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Level design fraquinho, história meio "meh", protagonista completamente sem carisma e "chato", gameplay não muito agradável... Não encontrei muitos motivos que ME fizessem gostar, e olha que eu cheguei a me esforçar a continuar, mas não rolou.

Really slow, clunky with poorly designed puzzles, and characters that won't shut up trying to constantly be funny with GET IT IT'S THE BRAIN jokes non-stop and a real lack of a sense of progress just makes me say no.

There's real possibility with this story and some of the creativity surrounding Figment. Unfortunately, some really poor gameplay and some dreadful VO really do a lot to tank that potential.

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. Figment is an enjoyable, fairly lightweight action/adventure, with a beautiful graphical style. Set in the unconscious mind of a person recently involved in a car accident, Figment sees you exploring areas themed around creativity (expect to see gardens, music and similar) and logic (where clockwork mechanics are prevalent), with charming hand-drawn graphics, an impressively dynamic musical score and dialog based around rhyming, frequent puns and, as a stand-out, singing boss enemies! With combat encounters being fairly trivial, gameplay is primarily focused on exploration and puzzle solving, which, while again never really getting difficult, is still generally satisfying, especially with the puzzles fitting in very nicely with the world themes - for example, progression might require planting seeds in the garden areas, or setting up mechanics in those based around clockwork. The simplicity of the game might be a detractor for some people and it's fairly short (perhaps 4-6 hours for an unguided playthrough), but I had a good time with Figment.

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this game made me feel like the fucking joker. i experienced genuine mindbreak playing this. this is a game that while looking visually very solid albiet the main character looking weird, is filled with nothing but the most aggravating style of kids storytelling where its a "oh its all a dream" style game, except the BIG TWIST is that youre the DAD in the copying drawn to life car crash!!! how funny!!!!

the fucking spider was french

Jogo de plataforma/puzzle/aventura com alguns momentos de batalha e que me surpreendeu bastante.
A história mostra a mente humana como algo parecido com Divertidamente e jogamos com a personagem que seria uma espécie de guardião dela.
Além de tudo, ainda está muito bem localizado em português.

Figment imaginatively dives into the consciousness of nightmarish trauma and produces an artistically creative, albeit occasionally thinly drawn, isometric melodic adventure of surrealism.

+ Optimism versus pessimism. Dusty, a downbeat retired protector of the conscious mind, reluctantly fights the horde of nightmarish invaders with his incredibly optimistic flying friend Piper. Nestled within the colourful illustrations that provides Dusty with a sense of adventure, is a deep story revolving around seeking lost courage. Replenishing a sense of bravery. The deepest corners of the worldly mind, zany characters and rock-inspired music emphasise the meaningful story that, more often than not, relishes in its own subtlety.
+ Salvador Dalí's masterpiece 'The Persistence of Memory' clearly inspired the surrealistic illustrations within Figment's world-building. From kettle-shaped houses perched on the floating islands of Freedom Isles to mechanised tracks supplied throughout Clockwork Town. Each of the four main areas, including Cerebrum City, stylistically resembled a different aesthetic whilst employing a consistent illustrative style, making each level colourfully beautiful to glare at.
+ Make sure your thinking cap is equipped! Figment attempts to balance its mundane yet mandatory combat with an array of logic puzzles. From sliding block obstacles that provide weight to unlock a new path, to reflecting enemy projectiles so that they erode cursed vines entangling specific items. The level design from a game mechanic perspective was excellent, and admittedly some of the puzzles in Clockwork Town were deviously fiendish.
+ Remember, remember. Lost memories are scattered throughout Figment's world. Though entirely optional to collect, they provide an additional challenge that almost certainly will force the player to backtrack through those surreal lands.

- Whilst the aforementioned puzzles excelled in their design, their repetitive instances consequently made them more tedious with each encounter. They become longer. They become harder. And, before your filthy mind thinks of something else, they rarely introduced any new obstacles within them. More time will be spent pushing and pulling blocks rather than actually progressing through the creatively designed levels, and depending on the player's patience, will regrettably test their devotion to completing the story. The piano puzzle? Perfect design. The sixteenth light box puzzle? Not so much.
- The lead game designer, whom is also a musician, was inspired to provoke a melodic undertone through Dusty's adventure. The nightmares themselves sing spiteful lyrics during their boss encounters, with Piper piping up occasionally. At their best moments they are cheesy, however at their worst it proved to be more of a distraction from the central narrative. Most likely comes down to personal taste, coming from someone who is not a particular fan of that style of music...
- The puzzle involving three instruments needing to be pitched perfectly in order to obtain an item from a ear-shaped tree? No, thank you. As a tone deaf gamer who can't decipher a good note from a bad one, this was a heck of a frustrating puzzle!

5/10 endorphins

al principio dije que es esta mierda y por que me he gastado dos euros en ella pero la verdad es que lo he disfrutado mucho

Figment is a puzzle action game where you play as Dusty, the Mind's Courage who is forced out of retirement when his scrapbook is stolen by a Nightmare. Dusty sets on an adventure with his friend Piper to find the nightmares of the mind they live in and put an end to the effects of an unspoken trauma.

The writing is very funny and has some cool music moments. The art style is stylish and reminds me of Double Fine games with James and the Giant Peach mixed in. The combat is smooth enough and the game has plenty of challenges to over come.

There is a big with one of the achievements for killing spiders in the left side of the brain, but tips online can provide work around for this. However, I had to start a second playthrough to finish this myself, but enjoyed the game over all and am wanting to play the sequel next.

The music and art style really saved this for me. Perfectly pleasant, if slightly boring, puzzle game where you plod through the brain chasing away nightmares. There is some combat but nothing to shout about and the story is a simple affair.

Overall it's a nice indie that doesn't break the mould but was enjoyable enough.

One of those games where there is nothing really wrong, but there is this feeling something isn't quite right and you end up with a shallow and unrewarding experience.

I feel like the puzzles are simplistic to the point in which you can see the solution at a glance, but then the game can't hide the chore of actually executing the solution, feels like a lot of walking for something you figured out instantly.

One of the things it has going for it is the attempt to be a musical. It feels like it could shine more if the gameplay actually supported it more. Musically and visually the game is in general very pleasant, it just can't carry the whole experience.

A good but straightforward implementation of a puzzle game with a specific metaphor in mind that progressively gets darker. Not exceptional, but you could definitely do worse than this. It's all just well done and the concrete brain references are well-adapted. It probably won't change your life though.

Banger boss battles, was jamming every time.

Another cute little indie romp about mental health.

I don't have too much to say about this one. The art and music is striking at times and the mental health analogies throughout the game can hit close to home. I wish there was a run button.

A decent time.

i really wanted to love this game. it should be a game right up my alley- hand-drawn art, fun music, a psychology focus. unfortunately it is so damn boring. i felt absolutely no reward from completing the puzzles and no joy navigating the game's world despite the gorgeous aesthetic. the jokes fell flat and the sidekick's voice was grating. there seems to be a lack of understanding of mental health, what is supposed to be the theme of the game, beyond rudimentary connections that cause the entire game to falter. idk someone tell me if 2 is any better

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I'm sorry, the game itself was okay, but at a certain point vaccines gets mentioned as a "disease" and that's a big yikes

Não gostei pq o cara mal canta rock e o cara do bem canta pop
Me lembrou um pouco de divertida mente, o jogo se passa na consciência de uma pessoa que esta tendo momentos difíceis e tendo pesadelos, tem uns puzzels bem intuitivos e fáceis e um visual bem unico

É um jogo simples, básico e divertido. Puzzles simples que nao exigem muito. É um grande passeio legalzinho num mundinho muito bonito. Vale muito. So nao sei porque tem combate que é bem desnecessário, mas não me impediu de gostar muito dele

Really not into how slow-moving and dull this game is in spite of the gorgeously drawn environments. There are no hints if I get stuck on a puzzle, so I have to slowly mosey on through the terrain to try to find something I missed. The puzzles aren't really hard, but they're not easy either, so without hints, I imagine a kid would have an absolute conniption if they got stuck. The voices are annoying. I dislike the quirks of the characters, like the rhyming mayor and singing. Not into that.

Not to mention - can you imagine being a kid playing this and hearing the first boss talk about vaccines containing autism? I understand that it's a villain trying to fearmonger with misinformation about vaccines, but that's not spelled out enough for young/impressionable folks in my opinion. WTF.

I had to shelve this game. Maybe I'll pick it up again someday when I have the patience or they update it with a little more speed and a little less clunk.

Antes del éxito de Supergiant Games con ‘Hades’, existió ‘Bastion’: un juego de acción 2D en perspectiva isométrica intenso y dinámico, que narraba las peripecias del jugador conforme las ejecutaba. Con un estilo artístico muy pintoresco y grandes críticas a su favor, ‘Bastion’ inspiró a muchos otros devs independientes a que desarrollaran su propio juego de acción a imagen y semejanza. ‘Figment’ parte con la idea de ser un título más del estilo, pero siendo honestos, todo lo que rodea su planteamiento suena bastante aburrido. Se aprecian los mismos islotes flotantes en medio de la nada, un toque surrealista para describir el funcionamiento de nuestro cerebro, y un enfoque por coordinar los momentos de acción con secuencias musicales. Pero nada despunta, ni resulta muy creativo de por sí, de modo que su estética abstracta se muestra más pretenciosa que natural. Casi parece que la filosofía detrás del proyecto fuese: “necesitábamos llenar el juego con lo que sea”, por muy extraño que quedase.

Es difícil empatizar con él. Tampoco ayuda nada que el protagonista tenga el humor típico de un SeeD despreocupado por su dolorida admiradora (whatever), o que los combates sean tan simples, toscos y genéricos que resulte un bodrio tener que dedicarles un mísero segundo de atención. El juego se cree gracioso por soltar comentarios irónicos de una sitcom americana o recitar rimas cual Gruntilda, como si bastase para simpatizar con sus personajes y soltar la pertinente carcajada de bote en el momento intencionado. Pero claro, ¿quiénes son estos mindungis que manejamos? ¿Dónde estamos? ¿Por qué nos tendríamos que preocupar por su aventura? El mundo de ‘Figment’ no tiene sentido, ni hace ahíncos porque nos interese buscárselo, simplemente trata de ofrecer una jugabilidad 2D que se sabe aburrida y muy poco refrescante con el tiempo (y eso que lleva unas 5h visualizar todo el tinglado). Es cierto que en la recta final, el juego va construyendo cierta carga sentimental que llega a traspasar la pantalla, pero no puede decirse que la aventura haya sido muy satisfactoria llegado el momento. Se nota pasión entre aquellos encargados de hacerlo realidad, pero ‘Figment’ es bastante decepcionante.

Pretty cute game. The puzzles are very simplistic but that's ok.
The story can be cheesy at times but it's wholesome in an endearing way

I've heard this game described as "a mix between Psychonauts and Bastion" due to its playstyle and humor. I haven't played much of Bastion, but I'm a massive fan of Psychonauts. This game is not quite as good as that game (a hard bar to reach, mind you) but it's a really great and charming little adventure. It's a very easy game, with only a couple combat sections requiring much skill; the emphasis here is on the puzzles and collectibles. It's got a really neat artstyle, extremely witty characters, and wonderful gameplay. There's not much to dislike here.

This is a very charming game with beautiful visuals, interesting characters and areas filled with details. The voice acting is also very good and there is a bit of singing in a theatrical kind of way. The game is a mix of simple fighting, solving puzzles and collecting 16 membranes. Although the 16 membranes are optional (I think), they explain the main story which is kind of kept vague for the most part, but you get the gist of it by guessing.

The things that I thought could have been better were the following:
-Fighting: it's very simple and feels stiff too. The character is not very athletic and maybe the fighting is like this on purpose to stay true to the character.
-Backtracking: you have to go through areas to reach a specific area. Even after clearing it. I prefer teleportation to collect what I missed.
-Framerate/animation: the way the character moves/animates is very weird and distracting on high FPS. I had to limit the FPS to 60 through Nvidia's Control Panel to make it look smoother. But there are instances where it still doesn't look natural. I'm not sure what it means but this is the only technical and graphical fault about the game.

The game's style is also very unique and original of course. You either love or hate what you see. I rather love it. One of the bosses is a spider. I usually detest spiders but this game made me fall in love with it due to how charming it is.

The game is a good first entry but there is also room for improvement. I enjoyed my 8 hours and am looking forward to getting my hands on Figment 2 the next time it's on sale.

art direction is beautiful and imaginative but the combat and puzzles are bland and tedious

ótimas músicas, arte interessante e sinceramente surpreendeu já que não esperava muito, comprei por recomendação de um amigo e valeu a pena

Played (most) of this with my mother and its a real fun time.

A nice mix of action/fighting and puzzles, not too difficult with a good art style and pretty good music numbers too with a story that's satisfying and interesting.

Worth a look.

It's... alright.

The story is engaging, the artstyle is gorgeous, the concept and worldbuilding are fantastic. Music is quite nice as well, if a bit repetitive.

The only real problem is that it's not really fun to play, and that ruins the whole experience. Gameplay is extremely basic, and a large majority of the puzzles are very easy. I felt bored for a good 3/4 of the game. It just sad to see that it's got such a nice concept but then fails at being the very thing it is supposed to be: a fun game to play.

Also, I can't stand Piper. She won't shut up, give you the most obvious pointers to the point that it feels like she is babysitting you, and I found her voice acting atrocious; it feels fake, exaggerated and exhausting.

Get this if you enjoy the concept and if you are forgiving, or to support the devs (game's pretty cheap so why not?).

Gameplay mechanics suck and killed the game for me. Beautiful art tho.

Très mignon, touchant, énigmes sympas, pas très long, lezgo