Reviews from

in the past

Cool game, very grindy especially to get the in game currency. Can be very repetitive at times. Played this a long time ago but I am sure they have made tons of improvements to the game

so much sauce to be the 3rd person shooter version of clash of clans

топ игра кстати вот вспомнил сейчас...... лучшая вообще, я даже и не знаю есть ли лучше игры, мне кажется нет. Не существует короче игр лучше этой. Но на самом деле может быть ПОЕ лучше, но ПОЕ и сложнее и комплекснее объективно, а здесь можно за 50 часиков понять что к чему.

At first, I thought this game wasn't for me.
It took hours of waiting to craft items and up to 3 days to wait for the new Warframe that I just farmed for. It took a lot of immersion in the game, but, somehow, I found it very enjoyable.
The technology behind this game, the maps are never the same no matter what you do and there was something for everyone. Shooters? You have it. Want to fly around an open world? No problem. Want to skate? Hell yeah.
But it wasn't until Second Dream that I finally understood what Warframe was and what it could become. I'd never felt like I loved a game so much before. So I went through every log, every piece, everything I could to understand the story. And when I did that? It was like a whole new game had emerged.
I went from just killing enemies and collecting cool characters to being some kind of superhero who kept the system balanced. And more and more secrets were revealed until I realized what was looking over my shoulder about this story.
I couldn't even trust my own shadow. From the Second Dream to fighting in a War Within, to helping someone overcome grief over a Sacrifice, to the chaos of a New War lurking just around the corner.
I couldn't ask for a better game. A better community. Or a better developer.
After 2400+ hours of study, all I can say is, I hope I have another 2400 hours.

I was into looter shooters alot more when I was younger, and I've never spent a dime on this game but from start to endgame grind is kind of an exponential curve. it can get very unfun very quick if it's not your thing. VERY good movements mechanics.

I tried it way back in 2019 when I played on our old family computer and could barely do anything without lagging. Might attempt at it on my current PC someday.

Been playing since 2015 ish. It takes a bit of legwork to get to the meat of it, but combat is varied and there's always ways to challenge yourself.
Has premium currency that CAN be earned via in game grinding, making it friendly to that aspect.
Love how DE supports artists through their Tennogen program.

My friend recommended Warframe to me and after trying it, I've had so much fun with it! Obviously I haven't really even scratched the surface of what it has to offer, but in the time that I have spent playing it, I've thoroughly enjoyed collecting mods, leveling weapons, looting storage chests, and unlocking new planets to go on missions in! I also really like how I can choose to go into things alone or play with my friends. There definitely is a learning curve in figuring out what items to craft, what to keep and what to get rid of, etc. but from what I've seen the community in-game is readily available to help out new players and answer questions if anyone has them. Honestly, I find it fun to play more at leisure by completing tasks. It's a gorgeous game and the parkour/movement system is fluid, beautiful, and so much fun to play. I could and will sink lots of hours into this title :))

A great gameplay loop. Fast paced. Great playing with friends, and I lived collecting prime warframes and equipment.

I love having to wait in real time

Probably not the most accurate representation as I haven't played in a while, but the base gameplay is extremely fun. Combat and shooting actually feel fun and despite the destiny-like "higher difficulty = more health" mechanics, there's enough unique enemies to keep you on your feet every time. While not EVERY warframe is a banger and fun to play, there's definitely enough warframes for everyone to find and get comfortable with.

While I'm sure it's changed, the F2P aspect made this game an enjoyable grind. Yeah the farmville type beat of "wait 16 IRL hours for this to craft or pay with real money" is annoying, but there's always plenty of other stuff to do while you wait for your new gun to craft. Gathering mods, mats, warframe parts, or whatever else you need is something that's FUN grinding for. I'm not sure how it works nowadays, but trading warframe parts for premium currency like it's runescape was fun as fuck and I wasted so many hours grinding and trading. Fashionframe is the true endgame.

I dropped it though because once they started adding keys to planets (back in like 2017 or smth) it really changed the way you would grind and it honestly became a chore. I did try this game again when they released the huge ass open world, but honestly it wasn't enough to keep me playing.

If you start now, there's a LOT of player knowledge and a LOT of grind to go through, which might be what some players want. For me, this game is like an ex I care about. I'll always remember it fondly, but I'll probably never interact with it again because it's a completely different thing now and I don't want my memories ruined.

Every Warframe player's dream is to stop playing.
One day, one day.

(I love this game)

I adore the story of this game, the characters are enjoyable and the plot has the same vibes as Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, the story always has such ridiculous amusing things going on that you'd think would take you out of the story however it plays it so seriously in a way that transports you to the Warframe universe to grow attached to charming and fun characters. However the grinding and gates can be tiring if you do not enjoy the core gameplay loop.

I love my space mom.

Suffers from a slow start and an overwhelming amount of content, but once settled in, easily one of the best F2P Live service games I've played. Good community, wonderful devs, and a way for F2P players to gain access to the premium currency. Bonus points for letting community artists design cosmetics and giving them a portion of the sale.

Overall, FashionFrame is peak end game.

Não se atreva, não se atreva... (2018)

Me metieron unos amigos y me llevaron a unos mapas re op para que me caguen a palo. De esta manera era lvl bajo con armas y equipamiento re op asi que eso me aburrio un poco, pero la movilidad y los planetas estan bastante buenos. Senti que se me hacia repetitivo las misiones, pero estaba fachero ponerte musica tryhard y matar bichos

I played this for 15 hours and it felt like nothing happened

I'm glad i barely played this game (so vicious)

ММО дрочильня детства на века

Listen i am all warframed out. They get new quests which i usually play but it feels like torture to play or better said grind for anything other than that. Don't get me wrong i have made great friends on that game and amazing memories.
If you are looking for an amazing free game you got one right here but FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME. If you try to do a lot of things at once or you get easily distracted you will not have a good time have a wiki and maybe a clan member near by. Also yes Clans join one and start talking to dudes or guys
and perhaps even men. this is a social mmo like game thingy it will make the grind easier to handle. Anyway go play the new Farming Simulator

Pazi si lees esto juega juegos de verdad plz

REALLY fun movement but everything else was weird/confusing. Had no idea what I was supposed to do or what was going on most of the time.

Somehow lost all interest overnight years ago and never even considered coming back.

the combat and movement is probably the best in all of the industry but the game is very grindy and even worse, you can pay to obtain anything so pay2win shit