Reviews from

in the past

im a simple man, cool lighthouses are cool, awesome cities are awesome

Q coño le pasa al port de Switch que es injugable

Quando aprendemos a jogar, fica bom. História boa.

Walt Disney builds a Utopia under the sea, but things go horribly horribly wrong.

The unforgettable introduction (along with other moments) to Rapture is so captivatingly enticing in the way it submerges you into its world. The twisting narrative, fine-detailed setting, atmospheric storytelling and portrayal of philosophical themes are all well-crafted. FPS / RPG elements are mixed in well enough, weapons with plasmids are satisfying to use along with the environment to overcome foes and obstacles. Unfortunately there’s a significant momentum drop during the final segments and a very underwhelming ending, but everything up until the big reveal and of course Fort Frolic is wonderful. Not a huge fan of the silly research camera and story-explaining audio logs.

Um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos

Uma das melhores experiências que já tive. O level design é uma verdadeira aula, todos ambientes foram cuidadosamente pensados e desenvolvidos para funcionarem perfeitamente com a temática. A gameplay funciona impressionantemente bem ainda hoje, com um combate duro e brutal, mas que diverte e desafia o jogador a se aprimorar. A história desafia o comum do universo dos jogos, as discussões filosóficas envolvidas e dilemas morais ainda superam muitos jogos da atualidade.

Is the man not entitled to enjoy any videogame?
'No!' says the sweaty hardcore, 'He should only enjoy games when they are difficult.'
'No!' says the VN reader, 'He should only enjoy good narratives.'
'No!' says the indie snob, 'He should only enjoy videogames made for art, not profit.'

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.
I chose the impossible. I chose... Bioshock.

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I consider every Frank or person with a name that starts with A and ends with As an opp.

now this.. this is something. i have to play this again but watching it was absolutely amazing and i’d do it again.

Played a little bit and this was meant for controller and on the 360. Gameplay does not hold up nowadays.

In the 360/PS3 era of gaming it seemed like there wasn't a a month where a new, innovative game released.
In retrospect many of those games were not that innovative, and while Bioshock isn't the first of its genre or the best at what it does, it still aged fantastically.

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it's a masterpiece, don't get me wrong, but i felt like the ending with the boss fight and the little sisters was a little underwhelming, but that's just my opinion

не помню почему дропнул

Eu joguei bastante esse jogo, mas não terminei ele, eu adoro esse jogo e tenho certeza que se tivesse jogado na época eu daria 5 estrelas, mas eu adoro essa temática mais sombria mesmo que as vezes incomode, e a história dele misturada com os outros jogos é 10/10

the story and the enviroment is awesome, but the gameplay didnt catch me up

Bioshock was a really good game. Nothing more to say, just play this and discover for yourself what it has to offer.

quando menor peguei ele na locadora e bati cabeça quando era menor jogando, quando rejoguei achei muito foda e divertido com visuais incríveis

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Welcome to Rapture! The gameplay mechanics in "Bioshock" are impressive. The use of plasmids, genetically engineered abilities that grant the player supernatural powers, adds a new dimension to combat. Whether freezing enemies with Ice Blast or setting them ablaze with Incinerate, the variety of plasmids encourages experimentation and strategic thinking.

Additionally, the game's morality system, where players must choose between saving or harvesting Little Sisters, adds depth to the narrative and forces players to consider the consequences of their actions. Go try it out for yourself.

I remember dropping this game because it gave me too much anxiety. Finished 3 years later and it was one of the best videogame experiences of my life

Yeahh.. i just played something else cause i played this in 2020

Gosto muito da historia do game, porem nao sei pq sua gameplay nao me prende tanto, tenho que zerar o infinite tbm

Best story in gaming, way too good for its time. Arguably the most influential first person shooter.

Rapture é um dos melhores lugares da história dos videogames

очень круто. бывало жутко страшно просто обоссаться можно было, к тому же на моем уровне сложности было дико трудно. мегакайф игруха!