Reviews from

in the past

This game saved my life.

I am 27.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand... my working hand... my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

After learning of the severity of my self-inflicted damage, I was borderline suicidal. Keep in mind that just a few months before this, I was the happiest man with no history of depression or anxiety. I have never had fits of rage, or been one to break down and cry, but I was in a low spot that just really buried me from being able to see the light on the other side.

Having nothing better to do, I searched for a game I could play, ONE HANDED while I recovered. I somehow stumbled upon this game and read some of the reviews. I decided that it had to be worth a shot... I must admit, I didn't beat the game, or play nearly as long as some of you. In fact, I may have only played this game a day or two.. With that being said, after doing so, I had a new found joy and hope for life. I was able to put behind me the pain and suffering that had been cast over me. I was able to experience other peoples joy and happiness. I was able to see the fruits of my "labor". I relaxed for 5 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minutes to this music long enough to realize that I was going to be okay.

After coming to that realization, I turned the game off, and I went back to work. It hurt my hand like hell but I was motivated. I stopped feeling so damn sorry for myself, and I became the father I needed to be in that moment, not the weak boy I was behaving as.

Today, I am close friend with my kids mother. We don't fight, or argue, or say hurtful things to each other. We are parents, and friends.

I now have 3 kids. My third child is, wait for it, ALSO 4 YEARS OLD. The woman I am with was going through a very similar situation at the time of my own separation, and we just stumbled in to each others life unexpectedly. We have been in a relationship for a year now, and are very happy together.

Moral of the story, you never know what life holds in store for you, and if I would have given up when all the odds were stacked against me, I wouldn't be where I am today. This silly little game helped me realize that.

lego gta is fun and all but these games were better when they shut tf up

I forgot I beat this in like 2018

LEGO City is unfortunately the exact tipping point of me aging out of the original formula LEGO games. Undercover was rumored and talked about for years before release, but unfortunately took just long enough to come out that it was outside of the age range for the original population of LEGO Star Wars kids who were originally most interested in it.

It's a great game. It deserves better standing on the list than this, but I've just never had a great time with it due to its simplicity clashing with when it released in my life.

Re-visiting the review. Another six months on and my Son is still playing this, still finding different things and still having a blast. Crashes seem to have stopped as well. Has to be five stars.

this is unironically the most hilarious lego game the amount of movie and celebrity references and how they're all so fucking funny makes this game so peak

This is basically GTA for kids. It has easily the best humor and game mechanics of any Lego game. The only troubling thing is that it set a precedent for voice acting in Lego games, and subsequent entries would not feature writing as good as this one.

It has its minor flaws (and even bigger ones when it comes to the PC version), but it's still one of the best LEGO games and should serve as a model for others in the series.

Honestly one of the best lego games out there.
The soundtrack is super good, I love the costume switches that give more abilities to chase. And the levels are just really fun. Also the graphics are phenomenal for a lego game released in 2013.

8.5/10 Would be a 9 except once I completed the 15th level like a week after my save file got corrupted and I havent played since lololl.

Gta se a rockstar soubesse fazer jogo

I could have sworn that I left a detailed review on Steam back in the day, but for some reason, it's not there. Anyway, I'll try to summarize by memory. The core gameplay is similar to older LEGO games, it's just that you have a huge open/hub world now. It's really not like GTA at all, despite what a lot of people are saying. Probably as close as a LEGO game is likely to get to GTA, but still - not really like GTA. I find it baffling and even annoying that so many people make that comparison in reviews as the similarity is very surface-level. Pet peeves aside, I enjoyed seeing an entire modern city made out of LEGO parts. It brought back many childhood memories. All the movie references are cool and funny and the game can be enjoyable overall. But underneath all of that you find the usual casual busy work from prior LEGO games. While I did do a 100% playthrough, I think it was just the completionist in me getting activated. I had very mixed feelings about it towards the end.

Pretty solid, don't know why they never made another one

Still definitely one of the most creative and enjoyable lego games that took a simple and mundane premise and made it super fun enjoyable and interesting with so much to do to explore an dot juts have fun with its a great game.

Wii U fans, this is a game we should be proud of

The best Lego game out of them all so far. TT Games developed a game with no specific ip just Lego city and they delivered. They knocked the ball out of the park with this game making something that any child dreamed of when they thought of a video game set in Lego city. Everybody who has every had legos and an imagination should play this game.