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in the past

Bizarre, abrasive, and esoteric in all the ways I love. The mechanics are very tough to get to grips with, jank is common, and combat encounters are frustrating at points, but when it clicks it's incredibly engrossing.

Honestly the combat isn't bad its just that this is a weirdo ass game and not in the good way

I give the gameplay a 2.5 star rating, but the atmosphere a 4.5.

The world of Zeno Clash is WEIRD and I find it intriguing, even though the gameplay feels like beating my skull against another, bigger, thicker skull (it hurts).

I don't know if there's anyone out there who I would recommend it to, but if you're some kind of freak then maybe it's worth a look?

Zeno Clash explores some interesting ideas and while I don't love the gameplay it's good enough to not get in the way of the interesting unique parts.

One of my favourite video game worlds - it is really one of a kind, Corwids of the Free are an amazing concept. Gameplay is fine, it is fun for the most part, sometimes a little exhausting. It needs some polish, but I still wish it was longer

What a cool story and interesting combat. Fun with the source physics and cool character designs. I think Source still has the best NPC eye look and tracking in the biz. Great character stuff really is all in the eyes.

shoot. this game rules. almost have way through now. Them Source physics were made for clobbering weird lookin fools

Words fail to describe Zeno Clash. "First person Double Dragon as a Source engine game" doesn't quite cut it. "Playable episode of Xavier: Renegade Angel" doesn't quite cut it either. Whatever it is, there's nothing else like it, and I kinda freakin' love it.

It feels like the kind of game my future self traveled back in time to make specifically for me to be dumbstruck by. Though that might also have had to do with me being hammered for the last hour of the game... which is also the last third of the game. It's a short game.

Um, maybe you should check this out, and just see if it grabs you. I think more people should be fans of this.

The highlight of Zeno Clash is the gameplay, without a doubt. I played this game some five times and that's the best part of the game. It's easy to grasp but somewhat hard to master, and I'd like to try harder difficulties to see how good I can get with it.

The story, well, it's not bad but it's lacking, but it's compensated and heightened by the weird but gorgeous landscapes that I wish I could've explored more, which I got to in the next game.

I recommend playing this game, but you have to also play the 2nd game if you want to get a bigger and better feel of the story and its world.

this is currently $4 on steam and i'm on a personal quest to play every off-brand fps released in the 00s so i ran through this today. what a strange fucking game, especially to have released back then.

i was sold on the idea of a primarily fistfighting FPS right away, and the combat system built around that concept feels monumentally weird. you've got very limited combat options, no big strings of combos or special moves. you're gonna be doing the same set of actions to every standard enemy you encounter through the whole game, but it's only like four hours long so you don't get bored with it.

the aesthetic is really special. from moment one this game looks top to bottom really nasty in a way i respect and love. nothing feels standard here, you've got a selection of short levels that all look and feel radically different, and the NPC design feels very classic Star Wars, just crazy biology among random people with no desire to worldbuild to justify any of it.

very unique, top to bottom. not a technically "great" game but at least entertaining, never particularly frustrating or slow.

Крутая атмосфера. Хорошая боевка, но долгие каст сцены и очень медленно говорят балванчики

painfully linear with an unwelcome focus on the very incredibly small arsenal of firearms as opposed to melee combat. the saving grace of zeno clash is that it is short, and is kept interesting through seeing what new fucked up character designs the artists were able to graft onto a biped. not a particularily worthwhile experience though

this game is AWESOME. some of the best creature/world design ever in a video game. the combat is also super unique and it really makes me wish there were more first person brawlers, how has such a simple concept not been tapped into? super sick game for guys who like super sick shit.

Cuando salió este título, me sorprendió la jugabilidad que tenía. Hoy, en pleno 2024, me sigue gustando. La historia es muy simple, muy loca, cuál viaje de ácido en fiesta hippie, pero funciona. El mundo es una locura de lo extraño que es, pero funciona.
Disfruté mucho de ésta entrega, el tiempo necesario de juego ya que no es muy largo. Tiene modo desafío si quieres ampliar un poco más la jugabilidad del juego.
Lo que si le puedo criticar, es que por momentos (Especialmente la parte de tiro o del bote), se hace un poco lento.
Pero un buen juego realizado en un estudio chileno del cuál disfrutar, y por lo que vi, no mucha gente conoce.

Really loved this, even as short as it is. It took roughly 3 or so hours to finish and I was fully immersed the whole time. This world has such a unique atmosphere and mystique, brought to life in Source. It looks just phenomenal, the animations and design of the world and its inhabitants feel so raw and bizarre but also impressive and inspiring. The combat loop is just complex enough, brawling and blocking, dodging and punishing, even shooting. It's enough to give you a good amount of control in how you play, with a decent skill ceiling that I never got a chance to master by the time the credits rolled. I'm glad I have Zeno Clash II and Clash: Artifacts of Chaos to look forward to.

The most deadly weapon in the game, by far is a camera, as if you have any problem with motion sickness when playing games it can actually hurt you.

I really liked the world it's presenting and it was the main thing pushing me forward.

The gameplay however is pretty bad.

Well, that was a unique experience. The melee combat is fairly entertaining and the gun combat is serviceable. The narrative is interesting enough to keep attention, but not spectacular.

The atmosphere is amazing, though. Insane character designs and motivations, bizarre dialogue and music, strange landscapes. I absolutely love the acid trip this game provides.

Zeno Clash took about 3.5 hours playing on normal difficulty -- a bit short, but appropriate for what the game offers. I could easily see it growing stale as a 10-15 hour game, but, luckily, it was paced out well.

That feeling when your game at one time greatly surprised with its style at one time, and was forever forgotten by everyone. First-person fighting game, surreal plot. You can try to give the game a chance even now, it has not lost its relevance.

То чувство, когда твоя игра в свое время сильно удивила своим стилем в свое время, и была навсегда забыта всеми. Файтинг от первого лица, сюрреалистичный сюжет. Можно попробовать дать шанс игре даже сейчас, актуальности не потеряла.

Man this game is so weird and I love how weird it is. The world of Zeno Clash is bizzare af and feels like a fever dream after taking acid and shrooms. And it embraces how weird it is, probably one of my favourite things about this game. Zeno clash is basically a first person brawler (and a bit of a shooter) where you fight the ugliest abominations my PC has ever seen (in a good way). The combat is something very similar to Cyberpunk's brawling system, in fact it seems like Cyberpunk ripped off the brawling from this game. Every punch and hit is so satisfying and there are ragdoll physics that make the heavy punches feel so good. There are some shooting segments here too but you can tell it wasn't the focus of the game, as the shooting is not as refined as the brawling. The story is weird as fuck and didn't make any sense to me until I got to the end. Biggest complaint is that the game is really short and also some of the level design is uninspired. There are some bad levels here between the good ones, but there are more good than bad. I recommend this though if you like the brawling in Cyberpunk and want something more refined. Definitely get this if the weird ass setting intrigues you.

Man, what an affably-strange game. I'm not just talking about its utilization of the Source engine to create an off-the-wall brawler/shooter, I'm talking about everything; the undefiningly strange visuals, the sparse-yet-emotive dialogue, the crazy hair on the female protagonist, the pebble guns, just... everything. It's by no means a perfect experience (recycled environments, brawling doesn't feel as fluid as it should) but it's definitely a worthwhile one.

I had a lot of fun playing this. The story itself is VERY weird and I don't totally understand the story, but I really quite enjoyed the game-play and the quite intelligent AI with combat that made many later moments in the game very challenging and difficult, but in a fun way.

I'd recommend this for anyone to try, it also appears to run on the same engine as Half-Life 2 as well.

This is a very strange game. Ace Team is known for making weird but creative games and this is exactly one of those. The world itself is weird, but its inhabitants are even weirder. I was surprised that the story turned out to be not nonsense. There are a handful of great songs in this game, not every one is memorable though. Gameplay wise I had to warm up first to enjoy the combat. I played on the default difficulty, which is labeled hard instead of normal and I agree with the developers, it wasn't a walk in the park to beat this game. Sadly that is not only due to how difficult enemies are to fight, but one major design flaw imo. The button that lets you lock onto enemies is the same button that you use to pick up weapons and healing items... This results in several moments later in the game where the enemies would be constantly switched in and out of focus unintentionally instead of picking up the weapon or items that lies directly in front of you. This issue cost me two or three game overs that could have been easily prevented. All in all the game is fun enough once you get the hang of it. There is room for improvement though and I am curious if they managed to improve the combat mechanics in the sequel. A recommendation if you like creative world building and art design.

Weird ass game! I did enjoy the gameplay, it could be much better, but i didn't get tired of it through the entire run of the game, but I also stopped playing after the story ended, if I were to try the other game mode I am absolutely sure that I would get really tired of the mechanics.

The story is what keeps the campaign most interesting throughout it's entirety, the ending is quite disappointing though.

I would recommend buying it during a sale, it could be worth your time!

A first-person brawler/fps with an amazingly creative setting. The setpieces are good and the brawling is really fun, though the shooting is just kinda there. A good time overall, but I wouldn't play it again. Also I tried a bit of the sequel and despised it.

I remember this being more solid but it turns out that was because I played the 360 port with the improvements.

It's very funny that the main aspect of the game is so jank. Melee combat at the forefront and it feels a bit like trying to fight in water. You could understand the guns being the dodgy part, but they feel equally just as loose as throwing hands.

The setting and mad character designs do the heavy lifting. It's an interesting world, and it certainly helps that the big "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET" voiced motherfucker do be cubin'.

A short 3-hour art-house adventure, consisting of several arenas, it turns out that the Source engine is very "fit" in the fighting game genre, although according to the moveset it is more like a bit`em up, one hit button and dodging is enough to complete it, but firearms scattered around the map adds some action, it has good designs and impact, which you need to have time to reload in the heat of a dynamic massacre. The final fight with the boss spoils the impression a little, it is very simple, it seems unnecessary, it repeats the fight with the same character half an hour ago.
But the game will definitely be on my list of diamonds of the game industry, deprived of mass attention.

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Коротенькое 3-часовое арт-хаусное приключение, состоящее из нескольких арен, оказывается, что движку Сурс очень "к лицу" и жанр файтинга, хотя по мувсету это, скорее, битемап, тыканья одной кнопки и уворота достаточно, но добавляют движухи, раскиданные по карте огнестрельные оружия с хорошими дизайнами и импактом, которые надо успевать перезаряжать в пылу динамичного мордобоя. Немножко ещё смазывает впечатления финальный файт с боссом, он очень простой, кажется уже вымученным, сильно повторяет бой с тем же персонажем пол часа хронометража назад.
Но игра явно войдёт в копилку моих, обделённых массовым вниманием, бриллиантов индустрии.