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in the past

I got this hidden gem from GameStop for 15 bucks. I took it home, and I was blown away. Some people seem to dislike the gameplay, but I don’t really see that problem. The strategy of trying to command a team in the heat of battle is a fun loop, and I was never really bored with it. The story holds on, And never let you go. This is one of three games that got me to cry. But the game isn’t perfect. Some of the platforming could’ve been shortened. Luckily, that takes up such a small portion, that it doesn’t really affect the score.

historia meio meh mas e bue fixe de jogar, mas o gajo principal e bue chato

When this first came out I was surprised to hear it was actually really good since everyone thought it would be another Square Enix Avengers flop. I've been meaning to play this for a while now and I can finally report that I don't think it's nearly as good as the glowing reviews would have you believe.

Let me start with the good. The story and character work is top tier especially for a triple A comic book game. The guardians are a well fleshed out and realistic team that I really enjoyed getting to know. I think I can confidently say I enjoy this rendition of the guardians more than the MCUs version. The combat, while janky (I'll get back to this) is really interesting in concept and I really enjoyed the huddle up mechanic. It's technically a cheat but using a ton of 80's music over the combat sections was a nice touch. The graphics are very nice and the mocap and character models are some of the best I've seen. Rocket and peter specifically look amazing. All of that stuff is great but It's severely tarnished by a glaring level of unpolish.

There's nothing game breaking about the bugs/glitches I encountered but there were enough little things that made the whole thing feel like it needed more time in the oven. Little things like the subtitles not showing up for certain lines, audio being delayed for a second or so, flickering textures or just really poorly implemented animations kept popping up and never really went away. The way peter moves and feels is SUPER janky and never feels satisfying. His jump has no real animation so he just appears in air and his boost forward and up look awful. I know this isn't a platforming game but any time you try to jump from ledge to ledge or vault up to a higher platform it's a gamble if you'll actually make it because the controls are so imprecise.

I really am a fan of what they did with the combat in this despite but most of the enemies have FAR too much health and are repetitive with little to no skill involved. It's fun to use your teams super abilities but I never felt like I had to strategize even a little bit to win fights. The 3 bosses in the game are just bullet sponges that have basically no meaningful mechanics and take way too long. Though I did appreciate the first boss fights mechanics a little more.

Overall I did appreciate what this game was going for and really do mean that there is a good game in here but I cannot express enough how much this needed another pass or some kind of delay because man this feels like its about to fall apart at any moment. I'd say if you're interested watch some gameplay and decide if you're cool with all the jank before buying because I wish I knew before going in.

recomendado, personajes bien hechos, interesantes ,sin duda alguna lo voy a rejugar algún día.

Unremarkable gameplay but the excellent writing and performances really prop the game up to the point where I actually preferred these Guradians over their movie counterparts. Too bad there won't be a sequel that builds on this solid foundation.

uma história incrível que tem uma gameplay um pouco repetitiva, mas não é de se enjoar tão fácil. tem momentos muito bons nesse jogo e tem até pós-créditos jogável. dito isso, vale a jogatina

A pretty solid game. Overall there's nothing about it that i hated but let me just get the bad things out of the way first. every chapter follows a similar structure and can feel very repetitive, if your looking for a game with lots of variety that will blow you out of the water this might not be it. but otherwise everything was how i expected. although, one thing that did stand out to me was the cutscenes which almost felt like little movies, most of them are well animated and the lore and the plot line in them is really good. So, overall a solid, but basic super hero, adventure/shooter, i recommend.

Dava nada pra esse jogo, mas achei muito bom.
Muito divertido, excelentes dialogos (adendo aqui pra dublagem pt-br que ta maravilhosa irmao pqp), gameplay bem hack n slash mais de tirin que deixa bem gostosinho de jogar.
os poderes que você desbloqueia são bem bons de usar, você consegue jogar largadão como se tivesse curtindo um filme mesmo. nossa é uma experiência muito boa.
A história nao tem nada demais, é bem linear e da pra curtir assim como funciona no conteúdo original. o que realmente faz diferença é a dinamica entre os personagens que é bem descontraida e engraçada, curti bastante.
nao tive muitos bugs, duas vezes que me prendi no chao e tive que voltar no save e outra que meu boneco atravessou a parede e voltou kkkk
Enfim, vale muito a pena jogar e se voce curte as musicas nao verá defeitos.

Now THIS is what I want to see from AAA games. I just don't know that I can say about this game...It's just really, reaaally good.

I like this interpretation of the guardians, the game looks fantastic, the writing is good and the characters are funny, the motion capture and animations are amazing, there are a few cool alternate costumes for each character, and the combat system is really fun and engaging.

I adore the idea of pausing the entire fight every once in a while so Peter can have a quick pep talk with his team, and depending on the approach you take, you either inspire all of them or fail miserably and only you get powered up. It's just too good.

I also really like the selection of licensed music they picked. They were clearly heavily inspired by the James Gunn movies, but they still picked songs that the movies never used, while still composing original ones I think. Actually, the entire game feels more like its own unique take on the guardians and these crazy characters; it isn't just a one to one copy of the movie versions, which I appreciate.

Only a few times I felt like the writing was a little bit too corny, or the character animations were too awkward when looking at what the characters are supposed to be expressing. But that was never too distracting.

Overall, this was a really pleasant experience, and a really fun and exciting game. Please give it a shot if you haven't, chances are you will really enjoy it, even if you are not a fan of capeshit or Marvel. It is much more than just that.

cute game love this version of them more then the mcu one

Juegazo Digno de los Guardianes de la Galaxia 🌌 Loco

Guardians of the Galaxy makes up for all of it's jank, lack of polish, and the wet fart that is combat in the early hours of the game by being really, really, really damn endearing. Did I audibly sigh the 20th time Gomorrah said: "Having fun "praaaying" on the weak?" when referencing the gang of religious cultists you're fighting in battle? Absolutely. But then the awesome soundtrack kicks in or the likeable characters start bantering back and forth in a cutscene and you forget all of the minor annoyances the game comes with. Not to mention this game is totally unafraid to be weird as hell in it's environments, writing, and character designs and I can definitely respect that! It balances out to be a unique, fun experience with likeable characters, an engrossing story, and a terrific soundtrack despite how groan-inducing and janky it can be at times.

Very cool but too long, which makes it repetitive.

Shooting stuff is fun.

Highkey a horrendous story and the level design is terrible and I hate the dialogue between characters getting cut off every time I move ahead a little. But the combat in this game is so fun. Using all the different abilities and the guardians while fighting is amazing. Definitely give it a shot if you like having fun.

Gameplay is okay but man is the dialogue so good in this. I got a feeling that it was gonna be annoying but it ended up being hilarious and very intriguing. Also pretty interesting decision to make this a choice game.

A very underrated game that I don't hear people talking about enough. I was surprised by just how much fun I was having with this game and how good the story and characters were. It just feels like watching a movie the way the characters interact with jokes, callouts and arguments. they generally feel like a group of friends who just manage to scrape by without killing each other.

The story also goes through a much more grander plotline than I thought it would. The way each chapter develops the story had me hooked and I just wanted to keep playing. It has moments that pull you in and start to make you feel.

The gameplay may just be the weakest part of the game compared to the other stuff, but it's also so much fun. Each fight is just full of action and cool combos you can pull off. the other abilities you unlock are also all useful and have their own situations where they are needed.

The music is also just amazing with great songs and a soundtrack that fits the atmosphere, but everyone already knows that from the movies. If you haven't, please give this game a chance.

Fun story, repetitive gameplay and drags on a bit, ended up trying to end combat sections as quickly as possible so I could just watch the cutscenes. Also there's like a 3 hour section in this game where Rocket becomes unbearable, I nearly gave up

I activated a super and got Rickrolled I'd like to have a word with these developers

Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy é surpreendentemente bom.

Quando esse jogo lançou, em 2021, lembro de baixar uma cópia pirateada e me decepcionar muito com a gameplay, que me parecia repetitiva demais pra um jogo dos GOTG.

Hoje, em 2023, eu finalizo o jogo e percebo que eu não olhei a parte mais importante desse jogo, o fato de que ele é uma experiência single-player com uma ótima história e roteiro.

Os personagens são todos cativantes, cada um com sua peculiaridade e o texto é simplesmente incrível, cada piada acerta como um tiro perfeito.

A gameplay realmente tá longe de ser perfeita, já que não muda muito do início ao fim (no fim das contas é um jogo de ação com tirinho, nada demais).

Mas algo que me fez contornar esse problema da gameplay foi jogar na dificuldade mais alta do game, que me fez pensar como usar todos os recursos disponíveis pra não tomar um cacete nas fases finais (que acredite ou não, ficam impossíveis nessa dificuldade, se tu não souber o que tá fazendo).

No fim das contas, não é um jogo perfeito, mas é uma ótima surpresa, principalmente se você conseguiu pegar de graça na Epic Store.

Gameplay não se mostra como boa mas nada que atrapalhe o brilho do jogo quê é a escrita do mundo e personagens além dos cenários deslumbrantes mesmo jogando no PS4

This review contains spoilers

Entre mazmorra y mazmorra de Diablo IV había que buscar algo fresquito para ir haciendo, y me acordé que en su momento se me jodió el archivo de guardado de Guardians of the Galaxy casi al principio. Hoy la deuda está saldada y es el décimo (jodidamente épico) jueguito pasado en lo que va de año 🤟😎

El juego es un "De menos a más" de manual. La mecánica de combate "usando" 5 personajes a la vez está que te cagas de bien integrada. Las pequeñas tomas de decisiones parece que no afectan mucho pero ojito con algunas. Y la evolución de trama y personajes, aunque no seas fan de Marvel, es 10/10.

Claro que hay cosillas reguleras: a veces hay tanto caos que no sabes bien qué hacer o dónde ir, en ocasiones te notas "secuestrado" en conversaciones mientras tú quieres hacer o ir a otras cosas pero tienes que escucharlos, y determinadas animaciones son muy moñeco en según qué momentos.

Pero a pesar de esos fallitos (o cosas que no me terminaron de entrar) compensa con todo lo demás. Comprendo 100% que ganara el GOTY a Mejor Narrativa en 2021. Es épico, es emotivo, es divertido, es... Algo cargante a veces, pero al fin y al cabo así son los puñeteros Guardianes de la Galaxia.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but this game was genuinely pretty damn good, LOL.

I know very little, if not, close to NOTHING about GotG, let alone care about anything Marvel (except Spideyman). All I knew about this game was that it was decent! And not too long. So, why not?

And yeah. This was GOOD. It was linear (for this game, it’s a good thing imo), the combat was not the best and the story is predictable. But OH BOY you could not prepare me for the absolutely incredible chemistry and dynamics between the cast. It’s been awhile since I’ve laughed so hard in a game. And I did not give a single crap about GotG before this game but somehow I managed to laugh and cry over each character within the 26 hours of playing this. The banter is amazing and no doubt the highlight of this game. Though I admit having 4 other people yelling over your character in almost every fight is kinda chaotic lmao.

The puzzles are not complex but I commend the devs for having each individual character be useful in their own ways. The game has a lot of charm and plenty of great moments (I’m talking about a certain space llama and singing part, or the middle finger that was well hidden during a certain cutscene lmao).

Definitely give this game a shot if you’re looking for something shorter to play, even if you’re not into Marvel. I walked in with low expectations and walked out with a goofy ass smile on my face. I don’t know what the movie’s rendition of the characters are like but fuck yeah, I loved this squad.

Truly the most "okay" game I have ever played. Like this might be the poster boy for milquetoast AAA IP-based games.

P.S If a sequel is ever made I will probably play it.

Action-packed space adventure that always pushes you forward while brandishing its established cast and setting to reward paying attention.
+ distinctly flawed characters who become very endearing by the end
+ many creative and visually stunning environments
+ entertaining team banter with player input throughout
+ decent story featuring a good number of impactful choices
+/- unusual combat system that showcases everyone fighting together beautifully but also relies too much on auto-aim and spammable skills
- some exceptionally embarrassing dialogue
- unskippable cutscenes making random quick time events even worse
- extremely linear level design for the most part

I love superhero games and Guardians of the galaxy is a great one. I love the gotg movies and I wasn't excited to play the game. I hadn't heard much about it and Marvels avengers sucked so I didn't have insanely high expectation but I ended up enjoying it way more than expected. The characters are amazing and I really like these versions of the guardians. The story is pretty good too. I liked the gameplay but it got very repetitive some times and it would've much much better if you could actually play as the other guardians (huge missed opportunity). Solid 8/10 fun game.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #36

Destaco el doblaje y los diálogos, dan mucha personalidad a los Guardianes y recogen perfectamente el espíritu de las películas de James Gunn, hasta el punto de reírme en alto unas cuantas veces. La jugabilidad ya no me parece tan buena.

Falem oq quiser mas eu simplesmente amo esse jogo.

Ele tem uma combinação com música e gameplay maravilhosa, a sensação de conseguir o especial e começar a tocar música em alto som dá uma adrenalina absurda, mesmo a gameplay sendo repetitiva, ao meu ver ela consegue se manter com os diferentes momentos e situações do jogo, eu não a trocaria ou mudaria em nenhum fator, ela ficou perfeita nas situações q foi colocada.

Enquanto a história eu já vou deixar claro q é o melhor ponto do jogo, a evolução da amizade q se cria entre os guardiões é muito satisfatória e quando mais vc joga mais vc descobre sobre eles e mais eles ficam próximos de vc, no capitulo 13 isso fica perfeito e une toda a jornada q aconteceu até ali, é o momento de maior união deles e o momento perfeito para a preparação do clímax. E toda a história em si é muito bem contada e cadenciada, todos os capítulos são únicos e conseguem contar a sua própria história e tbm continuar a trama principal q só aumenta com o tempo. Ele também consegue diferenciar muito bem os momentos de gameplay com a história, as pausas são muito boas e ele segue muito bem oq os principais jogos de ação e narrativa fazem (Os famosos jogos da Playstation basicamente), todos esses fatores complementam a história e completam esta experiência.

Estava esperando um jogo bom mas nada muito além, mas realmente encontrei uma experiência divertidíssima e com muito conteúdo, foi um dos jogos q me fez pensar o dia todo nele e toda hora q eu podia eu jogava.

How did this capeshit not have a single character I hated with pretty decent gunplay, this is highly unprecendented