Reviews from

in the past

A solid, shorter Wolfenstein title. I was particularly impressed by the art design and was mesmerized by some of the locations you visit here. Some minor gripes I had was that there are a lot more stealth sections here compared to New Order, and the story is just a tad too supernatural for me to really vibe with, but otherwise I had a lot of fun playing it and would definitely recommend it for fans of the series and newcomers alike.

I love these standalone games like this,or Far Cry Blood Dragon,it's my favorite gender.

i wish this didn't have zombies in it lmao

“Story in a game is like story in a porn movie. It’s expected to be there, but it’s not that important.” -John Carmack

this game is gritty and grounded in reality while also being totally unhinged and over the top, and it somehow manages to pull it off! it really immerses you in the setting, not just through environmental storytelling, but through some great sound design and animation that gives everything a fantastic sense of weight and power. it just feels good to play this game, and there's some really difficult segments that push you out of your comfort zone in a great way. easily one of the best story heavy FPS games i've ever played, definitely recommend it!!

Tão bom que nem parece uma DLC, pqp, q bgl foda. Estética, temática, gameplay dinâmica de praste

A good prequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order that is unfortunately very short in length compared to the previous game. Still a gritty atmosphere with the first half of the game taking place in Castle Wolfenstein, and the game takes a really fun shift to the paranormal towards the end. There are far less cutscenes that take you out of control of Blazkowicz compared to the previous game, which I appreciated. The story was not as good, and other characters were not as memorable, which made gameplay shine much more. Gunplay and stealth gameplay are pretty much the same as Wolfenstein: The New Order, with the perk system making a return and a few new weapons to play around with. This game basically serves as the expansion/DLC to Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Oyun bir önceki oyunun dlc si gibi.Oyunun üzerine bir şey koymadıklarından ve oyunda zombilerin saçma şekilde kullanılmasından dolayı 3 yıldız.

Most of what can be said about Wolfenstein: The Old Blood can be said about The New Order. Originally planned as DLC packs, The Old Blood was thankfully made into its own retail product with a physical release on console, which is something I'll champion every day of the week.

While the gameplay and aesthetics transition neatly between TNO and TOB, the game takes a pretty large leap into the absurd and paranormal come the later half. Paranormal elements have never been a stranger to the Wolfenstein series, particularly with the 2009 "reboot" from Raven. The Old Blood just has a hard time implementing these elements into what was a more grounded and "realistic" experience in The New Order.

The Old Blood may not be as great as the full game it expands on, but it still offers a short but sweet FPS campaign and a few decent challenge maps to get your money's worth.