Reviews from

in the past

Once upon a time, I made a pretty cool Ender Dragon which I posted to the Steam workshop. It got a pretty good amount of downloads and likes, at least relative to all the Ratchet & Clank weapons I also did. Flash forward a few weeks later, and I find a mod showcase on YouTube going over my own Ender Dragon. I click on the video just to find that there was no mention of me at all, not even the link to the Steam Workshop page. Little 12-year old me was so pissed. It was the first time I ever had my art stolen for clout, and I suspect it wont be the last.

unlimited definitely beats out super in the graphics department. as always, the sense of humour is on point and the experience is very charming. additionally, it benefits from having an actual narrative with a definitive end goal. while this narrative is simple, it's an effective little piece of motivation for you to complete the numerous puzzles the game throws at you. and that's where our problems begin.

unlimited suffers a lot from mind-numbingly repetitive missions for a game as long as it is. there's a really strong imbalance between the smaller levels you complete for full starites being far too easy and the minor tasks you need to complete for starite shards being far too cryptic.

I love this game so fucking much

Dublagem muito boa
Um ótimo jogo para crianças
Bem divertido

Getting stars in video games by outsmarting every puzzle with "wings" or "gun" or "fixed" makes my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Best scribblenauts game. The story isn't a story but still works and makes the game really fun.

Unfortunately boring. Lacks the heart of the first one. I did turn a living mermaid to stone though.

She scribble on my nauts 'till I unlimited.

I enjoyed revisiting Scribblenauts Unlimited. Although, it certainly did not match up with my rose-tinted memories of it. Typing out whatever you can think of and solving puzzles/scenarios is a really cool concept that they are merely scratching the surface of. It's very easy and devolves into basic word association for most of the game. Scribblenauts Unlimited is by no means a bad game but average; a mediocre puzzle game carried by a cool idea and charm.

i made dirk strider in this game

A criatividade desse jogo é algo impressionante, um dos melhores para crianças e muito bom jogo para adultos também.

Joguin bão.
Não é um dos jogos mais complexos que exitem, mas se você for com a cara dele, com certeza terá umas horinhas de diversão resolvendo alguns puzzles num gráfico bem carismático.
Único ponto que não me pegou tanto foi a música que achei bem meh.

Fun but gets boring quickly

Scribblenauts was one of the first video games I ever played on DS and it's so cool getting to relive those days!! Super nostalgic for me and a great choice for anyone wanting something easy to play with a fun art style!! :)

Sights & Sounds
- The cartoon visuals are colorful and appealing
- The character designs are quite nice too. Very cutesy sort of game
- The music is passable but forgettable
- There's only a very small amount of voice acting, but it's competently performed

Story & Vibes
- The story is fairly minimal. Your sister is turning to stone, and you need to collect a magical crystal called Starite to save her. You collect Starite by helping people you meet in the world
- The game has a silly and lighthearted tone, but it feels kind of sterile. While I get that it's targeted towards kids, the complete lack of danger or any real conflict makes the game a bit boring to play, frankly

Playability & Replayability
- The game's central mechanic of creating objects out of thin air using your magic notebook is the main draw of this game. In theory, it has a lot of potential, but the basic limits of development time, memory, and creativity set a lot of boundaries on how far Scribblenauts can accommodate your creativity
- You'll constantly run into ideas for words (be they adjectives or nouns) that the game can't account for. There's a feature that provides suggestions for words if what you typed isn't available, but it's rarely useful
- In all, it's hard not to feel a little disappointed and frustrated when there's only a single mechanic and you keep bumping into its limitations

Overall Impressions & Performance
- It's a cool idea for a game, but it truly does begin to feel stale after only a few hours. The gameplay never really evolves in a meaningful way
- The game runs well, and I didn't encounter any bugs. Doesn't take much juice to run

Final Verdict
- 5/10. I'd only recommend it if the idea sounds cool to you and it's on sale. There's a few hours of enjoyment in this if you can keep yourself going, but 100%ing the game honestly felt like a bit of a chore that was as entertaining as checking items off a list

É dificil de falar, é scribblenauts, sem mais, sem menos, se já conhece a série vai ter um tempo divertido nele, caso não curta passa longe.

i love puzzle games and killing innocent citizens with the forces of nature

this concept is just so unbelievably good and the puzzles they make with it are fun even if they arent all hits

I feel like Scribblenauts has always been a franchise heavily carried by its concept, which I still find it incredible it was pulled of. This, alone, makes this game another fun entry in the franchise. However, I think it lacks as a puzzle game. Previous games happened to be far too complex at times, but this... is far too simple. And when it tries to be challenging, it ends up making no sense at times. I had a blast in the first few hours, but it began getting more and more repetitive as I kept going. I also played in Spanish due to it being my mother tongue, and the translation was questionable at times. Still, the core of Scribblenauts is still there and hasn't been lost, which is why I ultimately enjoyed Unlimited.

Most fun you can have with a dictionary
It's like Adam Sandler's Click without the existentialism
If I was Maxwell I'd write for everyone I hate to die and all my friends get a billion dollars and then kill myself

I use this game as a way to live out the fantasy of throwing car batteries into the ocean.

Truly, what feels like an unlimited amount of objects you can summon. It's really interesting to think about how long it would have taken to add every item in the game since just avout every... thing in this world can be found or custom made. Really cool, and the actual levels are fun too.

best gameplay, least charming

amusing for a brief time but the gimmick quickly becomes pretty boring. if you choose to finish this game you will spend a majority of the time trying to figure out how to solve missions in the most murderous way possible which to be fair is fun but only exciting a few times

waterboarding couldn't get me to admit some of the things i made in this game

hey i forgot about this game
yeaaah i mean i can't really think of a single issue with it
lotsa freedom

I used to think it was insane that you could write something and it'd appear but the game is just ok tbh

Currently the only Scribblenauts game I've played.

It's okay, I guess.