Reviews from

in the past

Far better than its immediate competition, which is why it's tragic there's not nearly as much R34 of it.

Never played it much, but I remember it was fun, not much worse/better than overwatch

Better than Overwatch in terms of everything.

Pretty fun when it came out if you were a broke high schooler who couldn't afford Overwatch.

Pior jogo já feito. (Eu jogo todo dia)

Started playing it because I didn't have money to buy overwatch ended up playing it way more than overwatch

Evil Mojo stop focusing on gaining new players, when you cant maintain your og ones

2017-2020 i would have rated 4.5 stars

Imagine ripping off Overwatch lol

At some point during the alpha this was an actual good game.
Then everything started to have way too much HP, based in theory to Call of Duty tfk (time for kill) and it became awful, then they went back but forgot that the tanks should actually be able to last a bit.
In general a fucking mess that started kind of awesome, just like anything this company does.

Se não fosse tão bugado, eu jogaria até hoje

O que dizer além de: Overwatch de graça?

Played it once on my cousin's PC back when it was popular. Half decent.

This game could be a serious overwatch competitor if it wouldn’t run on the spaghetti noodle engine 3000

2019-2021 paladins will never truly be understood by the masses

Paladins was okay, but now its just boobs and microtransactions. Also too many fucking new champions.

alternativa legal pra overwatch quando o jogo era pago e pesado

overwatch de pobre (porém melhor)

Hubo un tiempo en el que me vicie ( ni yo se porque). Al igual que Overwatch fue decayendo por su contenido estúpido y personajes rotos.