Reviews from

in the past

At the risk of using the game journalist's fallback comparison, I just want to say that Crash Bandicoot is really, really hard. This is a do-or-die 3D platformer if I've ever played one. Each individual jump expects commitment. It wants you to be ready to go to college, get married, and raise a family every time you hit that X button. Crash Bandicoot can sense hesitation, and will not hesitate to off himself if he thinks you're not giving it your all. Couple this with fairly repetitive level designs and concepts, and I think this game is just tailor-made to hate you.

I'd accept Crash Bandicoot as a hard game if not for the stupid save system. First you find three severed heads hidden in boxes throughout a stage, then you skim past a bonus stage (that you can fail), and THEN the game blesses you with the opportunity to save your game. Worse yet, the game doesn't remember how many lives you had when you reset it. Slapping a fistful of lives at the beginning of each level doesn't really excuse this fact. Crash is a game where you can lose lives just as fast as you can earn them. Actually, you're probably gonna lose 'em faster if you're like me, someone unfamiliar with Crash's game.

Honestly, I only played this game as a rite of passage for the PS1 kick that I'm currently on. Gotta respect your elders, and boy oh boy, that bandicoot sure has aged. Crushed my ballsicoots.

This game was pretty good it was fun all the way threw I was surprised by easy the last boss was though.

fez eu ir de nautilus de cometa porque eu esqueci de trocar a runa enquanto tava jogando

One of my favourite games of all time. I first played it when I was 8 years old, and I still have fun playing it to this day.

Um clássico dos jogos de plataforma, esse jogo com certeza ainda é muito divertido hoje em dia, a gameplay é um pouco datada porém é totalmente justificável pela idade que ele tem (quase 30 anos), porém ainda é capaz de entreter por algumas horas, a dificuldade eu achei bem dosada, apesar de ter alguns níveis que são difíceis simplesmente pela gameplay ser tão travada, o level design é otimo porém as fases de chefe são bem meia boca

this game's biggest teaching is that life ain't nothing but bitches and money

felt incredibly old while logging this game

Sabes tu la puta cantidad de gente que hay que le flipa este juego? Porque a mi tambien

Literalmente eres el corredor que tiene que evitar crashearse contra objetos mientras coje insanas cantidades de manzanas

Una segunda entrega estaria fachera

I really did try to like it, especially since I loved Spyro. But the camera perspective in this just ruined it for me.

Lo solía jugar de chico junto a mi padre, de mis primeros recuerdos en el mundo de los videojuegos.

He revisitado de nuevo este juego y es bastante ortopédico de jugar, supongo que es justificado por su antigüedad, pero mi padre cogió el mando y como si no hubiera pasado el tiempo, se pasó los primeros niveles.

One of the first games I ever played. Its a true blessing emulators exist, I remember not being able to play this game or it's sequels for like a decade without shopping for several hundred dollar scratched up disks.

Play it, its good!

its a challenging game that rocks. crash as a character is hilarious

J'aurais pensé avoir plus de mal à finir ce jeu et devoir prendre plus de temps à le faire. Un peu dommage mais pour l'époque ça se tient plutôt bien. C'est bien sûr très archaïque et l'émulation aide à mieux apprécier notamment avec les save states (je pense cela dit que je n'aurais pas eu de Game over malgré tout, le jeu est très généreux en vies et je m'en servais surtout pour gagner du temps), mais les mécaniques simplissimes aident à prendre du plaisir à ce jeu de plateforme pratiquement 2D mais un peu 3D quand même très joli et bien animé pour la PS1, avec une bonne musique, un Level Design réussi et presque pas sadique (n'est-ce pas Crash 4) et des Boss dans l'ensemble fun (va te faire foutre Potoroo de con).
Je vais d'abord faire les autres jeux mais je pense continuer celui-ci pour attraper quelques gemmes, je n'ai pas trop compris le système dans ce jeu avec des petites gemmes qui apparaissent dans le vide et qui mènent à...euh rien ?
Je me renseignerai là-dessus, ça m'intéresse.

Vu sa durée de vie en ligne droite et son importance historique c'est assez intéressant d'au moins jouer une fois à ce jeu, comprendre d'où vient cette série et je recommande de le faire, que ce soit sur l'original ou le remake de N Sane Trilogy. Bon jeu.

Que joguinho difícil esse, viu?
Mas é isso que torna o primeiro Crash Bandicoot uma experiência marcante no gênero plataforma. Sua jogabilidade mais variada e encontros de chefes que demandam mais raciocínio da parte do jogador fazem deste game mais uma pérola obrigatória para os fãs do já citado plataforma; além, é claro, dos ótimos gráficos de sua época.

I grew up on Crash and Spyro.
Gave me a love of video games and platformers.

So at the risk of me not coming off as pretentious, I think this game is actually pretty decent, not amazing, but decent. Crashes stiff control makes for some tense platforming but my biggest issue is that this games 100% completion is so fucking backwards. You basically have to go through every level and break every box without dying a single time and that's the kind of stress I don't need in my life, I think the N sane trilogy version of this game is way more manageable given that they made it more fair to accomplish. While I didn't entirely hate my time playing this game, it was definitely something I know I probably won't go back to. An interesting first entry in the series, but that's how it goes with these multi-media franchises.

I touched the skunk and died, trash game

if this game is so good how come it didnt get a sequel??

Good ol days when my hardest point of my life is playing crash getting chased by a boulder

My least favorite thing about this game is that it's hard, and it gets harder. However, I have a special connection to the series and I love it for that.

this is dark souls

GooeyScale: 65/100

Didn't age well at all. Levels are boring and padded. Difficulty is arbitrary.

A Master Piece of a game i love crash when i was little i still like still. you should play it.

Zerei no remaster/remake N. Sane Trilogy na versão Steam Windows.

I think it's a really good start to a franchise, the art style is pretty good, the gameplay is solid, the MC is charismatic and the bosses are iconic.

Solid platformer that certainly justified the creation of a well-known franchise since. Biggest flaws were its sometimes awkward camera positioning and extremely strange save system.