Reviews from

in the past

You see samurai. One day you will be the at the top of this Night City.

But today is not the day.

When this game was first revealed, like everyone I was hyped, not as much as everyone else but still I had a desire to see the game. But when they announce the delays and especially the last delay after it gone gold made me hesitant. Because that meant "gold" wasn't the finished version.

And I was right. It was a mess of a game and I stayed away from it for a long time.

Then why did I play it? To be honest I don't know why I played this game even tho I am not big fan of Witcher 3. I guess I believed the lie of 2.0 fixes everything to the point it makes it a pure masterpiece.

At least I had a little bit more fun than witcher 3 so that's what it's counts right? Fun?

Anyway if you want me to go delve into deeper you can read my Witcher 3 review. It's gonna be essentially the same review anyways.

Overbloated world with copy paste enemy camps that kills the entire exploration curiosity? Check.

Main story is not much other than it's beginning and ending? Check.

Weak villains that isn't even remotely interesting? Check.

"Rpg choices" that only big change you can do is the last 20 minutes? Check.

A side mission collection with fun characters that sometimes can better than main story? Check.

I said I had a little bit more fun than witcher 3 because unlike Witcher 3, this game actually have rpg classes to choose be it melee, be it hacker, be it gunkata etc. And being able to mix and match them actually made me enjoy this game a bit longer.

But of course even that thing comes to an end when I realized how idiot the ai of this game and just taking a silent sniper or sticking a corner with shotgun enough to conquer an entire area that deletes the entire challenge of this game even in HARD mod.

Not just that this game's main story is a giant mess. It's filled with hundreds of side quest like character stories that nothing to do with this game and If you remove the forced side quests from this game what do you left with? 5 hours? 6? Really? And in that time only thing you engage properly is just an angry samurai looking man called takemura and his revenge missions for Arasaka? That's it? That's the story? What the hell that's even more disappointing then badly paced witcher 3...

So yeah that's witche... Sorry Cyberpunk 2077. A game where priorities lie on being everything and also nothing. There is no focusing on one thing and expanding on it to push it's limits.

Look I am gonna admit one thing and it does one thing good and that is it's sidequests and the reason that makes this game better than most of the ubisoft junk. For example sinner side quest that comes to my mind first and showed to us the grim reality of how religious people get used by the media and I can say I got invested more than the main story and that is one example.

But you see, I am a main story person and always is. So I am not happy with this... Badly paced... Disappointing... Feeling both too damn short and too long... Main story.

You will probably say what expectations did you had with the story tho? Witcher 3 was like this too isn't it? And I will say they managed to satisfy me with their main story actually before. With the Witcher 2. But it wasn't an open world game so maybe that's why.

Anyway I am mixed against this game with it's clashing highs and lows but if you do love it, I can do nothing but respect.

But when it comes to people that finds this game perfect I just don't understand. You are either blind when it comes to glitches (my game crashed 2 times and one time a quest completion glitch resulted forcing me to return to an older save just like witcher 3, I don't even want to talk about countless of stutters or visual or combat glitches) even in the later 2.12 update. Or you are just a weird hardcore cd project fan that believes everything they will do is equals gold.

What can I say then nothing I guess. But even with they somehow "redeeming" themselves on most of the people's eyes, you can be sure that their next game also gonna have a rocky launch and more so with them using unreal engine and it's " Shader Compilation issues ™ " that plagues every game it's made with. You can count on that.

Words cannot express how much I love this game and the world created by Mike Pondsmith. Just go play it. Cyberpunk 2077 and the surrounding media such as the comics and the Edgerunners anime has made me feel so many things and it may be one of my favorite games ever. Just go play it. Go watch Edgerunners after. Go read the comics. Go read Firestorm. It's a world worth exploring.

remember when people hyped this shit as the high-budget cyberpunk New Vegas sooo much that in reality its just FPS Witcher 3 with guns, lame neon lights and one of the densest RPG elements i have ever seen in a WRPG? not even gonna talk about the horrible optimization & constant crushes that is still present in the game

that being said, the jesus-esque cruxification side mission was kino af so it is a le' good game at the end of the day

i had got into this game a while ago but never had the time to pick it back up. it was fun when i did first play it though.

If I wanted to experience something that was crass, mean-spirited, derivative, uninspired, clunky, depressing, vacuous, pretentious and stuffed with filler, I'd read my old posts.

i feel really complexly about this game, but not particularly strongly

Cyberpunk 2077 is an ambitious open-world RPG set in the sprawling metropolis of Night City, a neon-lit dystopia teeming with life, intrigue, and danger. Developed by CD Projekt Red, the studio behind the acclaimed Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 promises to deliver a groundbreaking experience, and in many ways, it succeeds.

At the heart of Cyberpunk 2077 is its richly detailed world. Night City is a marvel of world-building, with its towering skyscrapers, bustling marketplaces, and gritty back alleys all meticulously crafted to create a sense of immersion unlike any other. Each district has its own distinct atmosphere and culture, from the opulent luxury of Westbrook to the lawless chaos of the combat zone. Exploring Night City is a delight in itself, with every corner hiding secrets, side quests, and encounters waiting to be discovered.

The game's narrative is equally compelling, offering a branching storyline that unfolds based on the player's choices and actions. As V, a mercenary outlaw seeking to make a name for themselves in Night City, players are thrust into a web of intrigue involving corporate conspiracies, underground factions, and personal vendettas. The story is filled with memorable characters, gripping plot twists, and moral dilemmas that force players to consider the consequences of their actions.

In terms of gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 offers a wide range of options to suit different playstyles. Whether you prefer stealth, combat, hacking, or diplomacy, there are multiple ways to approach every situation, allowing for a high degree of player agency and creativity. The game's combat mechanics are particularly satisfying, with a robust arsenal of weapons and cybernetic enhancements that allow for fluid, fast-paced action.

Visually, Cyberpunk 2077 is stunning, with breathtaking graphics that bring its cyberpunk world to life in vivid detail. The neon-soaked streets, towering skyscrapers, and bustling markets are rendered with stunning fidelity, while the character and creature designs are equally impressive. From cybernetically enhanced street punks to grotesque corporate goons, every character feels unique and memorable.

Overall, Cyberpunk 2077 is a groundbreaking and ambitious game that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the medium. With its immersive world, compelling narrative, and deep gameplay mechanics, it offers a truly unforgettable experience for fans of open-world RPGs and cyberpunk fiction alike.

Hey boss man should i kill myself if i like this game im really insecure

It's honestly not bad, I preordered it years ago and then cancelled my preorder and only just got into it now and it's pretty fun but there are a lot of reminders that you are playing a somewhat kind of empty and broken game. It feels like a shooting gallery instead of a story, I guess is how I can best put it.

I played this after they fixed the game. Gameplay is honestly fine.

However, games are a multimedia thing, and a game with bad writing is a bad game. Cyberpunk 2077 has the worst writing I've ever seen outside of low budget eroge. The writing in Cyberpunk makes Huniepop look like Ulysses.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a fuckin' phenomenal story with brilliant writing and acting bringing everything together. Only reason I can't give it five stars is 'cause on the PS4 it's genuinely unplayable some times. I'm sure that when I eventually get a PC, I'll play this game on there and love it even more, and finally be able to give it that five stars (as well as being able to play the DLC).

Top three all time gaming experience. Never wanted it to end. Keanu and Idris both deserve awards. Biggest comeback in gaming of all time.

Muito triste o que aconteceu com Cyberpunk, jogando hoje em dia você vê o tamanho do potencial que essa obra tinha. De nenhuma maneira eu acho que o hate em cima do jogo em seu lançamento foi exagerado, mas acho burrice quem até hoje crítica o jogo como se ainda fosse o mesmo daquela época, obviamente ainda há mecânicas que foram prometidas mas nunca chegaram, bugs que você acha inacreditáveis (Save infinito no xbox que o diga. Para barrar isso é só você fechar o jogo voltando pra home sem encerra-lo e clicar com o botão de pause em cima dele, depois clicar em cartão de jogo, nisso vai abrir a aba e você abre ele clicando em executar e GG. e o "bug" do Takemura não te ligar, você só precisa ter calma, ele vai ligar) ainda existirem mas acredito que com os vários patchs o jogo medíocre se tornou um bom jogo. Se você comprou o jogo na época e só o jogou naquela época e por algum motivo não pediu reembolso, dê mais uma chance, pode ser algo que você estava buscando esse tempo todo... ou não.

Played a few hours, runs great on my Steam Deck. Might come back to it someday

When Cyberpunk 2077 dropped, my computer was a budget rig already going on ten years old. I assumed the old gal probably wouldn't handle the upcoming release too well, so I let it pass me by. Turns out this was a clever play on my part, for the game sucked ass at launch, and I already had enough on my plate as it was. The world kept turning, Cyberpunk sank into the murkiness of memories past. So it goes.

It's late 2023, people are talking about this game again. I haven't thought about Cyberpunk since the initial slew of giggles caused by cars sinking into the pavement, 3D penises, and the anti-fun teleporting police force. Turns out, CD Projekt Red was beavering away on un-fucking the video game and now people I trust are quickly reporting that they've managed it. Indeed, it's good now. There's a new DLC. There's a tie-in anime animated by Studio Trigger. There's clearly a big push going on, and it sticks in my mind. Before long, it's 2024 and I'm reinstalling Steam on a hot new PC after holding a memorial service for my now-deceased old gaming rig. What can I use to show this fucking thing off?, I wonder to myself. I notice Cyberpunk 2077 is 50% off. Why not.

I didn't know anything in detail about the Cyberpunk setting before booting the game up, but I spent enough of my misguided youth flipping through Shadowrun rulebooks to know the jist of what to expect. Corporations rule America, if not the world, and the increasingly commercialised future sucks. But at least you can install a jackhammer for your dick or relive a violent kidnapping using virtual reality. Strictly speaking, I don't know whether Shadowrun or Cyberpunk came first and don't care to get into the weeds of it, but this felt like a fairly loving depiction of the trash-heap future we've all come to know and love. Equal focus is given to the glitz and glamour of the ultra-rich as well as the dirt-grinding poverty experienced by the rest of the population. Night City looks good, and there were a couple of times when cruising between objectives I would pull over and just admire the scenery.

I'm grateful to the game's commitment in forcing the player to assume a role. Rather than a blank-slate glass of tap water, V is kind of a pisshead who fancies themselves bulletproof. This makes sense for someone who makes a living through violence and extortion in a culture which lionizes it. You can steer how V responds to things, usually whether you dismember someone who crosses you during a mission or whether you live and let live, but there are constants which you won't be changing. I found the consistency in this made it easier to pick options other than the usual doormat Neutral Good choice of letting everyone go and excusing every sleight against you. This world is a violent pit of suckass, so sometimes you have to shrug and ignore the dude tied up in your trunk. V isn't getting paid to ask questions. I also appreciate that some Quest NPCs aren't given any magical protection, so I was able to complete the questline about a middle-manager getting away with a hit-and-run crime by interrupting her with 90 submachinegun bullets to the head and departing through a window.

At its core, the story is a relatively simple one. The main thrust can feel longer than it is because it's so easy to fall down the rabbit hole of doing random sidequests, but the actual time it takes for V to get dicked over and have Keanu Reeves installed in their brain-computer isn't high. If you put your nose down and only hit the critical path, I don't think the game would take much longer than 20-25 hours on a first play. I don't think the main story would feel terrific if you did that, since a lot of the enjoyment for me comes from better understanding the world and the complexity of your struggle against it, which is informed massively by the more involved sidequests with major characters. At the end of the day, V wants to get the Keanu Pentium out of their dome, and has a few different paths to get there. I don't think the story is saying anything earth-shattering, but I also respect that it has a simple and narrow focus: find the cure, or die trying. No matter what ending happens to V, the world's going to keep on turning, and only a scarce handful of people will really know what went down. I like it. It's very ham-fistedly contrasted against Johnny Silverhand's desperate struggle to change the world (and the total failure to do so), but this isn't a harsh criticism. Sometimes the blunt instrument of narrative is fine, too.

Special mention should be made for the Phantom Liberty DLC, which has a much more reactive and crazy finale than the base game. At least, the path I wound up on was dope as hell. Capping the frentic encounter by strolling through a crowd of Tier 1 operators as they pop and fry with red/black lightning and spooky screams cut with low-fi modem noises is chef's-kiss good. This shit sizzles. More of this please.

The game's mechanics are its weakest point, in that knowing not all of them are ones you might want to engage with. At its core, Cyberpunk 2077 is a first-person looter shooter with a GTA framework for driving and police action. I guess a more modern take would be Red Dead Redemption, but fuck you, I didn't play the cowboy game. You can get lost infinitely in identical plot-less sidequests that pop up while you are driving from A to B, which might tire you out before you do something with a bit more bite to it. Similarly, anything related to getting GTA-esque police stars is a waste of time and effort. Just drive past anything cop-related and save yourself the time.

The gun-game portion of this feels less mechanically brittle than something like Borderlands, but still runs into the same shortcomings: hitting someone in the head with an assault rifle bullet for 15% of their health bar never feels fun. This can be circumvented by not using assault rifles. I'm not sure what niche that weapon class was meant to fill, but they're effectively a long-range poking device which tries to be everything at once, specializing in nothing. If you want to explode someone in one hit, use a sniper rifle with explosive bullets or a double-barreled shotgun. If you want to kill someone in a hose of bullets, use a submachinegun. If you want to win the encounter, use a two-handed club or a katana. Just do not use assault rifles. Fucking popguns. Having played on Very Hard, the game was at its most fun when using bullet time implants to go all Metal Gear Rising on people or circlestrafe around them while dumping 1000 rounds/minute into their heads. Trying to play this as a tactical shooter ala Squad will just get you chipped down unless you vastly overmatch the encounter. I think if you are the kind of person who can enjoy a gun game where numbers come out of people's heads, this does the job very well, or at least as well as I have seen that kind of gameplay.

Ultimately I enjoyed my time with Cyberpunk 2077 more than I expected I would, given the apparently dogshit state it released in. I feel bad saying this about something with so much work put into it, but I don't think it's an era-defining masterpeice. It's a very good game that looks and plays well, with a focused story and a fun cast of characters. The tale it told did not make me think very hard, and the gameplay did not demand any tough decision-making on my part. The finest summer blockbuster you can muster, yeah, sure, but wake me when Labyrinth of Touhou 3 comes out.

top 5 games of all time idc about the bugs when ive BARELY EVER RUN INTO THEM

"A thing of beauty, will never fade way."
There's a lot to talk about, and I don't think anyone can talk about this game without at least mentioning its disaster of a launch.
I recall pre-ordering this game before launch, getting super hyped due to my previous experience with all of CDPRs prior works, and whilst the main story didn't disappoint me personally, the open world, RPG mechanics, and overall buggy state of the game (not even talking about how broken the console versions were) left a lot to be desired and felt like a betrayal to a lot of gamers for good reason after the years of overhype and overpromising.
But CDPR never gave up on the game when a lot of other devs and publishers would've, and over nearly 3 years from launch, they continued to work, polish, refine, and eventually gave us the game that we all wanted back in 2018.
And hoo boy, is this game with both the 2.0 update, and Phantom Liberty, a genuine gem that should be experienced, especially for people who love thought provoking and dark narratives.
The old skill/perk system was completely thrown out and rebuilt from scratch with skills having more worth and sometimes giving you new abilities and features like being able to air dodge, leap from cars into the air to get a drop on an enemy, or God of War style finishers to restore HP.
The loot and equipment system was also retooled from the generic Borderlands-y bigger numbers RNG bullshit into a more tier based upgrading system, meaning you can keep a favorite weapon or three, continue to upgrade them throughout the game, and actually build around them instead of ditching weapons every other fight for something that has +5 DPS.
The music was also always top tier even in the base game, and Phantom Liberty managed to add even more amazing tracks, some becoming personal favorites.
Characters are well written and the main highlights of both the base game and expansion, with most of them feeling like real, flawed, broken, but also likeable characters, with even the most hardshelled and volatile ones like Johnny Silverhand having understandable reasoning as to why they are the way they are.
I think one of the few flaws the game still has and will always have is the amount of junk feeling open world content in the base game, whilst they did improve on the way they were designed in the expansion, the gigs in the base game feel a bit detached, with there not being much communication with your client or fixer outside of an email giving background lore on the jobs which you can entirely miss out on. Which makes me feel less invested in the stories behind the gigs than I'd like, especially in comparison to the ones in Phantom Liberty, or the contracts in Witcher 3. The NCPD busts are also entirely junk open world content that feel just there to pad out the map with shit to do.
Hopefully with the second Cyberpunk game, they manage to match the gig quality with the ones in PL, and add more interesting things to do around the city like Yakuza/GTA style minigames, friend hangouts, or stuff like that.
Overall, this is a game I can't recommend enough, and as time goes on, it only becomes even more of a personal favorite of mine that is near and dear to my heart, and it is very commendable that the devs were given the chance to save this game from being a complete failure like so many in this industry end up being.
That being said, it should've never released in the state it did, and I can only hope going forward that CDPR has learned their lesson and won't do this again, as I don't think you can pull this off twice. And as we have learned from recent industry failures, the rest of the gaming industry sure hasn't learned anything

Literalmente una de las mejores redenciones en la historia de los videojuegos

Alright, Cyberpunk 2077... it's a real mixed bag. Night City is absolutely stunning and feels super alive, and the sidequests can be awesome. But man, the bugs, especially if you played on launch, were rough. The main story is kinda short, and some gameplay stuff feels janky. It's gotten a lot better with patches and updates, and if you've got a beefy PC or newer console, the experience is way more solid now. If you can overlook some of the flaws, there's an incredible world and a cool story to explore here.

Joguei no lançamento e tive sorte de presenciar poucos bugs, rejoguei em 2023 e está muito melhor, jogão.

the game is extreme junk, still cried during credits

La ambientación, la historia, los personajes, la música, el arte, todo hizo click para mi con este juego, y en un momento muy complicado de mi vida, no sé que habría sido de mi si no hubiera jugado a esto.. Gracias CD Projekt Red, gracias Johnny, gracias V

Não deixe o lançamento do jogo fazer sua mante; depois de concertado, cyberpunk virou simplesmente uma obra prima, a história é bem construída, os personagens são cativantes, a dublagem é uma obra prima, o mundo é bonito, é tudo muito bom no jogo, juro.

Really good game, can be really confusing though.

im not gonna say it's bad cause it's good but i really struggled to get into it

Muito divertido e com ótima história

they fixed everything about the launch, and although while still having flaws ; it is a masterpiece of a game. i love cyberpunk 2077 so damn much.

Le meilleur jeu vidéo auquel j'ai joué, malgré un début difficile mon dieu tout est parfait, les personnages, la ville, la quête, la progression, l'histoire C QUOI CE POULET