Reviews from

in the past

Really just too short at the end of the day.

Fun Game.

If you like the other Spiderman's you'll like this, but if not then you'll probably hate it cause it is insanely short and formulaic.

Practically on par with the original. Great story, fluid as hell gameplay, really good game.

A great follow-up to the 2018 game. Would probably surpass it if it wasn't on the shorter side

Amazing follow-up to the first game. I really love how they made miles feel less experienced and more energetic with the animations.

The first Insomniac Spider-Man game was fantastic and Miles Morales has grown a lot in popularity over the years so it made sense to give him his own spinoff game. This game takes the gameplay of the previous game and improves it while also giving it a unique Miles Morales touch. The story is great although the game is a little short. This serves as the bridge between Spider-Man 1 and 2 but is still worth playing if you're a fan of the franchise.

Had a blast as I did with the original Spider-Man game from Insomniac, a strong continuation of the story and gameplay elements. The combat is still excellent and honestly gets more fun the more powerful you get.

Game flies by, feels like there is so much to do but took me 19 or so hours to beat 100%

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Miles é, desde o jogo anterior, muito carismático. O jogo vai bem em apresentar sua relação com o Harlem, uma pena que com os vilões não seja da mesma maneira, a moça e o bilionário são insuportáveis e incapazes de causar algo além de repúdio (não dá maneira que se espera de vilões).

NY em neve é linda, mas rapidamente se torna enjoativa, perdendo os contrastes do primeiro jogo. E embora ele se atente em alguns pontos repetitivos do jogo anterior, é tão curto que fica difícil julgar.

Outra situação, foi que ocorreram alguns bugs no áudio, onde eu não ouvia os personagens e outros no mundo, atravessando objetos. Nada tão crítico, mas aconteceram algumas vezes.

I used to have a best friend who was like Phin... it makes the whole story more impactful. It broke my heart. :(

Felt to short amazing story

Fun addition to the new spiderman game series, found the story to be very captivating, the combat is very much the same as the first game with some new gadgets and powers, satisfying enough but can get a boring after a while.

The achievements are straightforward and easy, the 2nd NG+ playthrough is a bit boring as it just makes most of the combat encounters easier as you have all the late game powers and items.

Gameplay is an improvement over the first but the story is weaker and of course it's much shorter. I'd argue this could be a positive because now the repetitive nature can be lessened.

The gameplay with Miles is more fun than the original game

Marvel's Spider-Man is the sequel to the game and is a very nice game. Not much to say, just pick it up and play. I deducted 1 point due to the snowy weather.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales se siente como un DLC extendido del original, es divertido, balancearse se siente genial (incluso mejor que en el original), el sistema de combate es mas de lo que ya se habia visto antes (cosa que no es mala) con unas cuantas habilidades extras de Miles y tiene bastante mas sigilo. El juego es muy corto (lo termine 2 veces y le saque el 100% en 2 dias), cosa que probablemente sea algo bueno ya que si fuera algo mas largo se sentiria repetitivo. La historia cumple, en ningun momento para mi destaco, no me encariñe con ningun personaje como fue en el caso del Spider-Man 2018, el villano principal es el personaje mas generico del mundo y las relaciones de Miles tampoco dan mucho de que hablar, pero supongo que es esperable de un juego tan corto. Y por otro lado, el mundo es precioso graficamente, lo que hace que moverse por el se sienta genial (en esto probablemente afecta que lo haya jugado en ps5 debido al ray-tracing, tiempos de cargas inexistentes y 60fps) y fue muy agradable pasear por el y viendo los distintos climas de este, lamentablemente este sufre un poco de sentirse muerto, los coleccionables y misiones secundarias/eventos se sienten puestas alli para rellenar pero una vez las completas no hay mucho mas que hacer en el bello mapa del juego. En si se sintio como una entretenida historia secundaria sin mucha importancia pero corta y divertida, aunque me hubiera gustado que se aproveche mas todo lo que el universo de Spider-Man tiene para ofrecer (tanto personajes como historias entre ellos).

Great game. the New York Insomniac has built is fantastic. what stops this game being a 5/5 is the story being short but i just gotta play Spiderman 2 now.

Una extensión del juego anterior, pero con la duración suficiente para ser entretenido de principio a fin

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Parece muito uma DLC do jogo de 2018 e é extremamente rushado e o Miles caga pra identidade secreta dele SER SECRETA

good! miles more fun to control than Peter

Really short, fun game. More of the first one; and Miles is really fun to play as.

really fun game. if you played Spiderman ps4 this just feels like a 1.5 version, better combat, better swinging, worse story. It really has all the exaggerated swagger of a black teenager

It’s hard not to like anything spider-man, and I really love Miles and a lot about this game.

But God I am begging for some gameplay innovation in this series. Stealth section, fight horde, stealth section, fight horde - is getting very tiring for every mission.

Sympa a faire mais assez court, on a vraiment l'impression de jouer au DLC du 1er Spiderman vu qu'ils ont repris la même carte, les mêmes combats et mécaniques de gameplay à peu de choses prêt. Toujours les mêmes dialogues et personnages fait pour enfant de 6 ans ça ça bouge pas. J'ai bien aimé le fait qu'ils ajoutent un peu plus d'infiltration au gameplay pour les missions principales. L'histoire est cool si tu débranche un peu ton cerveau.

Só eu que achei esse jogo igual ao primeiro.

This game was great but it could’ve been longer