Reviews from

in the past

Finalmente joguei Kingdom Hearts, tenho uma vaga lembrança de ja ter jogado na infância pq lembro de uma fase no País das Maravilhas, mas n tenho certeza pq n bate com o mundo q aparece no game.
O jogo é incrivel, a gameplay dele é bem fácil de se acostumar e avançar no jogo. Meu mundo favorito é o de Halloween Town tanto pelo cenário quanto pelos trajes dos personagens, oq menos gostei foi o do Monstro e oq achei mais criativo foi o da Deep Jungle.
N sei oq foi mais irritante, se foi passar por Hollow Bastion 2 vezes ou aquele monte de batalha do End of the World, o x1 contra o Ansem foi uma dor de cabeça. Só acho q poderiam ter desenvolvido mais algumas interações com os mundos da Disney, principalmente na parte da despedida dos personagens
>> Game finalizado 100% ( todas 46 trinities, todos 99 dálmatas, todas 5 páginas livro, recorde nos 5 minigames Pooh, todas as 11 keyblades, todos 10 relatórios do Ansem ).

>> Prós
• HISTÓRIA : A proposta do game é bem interessante ( e isso q consolidou a franquia ). Achei mt boa essa introdução para um primeiro game e uma grande sacada dos criadores de juntar esses universos em um jogo foda desses.
• JOGABILIDADE : Boa parte dos controles são bem fáceis de controlar, principalmente nas batalhas.
• CENÁRIOS : Mt bom viajar pelos diversos filmes da infância.
• PERSONAGENS : Outro ponto positivo é o grande elenco de personagens carismáticos.

>> Contras
• JOGABILIDADE CAMÊRA : Era só colocarem o direcional pelo segundo analógico igual a maioria dos jogos. Usar o R2 e L2 pra virar a visão é bem chato.
• CERTOS MOMENTOS : Achei q poderiam ter desenvolvido melhor algumas interações q parecem q ficaram vazias ( tipo o Sora q nem se apresenta direito pro Jack no mundo de Halloween ou em certos momentos q o Sora n tem uma reação condizente com as cenas ).

>> Perso Favorito = Sora, Donald, Pateta, Riku e Gênio.

>> Mundos 
• 100 ACRE WOOD/POOH = 3.5/5

Kingdom Hearts works best when the darker undertones take a passenger seat to the quirky concept of the entire franchise. The later games lean heavier and heavier into the darker undertones more than the roots they established in this game and, boy howdy, does it get cringe af. Dialogue wise, this one is the easiest to listen to and it is a unique concept with decent, innovative, game mechanics.

this game is cool and epic except the part were i sat on my phone for 10 flying the gummi ship fucking slow ass ship

Honestly one of the worst games I've ever played.

Kingdom hearts is a decent game for the first of an iconic series. The story was cool even though half of it was Disney filler but even the filler was nice. It played nicely and I didn't have too many problems with the combat (most of combat issues was just my skill issue) the one thing I absolutely despised about the game though was the fucking GAME DESIGN. Ever since I did tarzans world I knew that I needed a playthrough guide to atleast get me through the game because I'd probably end up running through circles for hours trying to figure out what I actually have to do next. But other than that, good game. And one last note, next to advent children clouds kh design is his best.

Jogo carismático que possuí um carisma único que leva a gameplay ultrapassada(compreensível pelo época de lançamento)fazendo assim ser fácil se perder em uma história confusa e meio sem sentido porém com um carinho muito claro,faz parecer que quem escreveu a história gosta muito dela e esse sentimento é contagiante

Dante Alighieri is actually a rotten liar because there's actually a secret circle of hell reserved for anybody over the age of minority who makes KH their whole personality. I'm a day one hater, and I hate fans more than I hate Disney adults. Yes there's overlap.

I just think it's badly written badly acted and entirely nonsensical and I think it diminishes the artform for existing. Like yeah if you're under 10 and want to watch Cloud and Goofy be in the same game that's cool I'm not unreasonable, but put down the ao3 the rest a yalls it's unbecoming of you

I love this game. It honestly aged better than many people believed. The mechanics are fun. The world design for the levels are good and fun. Love the interactions that Sora, Donald, and Goofy had with other Disney characters and worlds and some of the Final Fantasy characters. A lot of abilities are fun and useful.

Though my biggest issue with the game is that the Gummi Ship sections are BORING and dull. It feels like a drag when going through it. I kept asking many times, when can this be over?

Overall, go ahead and play this. I recommend it for anyone who wants to get into the series. Try it out and have fun.

It's the classic game alright. Only big issue I have is the impossibility to skip cutscenes, especially for speedruns.

MEU PARCEIRO, você é criança que cresceu com filmes da Disney e do nada vê uma criança com o Pateta e o Donald se aventurando em DIVERSOS mundos das franquias que viu crescendo ? Um misto perfeito pra quem é fã de Final Fantasy e Disney. Amo ter na memória cada segundo que passei jogando ele.

Tried to emulate it but really didn't like how the movement felt, which is kind of a problem in a game like this.

Tää eka oli vähä takkura kyl josai kohdin mut oli kyl silti wortti ja hauska seikkailu

la trama qui era semplice e capibile. poi con i giochi dopo hanno cominciato a far casino. il gameplay sente il peso degli anni ma resta un gran bel gioco.

where to start? kingdom hearts has always kind of fascinated me as this absolutely insane idea to blend disney cinema with final fantasy characters and storytelling, an utterly bizarre clashing of styles that doesn't really work in the traditional sense, but in the kind of hot-topic mallgoth edgy snow white way that was very prevalent in the early 2000s. it's clearly chasing more of a teen demographic rather than a child demographic, with it's slightly more complex systems and labyrinthine narrative, but there's never really a point where it can transcend the strangeness of having goofy in the same frame as cloud, or donald saying stuff like "the keyblade" in that bizarre raspy voice.

but there's a charm to it all, especially in the segments that aren't just replaying a disney movie (although there is still a certain disney charm there too), where there's this earnest naivety, seeing the world through the eyes of a child and trying to break free from what you know into a wider expanse of questions and adventure, and trying to pick up the pieces of what is lost and turn it into something new. a game with so many twists and turns and yet it remains as simple as just being a story of trying to right by your friends, and forgiving those who've wronged you when they try their best to make it up to you. while not as impactful as something like final fantasy x (almost done that one too lmao) in it's coming of age narrative, there's still an ultimate sweetness here that i can't help but let carry me on to the ending, even through the variety of frustrations.

and by god are there frustrations. i'll start with some of the most obvious ones, the top of which being the horrible platforming which is relied upon far too heavily. while never really punishing the player too much for missing jumps (with the exception of hollow bastion my god), the platforming remains imprecise throughout the entire journey, and can just add to so much tedium in sections like deep jungle or monstro where the player constantly has to retry sections due to missing a single jump. there's also the ever presence of backtracking throughout the entire game, which in levels like monstro, deep jungle, or hollow bastion which also suffer from confusing layouts, can become hideously time consuming and grossly aggravating. there's also heavy difficulty spikes throughout the game, which i will say could just be me being terrible at the game, but especially in the ending section there were bosses that took me upwards of two full hours to beat. the gummi ship adds absolutely nothing to the game and just extends travel sections with mind-numbing shmup levels. the combat is fun, but lock-ons can be clunky at the best of times and i could never get the handle of healing animation times especially when facing multiple enemies that just shred your health leading to a simply overwhelming amount of times where it felt like the game simply killed me for no reason. there's a gem of something really interesting in the combat system, with it's mix of real time battling and turn-based style menus, but it never fully comes together leading to a system which turns more cumbersome than engaging when dealing with the more difficult enemies.

there's also the elephant in the room of what this project looks like in the modern day. as we've extended further into the multiverse industrial complex, i think it's really easy to look at this as a precursor to some of the most diabolical machinations of the current-day cultural machine. combining all of these marketable properties for brand synergy, hitting both the disney fan and final fantasy fan at once, throwing all of these things together to make a boatload of money. but because this is so early on in the obsession with multiverses, and because it does feel like it has a really distinct and idiosyncratic voice behind all of the madness, this never really feels like a spider-man: no way home (had to look up what that one was called) or the flash type of debacle where they're constantly pointing at things you recognize for a cheap dopamine rush. in the end, it really is that charm that pushes through it all and keeps me interested in where this all goes, no matter how utterly stupid it can all be.

Perhaps a controversial take, but this is one of the better KH games. At this point, it was still a weird experiment by Disney and Square, and so hadn't yet become a victim of its own success - the plot was still comprehensible without needing to both play dozens of games across multiple systems and then read wikis for hours. The gameplay is mechanically much simpler than later iterations, but the core action combat is already here. The bosses are interesting since you get to fight a mix of Heartless, Final Fantasy characters and Disney villains, and the OG soundtrack is iconic.

Disney e Final Fantasy. Não tinha como dar errado.

wtf is this fucking rope section in the jungle it's been like 1 hour I'm not trying that for the 50th time. Platforming is so clunky it's horrible and combat is completely mid. The story seems interesting enough but the game just won't let me see it so fuck off. I'm not usually this salty but I was actually starting to enjoy it before this very specific moment, I found it frustrating but manageable for 3 hours but then it throws out this kind of shit ? yeah no maybe I'll watch a video abt the story on yt yhen move on to the 2nd game bc I hear great things about it. Eh I'm frustrated it seemed really fun

I played this on PlayStation 4. I love the Kingdom Hearts series. Very charming.

Has a better camera then Devil May Cry 1-4

Can't think of a game and story that I loved more than KH2. All time great game.

Movement is a little stiff and slow at times. Otherwise, fantastic game.

came into it expecting a tech prototype for 2, came out of it really liking the ways it played with command-based RPG flow into an ARPG. The level design being generally cramped and segmented makes every area unique and interesting, and the ways a lot of the system play into each other is really fun. I mainly disliked how some enemy interactions worked out and how unremarkable some levels ended up being. Story's great though, we all love tales of depression and friendship.

Lo jugue hace un año y no me acuerdo de nada pero se que me gusto mucho 10/10

Très bon mais problème de caméra

The combat is fun and the overworld is riddled with interesting secrets but the platforming? My god
Still, it's a classic and I can appreciate the game for it

I really didn't expect to like this when my friend recommended it. For the first like 8 hours I was still playing it for them, but after that I really started to find the groove and got a lot of fun from it. I'm going to play the second one, but I do not know when because this one took me a month to get through.