Reviews from

in the past

At times eerie and at others funny, this is a great little science fiction adventure.

What. A. Game.
The most realistic and immersive dialogue in a video game I've ever seen. I thought this was gonna be like Night in The Woods where there's no voice acting, just like an interactive novel, but I was wrong. I actually don't think there's any game with better voice acting or dialogue like this, after the first scene I knew this game would be a masterpiece.
However, the movements were chunky, NPCs were moving weirdly, and there were many bugs especially the config with controller or something, but it doesn't matter when the dialogue is THAT immersive. Definitely on my top 3 games of all time, even though I haven't even completed all endings.

A good short game, has a good narrative and keeps you engaged.

Al igual que el primero, es un juego de misterio, con tintes de peli de terror, pero sin llegar a dar miedo. Me ha enganchado muchísimo la historia, la forma en que mezcla varios elementos y diversos personajes. Le he cogido mucho cariño a todos los personajes y la decisión final se me hizo muy muy complicada. Pero la verdad que ha valido cada minuto de juego.

Reseña completa
Más jueguitos indies :

so i feel like this was my first real mobile game. i started playing it cause i couldn't sleep and it was chill to do while just laying in bed. and it probably kickstarted a long journey of playing actual good mobile games.

to go for bad stuff first: one thing i hated was the save system! i still don't know when the game actually saves, so i had to replay some parts multiple times :(

even though it's not crazy insane innovative, this game totally hooked me! it is actually scary at times and the audio design is super good. the conversation mechanic is also really cool and i haven't seen something like it before. i feel like my experience was not super deep but still really good, i'll def be playing the sequel.

A great plot, great art direction, hindered only by its annoying disney channel kid’s show dialogues. The convo route mechanism is a great idea, but fails to offer IMPORTANT or competent conversations. With cliche phrases such as “this is a thing that’s happening”, “ok, I’ll shut up now…”, “are you doing that?! Keep doing it it’s awesome!” Or the protagonist’s lukewarm reactions to her friends and step brother being possessed or dying followed by a “wow, that just happened”.

Another bad, bad thing about this game is its long ass loading screens, which I don’t quite get because this game is literally 4 hours long and it’s 2D soo…..

Altogether it’s a fun game, if anything I finished it for the awesome plot and intriguing endings.

I found the banter in this game absolutely insufferable.