Reviews from

in the past

Dublagem muito boa
Um ótimo jogo para crianças
Bem divertido

super cali swagalistic sexy hella dopeness! my beastness out epics you! techniques technology dubstep! hole in one strike touchdown goal homerun slam dunk! marge simpson amd homer Simpson bart impson maggie lisa simple meg brian chris peter lois stewing bob burger! fantastic 😍😍😍😍😍😍!! kill

I can make a pregnant Luigi eat literal shit and then now him down with a screaming shotgun, actually peak.

Interesting and thoughtful concept combined with an eye-pleasing setting. Quite good for a single playthrough, because after going through it, I don't see the point of going back to it.

Scribblenauts Unlimited foi um jogo que comprei em 2017, mas apenas joguei por algumas horas e saí. Esses dias decidi jogar ele de novo e tentar zerar dessa vez. É um jogo bem divertido e inovador, onde tudo que você escreve no caderno mágico do protagonista aparece (com alguns limites, é claro kkkkkkk) e você tem que ajudar as pessoas usando esse caderno. É uma boa experiência, mas se você tentar fazer 100% do jogo ele pode te enjoar, já que você precisa completar todas as missões pra ter todas as conquistas.

Honestly, it can be fun to mess around with friends, but I'm just not the target audience.

Jogo super divertido e criativo, estimula bastante a criatividade e por mim é o melhor de toda a série.

Juego muy lindo con una mecánica súper divertida, pero que no se termina de explotar debido a la sencillez de sus puzzles (aunque entiendo que sea un juego más enfocado a niños).

Eu amava esse jogo quando era criança (Ainda amo)

Got for Christmas yay but it made me download steam :(

It's a cozy game, there's many different puzzles with even more ways to solve them. This is the main reason to play Scribblenauts for me, the creativity in how you progress and solve puzzles.

Since a lot of the puzzles are designed for children they can be quite easy and with the somewhat repetitive gameplay (no changes to abilities or puzzles) it can get slightly boring after a couple hours. Due to this I did find myself sort of 'trudging' through the final few levels before I finished the main story.

If I were to play this game again, I would take it much much slower and potentially play it on the side to a more engaging game, and only play when in the mood. This style of game is not to be played continuously, or 'grinded out', which I feel led to me missing out on some enjoyment.

I do recommend this game, just try to avoid the same mistakes as me.

More shit to create so better than the original I played this one more too so more nice memories😸 great game pure nostalgia 7.5/10

Substantivo: Mulher
Adjetivo: Pelada

Esse joga fica muito melhor com a oficina da Steam.

Um jogo "infantil" que você pode fazer um canibal comer um bebê 💀


When in doubt, give them cancer!

I feel like this is a cool game to play when you are younger, but the older you get the more you realise what you can't do and the magic is gone

Played as a child for hours on my Kindle Fire, and later redownloaded it once I got my first smartphone. Scribblenauts has always been fantastic, there's really quite limitless options for creativity here, but I'm through with mobile games, so I will not be returning to it.

It's a Scribblenauts! The best one by far, in our humble opinion. While we think the more mission-based structure of the first two is fine, there's something about the more open-ended sandbox structure that makes the game feel more cohesive. Also, the fact you can make custom objects is like, literally one of the best features in any video game ever. Talk about future-proofing!

...We're so sad that Scribblenauts more-or-less vanished after this game. There was a DC spinoff and then they just acted like it had never existed. We're still holding out for a Scribblenauts comeback someday!

Also, Lily used to be our Tumblr icon for that period of time where our icon was in constant flux, and in retrospect, maybe it makes a little more sense we're genderfluid