Reviews from

in the past

Figment is a puzzle action game where you play as Dusty, the Mind's Courage who is forced out of retirement when his scrapbook is stolen by a Nightmare. Dusty sets on an adventure with his friend Piper to find the nightmares of the mind they live in and put an end to the effects of an unspoken trauma.

The writing is very funny and has some cool music moments. The art style is stylish and reminds me of Double Fine games with James and the Giant Peach mixed in. The combat is smooth enough and the game has plenty of challenges to over come.

There is a big with one of the achievements for killing spiders in the left side of the brain, but tips online can provide work around for this. However, I had to start a second playthrough to finish this myself, but enjoyed the game over all and am wanting to play the sequel next.

I found it to be pleasant. I thought the story would turn out more interesting than it did. That's my biggest complaint. Worth playing for the writing, voices, and music. Some decent puzzles. I like it.

Puzzle game basico che tenta la ricercatezza stilistica senza riuscire a trovare una propria quadratura, a meno che non si voglia definire tale il semplicismo su misura del mercato mobile. Carini gli scontri con i boss canterini ma sono pochi, brevi istanti soffocati dall'insostenibile idiozia dei personaggi (non aiutano le insopportabili voci, su tutte quella del molesto uccellino che ci accompagna in lungo e in largo).