Reviews from

in the past

Have you ever been in the unfortunate position of reading someone say that Dark Souls III relies too heavily in "fanservice crammed with references from the first game" (or something similar)? If you have, try contacting whoever said it, and send them the link to this page!

You might be saving a life by doing this. Remember, only you can teach others on the internet how sequels work.

La llama se apaga, el ciclo se repite, y donde una vez hubo un alma ahora solo quedan cenizas.

Dark Souls 3 is the perfect end to one of the best trilogies in gaming. Its atmosphere and gameplay make it stand out as one of the best of the 2010’s.

DS3 strikes the perfect blend of drawing inspiration from the first game while still doing its own thing. The game tells a beautiful tale of trying to protect the world through a process that also destroys it. Then, it ends by giving you the same choice players were faced with in the first game but this time with added nuance. I can’t think of a better way to end the trilogy’s story. This narrative is of course portrayed through ambiguous npcs and item descriptions.

DS3 achieves a great flow between trekking through a dungeon to get to the next boss and struggling against a boss to get to the next dungeon. With excellent level and boss design this back and forth never gets tiring. There is a very large roster of bosses so it isn’t too egregious, but there are a few too many gimmick fights for my taste.

The world and character design of the game is stunning, but pales in comparison to the soundtrack. Almost every boss has a track that will blow you away. Specifically the way they had throwbacks to previous games in the music from the final boss was incredible.

DS3 also offers a lot of replayability with its build variety. There are many different builds players can have but gameplay-wise it mostly boils down to martial or magical builds. When you add new game + and PVP there are a lot of things to keep you playing the game.

Dark Souls 3 has left a lasting impact on me and cemented the dark souls trilogy as one of the best in gaming.
( 97/100 )

An epic sendoff to one of the greatest trilogies of all time (my number 1) must have DLC's that enhance the story and contain the best boss fights in the entire series.

I'm shit at the game but it's so good

i NEED to replay to check if this opinion still is right

Give me that... your Dark Souls.

The DLC is an awesome ending for the series.

this is coming from someone who didn't like the soulsborne games at all, didn't like ds1 for the clunky movement and dodging, and only liked Sekiro but it's considered to be a souls-like.

this game is INCREDIBLE. the game plays very well and the bosses are sometimes easy but they are amazing and the OST is HEAVENLY.

what's kind of holding this game back for me is the camera, this is literally your real enemy in most boss fights. also some areas just felt like they were bullsh*t and made no sense at all (maybe i didn't get their ideas).

overall a very solid game that made me wanna give ER another shot.

Lembrei quando era mlk e esse jogo ficou na promoção, nunca cracudei tanto um DS na vida jogo bom do caralho.

This put hair on my chest + (Farron Greatsword my beloved)

Adored the return to a more gothic dark fantasy aesthetic, and also the return of the mana bar! This one almost feels fanservicey in the inclusion of some characters, but I ate it up. Great environments, like big ominous cathedrals, and awesome bosses. Combat is faster and more fluid than the slow dance of the original. This is a matter of taste.

This is honestly one of those games that get better the more that you think about it after all is said and done, some of the best DLC in the series and the combat is one hundred times more fun and fluid than Elden ring's. Sure, the level design is nothing compared to DS1 and DeS, but i still put alot of hours into it just because of how good it feels to play it.

L'ennesima volta in cui ci cascai e provai a giocare a un souls

Dizem que o melhor Dark Souls é aquele que você joga primeiro.

Comigo não deu tão certo assim. Talvez esse fosse o melhor Dark Souls, se não estivesse desesperadamente tentando ser o primeiro.

Não é atoa que DS2 é mais importante para os jogos posteriores da FROM do que esse aqui jamais será.

Most "easy-to-access" souls for beginners, loved by some and hated by others, i personally think it's an awesome game, as good as the original Dark Souls or maybe even better, peak bosses, great music, and some of my favourite npcs.

Great challenge and all time favorite.

lindo. gostoso do começo ao fim.

vale a pena

é o dark souls mais frenetico e mesmo assim eu não achei ele dificil, é claro q morri muito muito mas nada de um reage kit kk

Replayed fully for the first time since beating it back in the day. I came back to relive the nostalgia and do the ringed city which I never did. Unfortunately by the time I got to the Ringed City I felt like the design of the game really started draining me. Ringed City seems like the pinnacle of the 2nd half of DS3's game design. It highlights everything wrong with DS3 lmfao. Dont know if ima finish it but base DS3 is really great.

- just insane
- breathtaking landscape
- very fluid combat mechanics
- dodging mechanics are perfect
- fabulous music
- very successful bosses EXCEPT the big ones EXCEPT one (no spoiler)
- awesome arsenal of weapons and armor, enough to play on the enemies' weaknesses/resistances and balance very well, you feel the impact when you hit, however you don't feel the weight of the weapon.

Generally speaking, enemies that are huge are not successful in my opinion. They're just big PV bags that hurt a lot, sad. But there are few so it's okay I guess.

Infelizmente o último de sua franquia, delicioso do começo ao fim, e embora seja muito monocromático em sua ambientação (algo que pessoalmente não gostei tanto) ele deixa claro o porque disso, inimigos dificeis porém não impossíveis (vsf Mydir). Muita tensão em alguns momentos e muitas glórias em outros. Um fim digno a saga, que embora não tenha nos explicado a história, nos contou de uma forma linda... nos jogando para busca-la.

Greatest of all fucking time.. everything is done better here than in any other game I've ever played and probably will ever play. Fromsoft created a timeless masterpiece that will be remember for ages. The bossfights are definitely the highlight for me alongside the osts that are just grandiose..

Thank you Fromsoftware

edit : done with the DLCs.. suffered a whole lot I cannot lie the Friede into demon prince into midir into gael is one of the most terrorizing sequences of events in a game I've ever experienced but I'm so grateful for it in the end

Still the greatest game of all time

High Wall of Lothric is a pretty tough starting area but it's smooth sailing after that. Most bosses and areas are good and engaging with only some mild annoyances.

For better or for worse, the most streamlined and least "annoying" and "clunky" entry in the trilogy. Not really sure where I'd rank it, each game has its own strengths and weaknesses. This one definitely has the best bosses, and by far. The locations feel like they mostly aren't really that memorable though (a lot of "we've already seen this before", with only a few real exceptions). Also, the game is quite easy (with the exception of the aforementioned bosses).

The whole concept of the story is quite fucking cool though.

Dark Souls 3 is a lot of fun when you don't have some long lanky dude breathing on your neck calling it trash and saying that Dark Souls 2 and 1 are astronomically better.

Not bad, but not really all that great either. It's the second time I've beaten the game and I've got to say, despite all the praise this game gets, I can't say I'm much of a fan of the level design or the boss design. It's a game for the fans, but beyond that, I honestly don't really care about it that much. Give me a fresh game any time of the day. I might even enjoy the original Dark Souls 2 more for just how it fucks with you.

Jogo incrível onde pode ser bem terapêutico certas vezes sobre resolver questões da vida, nunca desistir e aprender com os erros, únicas coisas ruins que achei que em comparação ao primeiro jogo, tem mto boss não tão marcantes o quanto e os mais interessantes sendo DLC, porém continua sendo incrível