Reviews from

in the past

En mi opinión, uno de los mejores de género. Sin embargo, ahora que lo volví a jugar años después de la última vez, no puedo evitar notar ciertos detalles que hicieron que partes del juego fueran algo tediosas para mí, en especial el uso excesivo de los "raptores" en varios niveles cuando realmente no eran necesarios. También el problema del Ubermorph (el inmortal) al que le pasa lo mismo que al Tyrant de RE2make: después de un rato, ya es un puto fastidio estar lidiando con él. Eso sí, la historia y los pocos personajes son una joya y el hecho de que la idea es Isaac tratando de dejar ir a Nicole mientras que la Marker usa eso para controlarlo y hacer lo que quiera, deja un twist fantástico.

Que jogo foda, depois do primeiro game pensava que iria piorar pois já vi gente reclamando das sequências e estão enganados, o segundo game conseguiu me prender na história, e a gameplay não é tão ruim quanto pensava, simplesmente uma sequência boa.

A sequel that knows exactly what it's doing, adds to the world and the gameplay masterfully.

Not particularly scary, but an excellent action-horror title that improves on all the things that were bad about the first. DLC and exclusive content is a mess, though. Don't take any of the free weapons that the game gives you from the very beginning, or you'll completely obliterate the otherwise very competent difficulty curve.

Really good game, but bad sequel.

Отличный сиквел который делает больше упор на экшен, нежели на хоррор, но тем не менее игра не перестаёт держать в напряжении. Добавили новые виды оружия, расширив арсенал почти в два раза, новые виды некроморфов, к некоторым из которых требуется определённая тактика. В отличии от оригинальной первой части, боёвка стала пошустрее, за счёт чего рукопашный бой стал приятнее, а урон ощутимее. Пожалуй лучшая часть серии.

The best modern horror game with out a doubt

Less horror-y, more actiony. I'd prefer it if it was less actiony, more horror-y.

Having just played the entirety of Dead Space 2 in a single sitting, I'm willing to admit that it was a fantastic game. Also the fact that I beat it in about 7 hours might have helped that. It's a short game to be sure, even compared to the original which clocked in closer to 12 hours if memory serves. It's 7 hours of pure quality though, so I can forgive the brevity.

It's basically the exact same gameplay loop that made the original so strong. I never actually played the 2008 release, only the 2023 remake, but Dead Space 2 holds up so well that I barely noticed that the game is nearing thirteen years old. It's a good thing that the original had such fun gameplay, because honestly there really is nothing new added. There may have been some new weapons in there but the saw blade gun is just as powerful as ever and therefore I never found any reason to clog up my inventory space with anything else. Whoever was in charge of the gun balancing may have had a little oversight when it came to that weapon...

The environments are beautiful and much more diverse than the original. You even revisit the Ishimura, which was a fun surprise. The narrative is very simple, but it works. Again, just like the original, the plot is mostly that Isaac's plan to escape / destroy the marker is constantly hindered in every way imaginable to comical degrees - making a simple plot last an entire games length. I personally don't mind. What little there was had me invested enough.

I could gush much further about just how great Dead Space 2 is, but I don't feel the need to. PLAY THESE GAMES (if you can). Maybe skip the third one but the original two are such great experiences I cannot recommend them highly enough to anyone who plays videogames and can handle a bit of horror.

Exhilarating. Pretty much a perfect sequel, improves on the original in pretty much every way (especially the gravity mechanics and level transitions), cranks the action and scares up to 11, while also telling a unique story that still feels in line with the series. There's not much to complain about here, horror action perfection in my eyes.

Has a LOT of the same flaws as Dead Space 1 and lord someone please tell the writers how to do subtext, but this is a much more streamlined game with significantly better gameplay and character writing that does 95% of the work characterizing both Issac and Nicole so you actually give a shit about the plot of the first game, so it gets plenty of kudos there.

"Aliens" of Dead Space franshise

this game is just incredible and the best in the series

Te aprieta hasta que no puedes más, me encanta cómo lleva las zonas más de miedo

must've been pretty fucking embarassing to be capcom when this dropped, they were trying so hard to innovate on RE's new gameplay style and hitting walls at every step putting out the worst games in the series, meanwhile DS2 is out here effortlessly expanding on the survival action horror format in so many fun ways. Pretty much every aspect of the first game has been improved on massively, it looks better, plays better, sounds better, the story is better, it's far more tense and exciting and every mechanic feels smoother and more polished. Full of unique and distinct environments with fun gimmicks, from the claustrophobic intro scenes to the beautifully designed Unitology Church to the trap-filled ANTI section to the relentless tension of the last chapter that barely leaves room to breathe. It's easy to see why this is is considered such a classic. I do still have my issues with this game; I think the core combat, progression and enemy designs are almost identical to Dead Space 1, and I never really felt the need to experiment with the different weapons. Tiedemann and Dana also continue the series trend of extremely unmemorable human villains, which lets down the plot in places (although Nicole's presence is consistently creepy and enjoyable). Still, this was a blast to play, it's a shame I've heard only bad things about Dead Space 3 because this was clearly a franchise with a lot of potential.

I would've closed my eyes Clarke, you stupid idiot

A good game, but disappointing sequel for me. Still has the best sound design of any franchise though.

Trades in an immaculate environment for a blockbuster story for great gameplay and story, which is fine but a little sad, if that makes sense?

entre los 3 principales de la saga, este es mi favorito por el enfoque mas a la accion pero sin olvidar la atmosfera opresiva de los

Подобно "Чужим" или же "Терминатору 2", сиквел Dead Space, в отличие от ориганала, делает больший упор на экшене, нежели чем на хорроре, и выигрывает от этого. Тут она больше похожа на свою вдохновительницу в лице Resident Evil 4. Ощущается больший масштаб по всем параметрам: разработчики взяли успешное ядро первой части и сделали его ещё лучше. Dead Space обязательно понравится вам. Рекомендую!

Lo que uno esperaría de una secuela, agarra todo lo visto anteriormente y lo mejora. Tiene momentos inolvidables que te dan ganas de re jugarlos a cada momento. Actualmente se sostiene tan pero tan bien, es obligatorio jugar este título en fechas de Halloween.

Beating this game on hardcore took me over a goddamn week back in 8th grade and I'll never regret it. It's RE4 in space and it's almost just as good.

The rare case where I direct sequel to a horror game both changes the main character's personality (by giving him one), and just does a lot of the same stuff again, but it's still a really cool experience.

Loved this game to death when I was a teen. Still do. My favorite Dead Space, it has the right mix of action and horror. I got engulfed by the fascinating, haunting lore, and the various upgrades of armor and weapons.

I'm in awe. This game takes the grand set pieces from Halo, the beautifully crafted level design from Half-life, and still kept the horrific tone from the first game. All of it to create the perfect thematic and story driven sequel to a game I didn't think needed one. Dead Space was a fantastic horror game with an beautiful atmosphere hinting at a tantalizingly greater universe outside... Dead Space 2 is that greater universe!

It pains me to say this, but I like it less than the first one. I think the shift and greater focus on action elements make this game worse than the first.

Yes, controlling Isaac is more enjoyable overall than the first game, and the game has good narrative construction (Isaac is such a sick fuck in this game, I love it), but I think the focus on action ultimately makes this game a less special and memorable final product than the first game. I also don't like the supporting characters in general; I think they take away some of the feeling of isolation from the first game.

The first game handled moments of horror so well, and maybe because Isaac is harder to control, the tension was much higher overall in the first game compared to this one.

When these games take on this idea of being more action-oriented, they often repeat various "generic" gauntlet scenarios like other games of this type. In the first game, the experience felt more unique to me, while in the second game, these moments always ended up reminding me of a gauntlet in one game or another. This makes the game feel a bit dragged out. I even thought that in the last third would be more horror oriented because of the place Isaac was going to explore, but the game practically doubled down on combat and action, unfortunately.

And this loss of identity compared to the first one is my biggest criticism of Dead Space 2. That said, it's still a good sequel; the game still executes the UI brilliantly like the first one, the weapons are enjoyable to use, and the game as a whole is still worthy of some playthroughs. And of course, pukers and stalkers will always be the bane of my existence.

john dead space and isaac clarke should smooch