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Not quite as devoid of content or glitchy as I expected, but this is one of the most extreme cases of the "Hold a directional button and sometimes jump" Sonic stereotype. The most challenging part was trying to make a character that isn't the ugliest-looking thing in the series (I didn't succeed at this).

overhated, it's not that bad but i'd rather play something else

muito ruim filho, o sonic corre sozinho eu literalmente deixei o controle parado e ele ficou correndo sozinho vai se fudekkkkkkk

Given that I had heard only negative reception going into Sonic Forces, I kept my expectations low. Perhaps this helped the game to leave a lasting impression on me, as I was pleasantly surprised. The game, if a bit short, was mostly fun to play through.

Apart from Sonic stages, there are also classic Sonic stages (2D) and “Avatar” stages, where you play as your custom Sonic character. Wisps make a return from Sonic Colors, providing unique abilities that can be used throughout the game, and also provide some incentive for replaying stages with a different Wisp equipped.

The character creation process is rather basic, but there are hundreds of clothing items for you to customize your character. This customization is made out to be a big part of the game, and is the main type of reward you’ll receive for completing stages and missions (unique tasks/quests in their own menu). For example, clear stage X with an S rank for 5 customization items, etc.

Since there is a wide variety of customization options, it was fun to play around with my character’s appearance every now and again, but there is truly an absurd amount of items to unlock for your character. In fact, every time you simply clear a stage for the first time you’re made to click through five or more new items you just unlocked. This got pretty tedious after the third or fourth stage, and I found myself wishing that it could be skipped or had an Accept All button.

The story is not bad for a Sonic game. I appreciate that the characters are involved in and outside of stages, talking about what’s going on and communicating with you as your character (even if the constant “Rookie” feels a bit jarring). Cutscenes are mostly dynamic with unique character actions, which is more credit than I can give some other Sonic titles.

Along with the main story, you can unlock some Special and EX stages. These are mostly short and gimmicky stages that I felt didn’t really add much to the game. There are also SOS encounters, which have you replay various stages in order to save characters trapped inside of them. I didn't see much point in doing these.

Overall, I enjoyed my time with Forces. Outside of a few stages with questionable level design, the game felt pretty well put together. Just don’t expect a masterpiece!

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pure trash

a sonic game so lame that everyone kinds forgot about Sonic 06 and now when you bring up shitty sonic games this one is the first one out of people's mouths.

If anything the potential it had makes the outcome of the game more insulting.

"Im NoT WeEeEeEaAk!!!!!!!" is one of the character motives of all time

also a friend took a hour to beat the final boss.

This was my first sonic game when it came out and I liked it, what it proposed, and what it introduced, but yeah the level of quality compared to older titles is definitely saddening. Animations seem stiff, the controls definitely feel stiff (at least for classic sonic) The way speed was portrayed felt fake honestly, the way the avatar and modern sonic would walk slowly AND THEN BOLT REALLY FAST just doesn't even feel remotely good 💀. It's definitely not as fast as generations I think at least. The variety in level design is nonexistent. Yeah sure, we have different places, and obviously not every level is the same, but it still doesn't hold a candle to predecessors. Also classic Sonics control is all about momentum, and how to be rewarded from it, although it seems they tried to replicate it, the genesis titles are still vastly superior, and mania was amazing, though it was made by a different team, and made in a different engine entirely. Classic feels slow, clunky, and comparing it to the older titles, pretty much almost no momentum. I don't really like the way classic controls in generations either btw. Although I like Infinite design and concept, the way it was portrayed in forces was laughable I think. Episode Shadow was supposed to cover the mysteries as to why Shadow is in forces, why Infinite exists, and what the phantom ruby is, but IT. DOESN'T. We don't see how Eggman got the ruby, as he supposedly already had it, we don't know why Infinite and his team was working with Eggman. Supposedly the reason Infinite became who he is was, because of his friends being mercilessly killed? I think? by Shadow? But we don't see that either. I think all of these past points were just talked about in a small text blurb, or not at all. In terms of writing it's not good. The premise had potential, but overall just fumbled and stumbled :((. People tend to think the reason Infinite is the way he is is because of Shadow injuring him and hurting his ego, but it was supposed to be the thing mentioned earlier, but we SEE ONE and not the other, which is why it's more memorable than the ladder. Writers learn the concept "show don't tell" very early as it's very important as a writing tool. You can't just skip over entire villain backstories and then witness him get beaten down, because the thing that we are seeing is him getting beaten down, so we think that's the way he became Infinite. Also don't get me started on the whole "with Sonic defeated thing" 💀💀💀 We didn't even get to see how any of his friends would've reacted towards that, we just see the after math, and even then no emotion. The closest we got to that was with Tails, but then again Tails' character was just messed up because of this game, and had to be rewritten to be consistent in Sonic Frontiers. Sorry for this long rant, you can tell that I really like the games potential, but it fails. This is why I think it's a fundamentally bad game instead of (funny forces joke here). I genuinely see some bad things here, but I'm not the one to tell you what you can and cannot like, I just started to dislike it overtime is all

This game was a lot of fun, even though the story was barely there lol. My biggest complaint was honestly the 2D levels; they really took the wind out of my sails. If I wanted to play a 2D Sonic game, I’d play a 2D Sonic game

Pretty terrible. It has some pretty visuals, and the music is good, those are the only real positives.

There are very very short bursts of interesting setpieces in levels. But they are over after 10 seconds.

The general level design is bad. The controls are terrible both in 2 and 3D. The story is stupid like most Sonic games but it has no charm this time. Even with returning characters.

Making your own Avatar is neat but it isn't in service to anything. The game is already bloated with 2d and 3d sonic so the Avatar just makes things even more drawn out.

The 10 bucks I spent on this was way too much. There is certainty a worse Sonic game, but not by much. This is an easy skip.

stinky stinky fog horn sound effect

I do think it is overhated, but that's probably because it's the first sonic game I ever beat, so I'm biased as fuck.
Infinite's story was wasted potential though, actually, cut that, the whole game was.

I'm so glad I got this dumbass game out of the way for my ranking. Now I can go back to pretending it doesn't exists

O Sonic moderno controla horrível em 3D, mas tem algumas exceções e as seções 2D boazinha. O Avatar é muito lento e terrível de controlar, até pegar o Drill ai ele vira o personagem mais divertido de se jogar por quebrar o jogo inteiro. O Sonic clássico é um completo lixo, não sei porque só não importaram a versão do Generations. O Shadow controla melhor que o Sonic e tem fases melhores, mesmo só tendo 3 fases.

Em resumo este jogo seria melhor se fosse Shadow Forces.

nunca gostei muito de sonic, joguei alguns de wii quando criança e só o de lobisomem me marcou mesmo, fora isso eu cagava pra franquia por ser meio "igual", você corre bem rápido com o sonic, e às vezes outros sonics apareciam, um vermelho, outro laranja, enfim, nada me interessa muito.

esse jogo só foi cair na minha mão porque ele foi jogo de algum mês na plus durante 2020, sair de casa não era uma opção, então esse jogo calhou como um passatempo, e caiu bem, talvez ele seja objetivamente ruim (ele é meio odiado aparentemente), e de novo, eu não ligo muito pra sonic e minhas referências da franquia são aqueles sonic com espada do wii, logo esse jogo foi divertido na época. Provavelmente se jogar outra vez seja diferente, mas acho difícil, ps plus anual ta 300 reais.

i just dont care for sonic games.

I was scared to play this game because it's one of the lowest rated games on this site, but... it's honestly not bad?? It's like the perfect example of mid. The soundtrack was really good, the cutscenes looked great (except for a few that were super compressed), and honestly the gameplay wasn't that bad minus Classic Sonic. While I am annoyed by the amount of auto-segments and how short the game is, I don't think it deserves a 1.8 rating for that.

Unfortunately is run by a bunch of hacks, because I'm a top 100 speedrunner of this game but they wouldn't accept my score because of "spam".
Maybe it's because I beat the game and then refunded it on steam during my stream.

i got 2 levels in before i'm convinced the muscles in my arms started to bleed and cry out in agony

This game's story is genuinely cringeworthy and the gameplay + level design is basically non-existent because the game is constantly playing by itself with no inputs required from the player.
It looks good and runs well with banger soundtrack to boot, but that's about it.

Isso me faz lembrar pq eu não gosto de jogos do sonic

They really made a shitty editor and Sonic fans loved it.

Sonic forces is poopy butt and I mean that with the utmost sincerity.

I was almost finishing, but then Sonic simply wouldn't jump anymore, no matter what I did.

ما شفت انها بذا السوء

I hate the fact that this game has one of the best soundtracks and graphics in the franchise but was able to waste all of its potential. Flat characters, intrusive automatic sections, rushed storytelling and very very short stages (with few exceptions) was everything the franchise didn't need. However, It's important saying that some sections that require the use of the Wispons are very creative and useful. Speaking of time, by the first 12 minutes of gameplay, Tails says that Classic Sonic is from another dimension, which can't be true since it was said in Sonic Generations and stated by Ian Flynn that he is just the younger version of Sonic. Despite what I said before, this game is very important for the Sonic Canon, preceding the events of the IDW comics and is worth playing IF YOU'RE A FAN.