Reviews from

in the past

História e ambientação muito boas, porém a gameplay me incomodou demais, coisa que foi corrigida no terceiro jogo.

El desarrollo de este juego fue complicado, creo que en una epoca iba a haber un FEAR 2 para PC y un FEAR 2 para consolas, los cuales iban a ser distintos (???), pero como claramente esa idea era pelotudisima los terminaron mezclando y formado FEAR 2: Project Origin.
Un intento cinematico de continuar el juego inicial, pero que no llega a tocar ninguno de los puntos mas altos de su antecesor.
Ahora, el juego anterior es TAN bueno, que aunque este sea una version peor, sigue siendo divertido de jugar.

El final es interesante pero super raro btw, estan advertidos.

A massive downgrade in terms of combat when compared to the original F.E.A.R. , no corner peeking despite enemies being able to peek is just bad design when confronting enemies.
The enemies themselves are at most kinda bland, but also really really tanky for some with no good reason, dragging on fights longer than they should, coupled with their weapons that will melt you.
The game also in this day and age can be incredibly unstable and buggy, barring from a seamless experience, especially towards the end.

However, there is a lot of good to this game. The horror visuals and effects are incredible, and really compliment what the first game did really well. The story also seamlessly takes place at the same time as the first game, which not only gives a sense of familiarity, but an idea of what is to come and expect.
Level design is also pretty cool, featuring much more detailed and varied environments, but still keeping the theme of the old game.
There is also a nice selecting of weapons, all having their own use and reason to be present in the given scenario.
Also the Powered Armour sections are fun as hell, love me mechs.

A very middling game to me, but I think majority will enjoy this title anyway.

F.E.A.R. is late 2000's slop. It's grey-and-orange mush that wastes your time almost as much as it insults your intelligence. It's not a good game, and I wouldn't recommend it unless you're dead-set on a F.E.A.R. series playthrough.

Sorry, I had to get that out of my system.

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin fails as a sequel in nearly every way. F.E.A.R. isn't a perfect game, but it's a fun, impressive little romp that's charming in it's own right. With memorable locations and fun AI, it makes a great impression. F.E.A.R. 2 removes most of the complexity, turns the game into a brain-dead shooter, and fails to tell you why you're doing half the stuff you do.

Leaning is gone, and you've been made into a tank to compensate for it. A few solid shots would kill you in F.E.A.R., meanwhile you can take a dozen bullets and not even lose a third of your health. Enemy AI has also been toned-down. Instead of waiting in cover, trying to flank, or doing anything smart, nine times out of ten they simply charge at you, spraying and praying. As a result, the gun-play feels limp and shallow.

The bad horror is back, and now it's even worse. Bloody skeletons, bloody hallways, and quicktime horror sequences abound. None of it got me a single time. And there's zero horror ambience to make up for it this time. F.E.A.R. 2 cannot keep a tone, and it's frankly embarrassingly shoddy at times.

Also, I'm not sure where to put this, but this game feels bizarrely misogynistic all throughout. I know it's a 360 era game and shit writing was the norm, but it really stood out in comparison to the original game's seriousness. The way Alma is sexualized and portrayed as a whole feels really gross, and not in the intended way. The ending especially is just...uncomfortable.

Overall, I have nothing nice to say about F.E.A.R. 2. It's just bad. Don't play it unless you're (somehow) nostalgic for it, or you're on the F.E.A.R. series playthrough like I am (in which case, good luck).

how it went from being good to awful is something i won’t get