pretty wooded area using your superspeed power armor.

You could also say this is a bit like one of the 3rd tier writers of bioshock went on to direct a new sonic game. It never hits the peaks but has some of the worldbuilding and stylistic flair copped directly from bioshock. It's not too bad for that, but in a sense it feels like it cheated off the homework of bioshocklike Singularity, which in turn was cheating off of bioshock, and then it was wanting to make a game that de-emphasized the combat. Frankly, I don't have a problem with that. It was brief, but mostly fun except a couple segments that stretched a little too long and being occasionally a little confusing to navigate. It was generous in its 3D platforming that doesn't add for challenge, but gives you that brief burst of dopamine when you inevitably land true from a huge leap.

In a sense, it's also a bit like a playable rollercoaster. Not much combat, mostly movement along sometimes literal tracks, but that's still enjoyable to me. It's not -great- but it's good enough, and it won't wow you but it's worth sinking some hours into.


This was a nice little game that was decently fun and didn't overstay its welcome. The music was really good and it was pretty fun to casually go fast in. Definitely worth it on sale, and it goes on sale a lot.

A little indie game I finished in a day: the premise is you have an exoskeleton suit that can manipulate nature growth/degradation, so you can run about at fast speeds shooting 'orbs of growth' for lack of better terms, it had a nice little original story and the gameplay was okay for what it was, a nice one and done game

Really enjoyed this one. If you're a fan of "linear" first person shooters/adventure games, you'll probably like this.

Pro tip: Turn on "replay audio dialog" or whatever in the settings. There's a bug that prevents audio from playing sometimes without this on and you'll miss parts of the story otherwise.

Worth a look for people open to a different take on first-person platforming. Introduces new abilities at a healthy pace for its three-ish-hour run time.