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O gênero Found Footage dos videogames(ARG) é definitivamente um dos generos se não o mais intrigante que temos, quando você joga algo e supõe que esta jogando algo real, mesmo que de faz de conta, a sensação é um tanto mais perturbadora e instigante que o normal, inscryption é definitivamente uma experiencia muito imersiva e que definitivamente vale a pena.
A parte de card game me deixou um gostinho de quero mais passaria mais horas jogando o card game dos outros patronos, principalmente a do leshy, extremamente bem ambientada.

caramba, o que foi isso que eu experienciei
eu literalmente não consigo parar de pensar nesse jogo

esse é facilmente um dos jogos mais criativos que eu já joguei, um jogo de cartas EXTREMAMENTE divertido, com mecânicas muito fora da curva e desbalanceadas, com sistemas diferenciados, e que ainda esconde algo por trás de toda essa diversão

além de ser um jogo de cartas, ele também é um ''escape room''', que como o nome já diz, você tá preso em uma sala e tem que fugir dela, fazendo puzzles e outras coisas, eu não vou estragar a surpresa pra quem ainda não jogou, mas essa parte é tão divertido quanto o jogo de cartas.

e a estética e atmosfera vem como um molho extra nesse jantar maravilhoso que é esse jogo; é um 3d meio pixelado, com algumas partes feitas a mão, que faz total sentido com o cenário que você está, uma cabana velha cheia de mistérios para se resolver, enquanto você joga com uma figura misteriosa, que cria uma história pra os acontecimentos do próprio jogo que ele criou, como se fosse um narrador de rpg; um jogo de cartas que até parece amaldiçoado, onde deve-se utilizar qualquer tipo de estratégia que sua cabeça pode pensar para vencer a rodada; os sons das cartas sendo puxadas, o som da balança, das ''moedas'', o som da madeira rangindo, e isso, gera uma imersão majestosa na sua jogatina que foi o que realmente me prendeu e me mantéu cativado até o fim da minha gameplay.

vou dizendo uma coisa antes de vc magicamente se interessar pelo jogo, mas ele pode ser BEM frustante em vários momentos dele, então, só se prepare mentalmente

eu queria poder falar mais sobre esse jogo, mas tudo depois disso é spoiler, e eu nunca quero estragar a diversão de quem ta lendo minhas reviews de qualidade duvidosa (eu sei que tem um botão de esconder a review, mas eu só não gosto de usar ele)

+ mt divertido
+ esteticamente bonito
+ narrativa muito interessante
+ alguns outros

- frustrante
- uma certa parte do jogo não é tão boa quanto as outras

e mesmo depois de ter ZERADO o jogo, eu ainda tenho muito coisa pra fazer com ele, é incrível isso

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Facilmente o melhor jogo de cartas que já tive o prazer de experimentar.

Inscryption inicialmente te fisga pelo mistério, uma cabana, um cara estranho e diversas cartas que falam(?), mas conforme o jogo passa, até mesmo o sistema de cartas passa a ser uma enorme diversão.

Um jogo dividido em 3 partes, em que toda vez você acha que acabou e acaba por ter uma mecânica completamente nova, acaba por ser uma experiência que se reinventa a cada momento em que começa a perder o gás.

Inscryption assim como diversos jogos já publicados pela Devolver, foi feito com extremo carinho e cuidado, fazendo deste uma das melhores experiências em jogos que já tive. JOGUEM!

Really fun, I think the extent to which each take on the card game is drawn out the exact right amount of time is under-appreciated.

Creative as fuck.

Inscryption é definitivamente um dos jogos mais criativos que coloquei a mão, toda ideia em torno desse jogo é tanto quanto intrigante, fora a imersão que consegue ser suficiente a todo momento. Não tenho muitas ressaltas a mencionar, infelizmente a finalização não me pegou tanto, tirando de fato os momentos finais.

wonderful game with actual genius plotwriting and really unique gameplay

It was a really nice experience, the story actually surprised me and the gameplay is really good

This game is a masterpiece and one of the best games I’ve ever played, but no one appreciates this game for what it truly is and it’s extremely depressing. The ONLY act anyone cares about is act 1 and supposedly the rest of them suck so hard and there’s no point in hiding spoilers because act 1 is the only thing that matters. The story sucks the fmv videos suck the gameplay sucks every character besides leshy sucks don’t even bother with the story and just skip to kmod, it’s all act 1 act 1 act 1. The games that take inspiration from this game all only use act 1. It’s like literally 2/3 of the game doesn’t exist. I feel like people go into this game thinking it’s a roguelite deckbuilder with repetitive combat and little to no story like 95% of deckbuilders. They know nothing about Daniel’s games, about the 4th wall breaking, about the changing art styles. So they end up whining and complaining “why no act 1 over and over??? where kmod????”

Do not go into this game expecting a generic roguelite deckbuilder. You will be disappointed.

everybody's saying first act is the best and i wanna make it clear that it's not that simple. i think the game doesn't get better but it doesn't really lose steam neither. expands on the story side and kinda regresses on the gameplay side but i wouldn't call it losing steam. it just does what it does and while it's good, it's not enough for me.

Very fun gameplay in almost every act of the game. Obviously the first and biggest is the strongest, but the second GBA Yugioh styled section was also a contender.

The framing is a real mixed bag. The escape room elements start really strong but ultimately rug pulls into yet another creepy pasta cursed indie game. The acting on the video clips sure didn't help sell it either.

super interesting and unique game, great story and the access to a roguelike version of the game after completing the story is nice. only thing that holds it back is some lulls in the middle of the game. peak shaking head emoji

no words can describe this game

WOW, what an incredible experience. Completely caught me off guard, one of those where the least you know the better.

Only decided to play it because I just had surgery and wanted something simple to play on the couch, I loved Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories as a kid so I figured this would be perfect. It definitely was a great card game, but oh boy it's so much more than that.

Eu jogo 20 horas no dia, e depois não dá vontade de abrir de novo, se pá zero mas acho improvável

Holy moly this is one of the most insanely creative and surprising games I've ever played. Like, every time I thought this game was done with surprising me, it went, "Sike nah, you ready to experience one of the coolest things a game has done before."

This has skyrocketed to be one of my favorite indie games EVER, and I highly recommend it to just about anyone, even if you don't like card games. Just go into it as blindly as possible, please!

A simply sublime and inventive deck building game with quite a few genre subversions sprinkled throughout. Masterful atmosphere, visuals and mechanically complex while at the same time being very approachable and digestible. Inscryption should be considered a case study of successful game design.

I gotta admit I was slightly disappointed once the game shifted away from Act 1's shenanigans, but the resulting experience more than made up for it in the end. I also love how the creator added in an optional endgame mode with expanded rules, challenges and cards as kinda of a gift for those who really enjoyed the first segment of the game.

Everyone should play through this at least once. And this is coming from someone who usually dislikes card games and is currently tired of roguelites.

top jogos do meu ano, o ato 1 é meu favorito, demora a se acostumar com cada ato mas todos são muito bons depois que você entende e começa a ficar apelão;
a atmosfera é MUITO massa, tu se sente desconfortável vagando por ela e a gameplay é sutilmente macabra de uma forma que eleva esse sentimento de estranheza, que quanto mais você joga mais evidente é;
é um jogo do caralho que te deixa curioso querendo saber o que vai acontecer, e isso que eu nem gosto de cartas. dito isso, recomendo a todos;

Muinto foda lol. . .. Piorem pro final fica meio paia acho qp erde potencial .
Mas adoro midia transmidia q se transforma em varias coisas e se auto referencia e vira outras coisas e tem vcaraias camadas d narrativa entao foodase .a..a kakakak

absolutely riveting, addictive, and expertly designed. i want to play this game forever i think. but it uses all of its elements well and had the perfect runtime. it gave me everything i wanted and a lot of fun surprises. GOD was a slick and crazy cool video game

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Game had me hooked in the cabin, and then act 2 started and the cards became barely legible and then act 3 started and then I stopped giving a shit.

Goes on far too long for it's own good.

Phenomenal game that oozes creativity out of its very pores. Not much else I can say without spoiling it.

Beautiful atmosphere, fun gameplay, rougelike, great art style, and good music
I am not a fan of deck builders or card games but this truly reeled me in. Hard to say anything, must experience game with no idea what is ahead of you.

this game drives me fucking crazy. the first portion with the sacrifice deck building mechanics is geniunely fantastic, a wonderfully simple deckbuilder that knows exactly what it wants to do and does it well. it constantly forces you to make difficult choices about sacrificing cards, and no challenge ever feels insurmountable. also, the games visual style in this potion is wonderful, and it builds a wonderful b horror ish atmosphere by keeping you in the dark about its twisted jumanji ish plot. HOWEVER, the game vomits over itself after this. Once you beat the first portion, the game pivots to multiple different, much worse games that clearly have way less thought put into their mechanics. the second section lacks any sort of interesting choice or challenge, and i brute forced my way through the whole thing with almost zero thought. all of the intrigue that the game builds up comes crashing down as soon as the game tries to explain itself, and the gameplay kneecaps itself in service of a completely insulting abjectly awful story, which has the subtlety and "psychological horror" cred of a 2008 creepypasta written by a 7th grader. im geniunely fascinated as to what caused these people, who are capable of making an AWESOME game (see part 1), to think this story is in any way interesting. ive read back of the cereal box riddles that were better told than the plot of inscryption. I still would recommend this game at a sale, because man if the first 40 percent is not amazing. This game just also drives me crazy, because it completely refuses to keep any of the momentum it created for itself and makes me kind of hate the parts of it that i liked in some way.

I fucking love this game

So, this is my game of the year so far. The realm of solo game design always surprises with such innovation, and sometimes its almost impossible to believe it was made by a single person. The way the game infolds is so unbelievably well paced, whenever the themes and rules surrounding them changes, I'm constantly left in awe that they still had more in them. The actual deck-building mechanic is really interesting and the concept is simple enough, yet it has so much room for complexity if you choose to play that way. This was such a spectacular experience, i would not shut up about this for some time and i cant wait to see what Mullins comes up with next.

"This hole.... it was made for me...."

- One of the most enjoyable experiences i had in a LONG time, this game really was made for me.
- The card game at its core is actually really solid and then it builds around it with variations and puzzles to attempt to achieve.
- The plot is good and the writing is great at some points and okay at others.
- Excellent OST.

An adventure full of joy and swears... ended heartbreaking.

Increíble. Constantemente con mecánicas y formas de jugar nuevas, parece que no se acaba nunca. De los mejores juegos del género

This game dismantles what a genre means, totally subversive and dynamic. An indie gem. A mix of RPG elements, platformer, card game and deck-building with charismatic characters, all in one bundle. I'm not a big fan of card games, but I still loved the experience. A breath of fresh air of innovation amidst cliché Triple-A games. I think that the game suddenly becomes too hard by the Act 3, in the robots stage. But it doesn't detract from the experience. A must for card game lovers!