Reviews from

in the past

I think this game gave me tinnitus

I mean, it has Bomb King, so that is definitely something. It was fun for like one summer in college, then my brother accidentally got obsessed and it sucked after that. Now hes obsessed with Smite, the Jurys still out on if that is better or worse

I find it very funny how this game is a poor man’s Overwatch but here I am giving it a whole star higher because this game still gave me more fun moments then Overwatch did even if they’re both shitshows

It's so janky and lacks polish but has a lot of cool ideas. Now that overwatch is free I still think that paladins deserves to be played.

shit game that my boyfriend loves for some stupid fucking reason.

Better than Overwatch in terms of everything.

Atualmente tem jogos melhores desse mesmo gênero e de graça. Paladins é um jogo desbalanceado e tem problemas em achar partidas, já que tem poucas pessoas jogando ele atualmente. Sem contar que é muito difícil jogar se você for novato, já que a maioria das pessoas que jogam esse jogo é super experiente.

Bom para quem não consegue rodar overwatch (Tapa buraco)

Look man we were all broke at one point

é melhor que overwatch não ironicamente.

Se vc esta triste lembre-se que vc não é meu amigo que gastou 2 MIL REAIS em Paladinskkkkkkkkkkkkkk

unironically better than smellywatch

I usually don't play this kinds of games but this was fun with friends for a few sessions.

the gunplay? awful. the voice acting? unlistenable. the art direction? what art direction?! the level design? don't even get me started. but good lord i had a lot of fun in my like 80 hours of this game

Taken from a steam review I did last year:

This is by far the most mixed feelings I've ever had on a game. On the one hand, it's a broken, buggy mess. It regularly crashes, glitches out, and breaks. The balancing is way off to the point where some characters and comps feel near impossible to play against. Its artstyle is off-putting and some of the characters range from ugly to kinda problematic.

But my word. Get past all of that, and you have one of the most fun video games i've ever played. The gameplay feels fluid and fun without being that overwhelming, and each of the roles feel pronounced and have their own important job. While people tend to point out a lot of similarities between this game and overwatch, the character designs still feel very unique. You have a goblin in a flying wooden mech, a man that can stop and rewind time, an army commander that can launch people in the sky with an arm cannon, and a universe-devouring worm. And that's just the tanks. But i think the best part about this game is the customisation. Each character has 3 talents, and 16 cards that alter the way they play. Some of them do feel either redundant or downright useless, but most of the time, it means that 2 people can play the same character in completely different ways. For example, my main, Ruckus, is a tank with booster jets and the ability to generate a shield for himself. One loadout I have for him includes a talent that increases the shield's health to give him some of the highest HP in the game, and a card that lets me activate that shield again after just 5 seconds. This makes him very hard to take down without a co-ordinated attack, and makes holding down the point a lot easier. Another build I have lets his booster jets take him directly upwards, as well as forwards at a much greater distance. This means that, with enough practice, you can get to wherever you want on the map, flank around geometry, and be one of the most mobile characters in the game while still having tank levels of defence. That's just one example from one of the simpler characters in the game. With around 50 characters in the game, each with their own customizability, plus in-game items similar to a MOBA, no 2 people are going to be playing a character the exact same way.

I could write an entire essay about this game (and maybe I will some day), but for now i'll leave it at this:

Paladins is one of the most fun, creative, and unique ideas for an FPS i've ever seen. But it's an absolute mess. Part of me really hopes we see a complete rework from the ground up, letting everyone see just how good of a game it really is. But for now, give it a chance. I almost want to say it's worth it.

Oh God don't trust the reviews on this. Paladins is a really fun shooter with a lot of very cool ideas. It's free and it's fun, hero unlocks are very generous.

For my fighting games players out there, Paladins is the kusoge of hero shooters.

Not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination, but I enjoyed it a lot !

worse overwatch. not because the game is worse quality, but because the average paladins player sucks at video games.

Really fun
would recommend with friends though, cause having a solid loadout of different champion types is a huge advantage
when solo queueing you might get lucky and have people that keep in mind whether to pick their "main flank that rushes into everything and dies" or a tank to help the team, but you aren't always that lucky

still fun overall though, if you wanna play actual games you can choose to play against players, but if you want to play more casually or chill there's bot matches aswell, or custom matches if you want that.

sometimes chats can be toxic but it's usually not that bad in normal games(though I haven't played ranked yet so what do I know)
Also the game is most fun if you don't look stuff up like meta's or anything cause it'll just make you feel worse, but that's the case for a lot of games

I mean now I guess they can call it decent compared to overwatch 2

i dont know why but i gotta bug that if you want to play this game, game said fuk you
Thanks Anti-Cheat for your help

Gastei muito mais tempo de minha vida jogando isto do que quero admitir. 👁️👄👁️

Far better than its immediate competition, which is why it's tragic there's not nearly as much R34 of it.

Obrigado até hoje pelo acesso antecipado Hi-Rez, esse jogo foi incrível.
Fez a minha adolescência com toda a certeza

Simplesmente viciei entre 2020 até metade de 2022, mesmo cheio de erros, adoro essa merda. Em 2020 eu só tinha 32H de jogo, atualmente tenho 205H. Te amo, Fernando.

I've played so much of this game but I think I'm probably done after all the weird AI stuff the CEO of Hi-Rez is getting into. Shame that a game with some really great ideas and really fun gameplay is hindered by a studio that doesn't care about it.