Reviews from

in the past

entre los 3 principales de la saga, este es mi favorito por el enfoque mas a la accion pero sin olvidar la atmosfera opresiva de los

I would've closed my eyes Clarke, you stupid idiot

must've been pretty fucking embarassing to be capcom when this dropped, they were trying so hard to innovate on RE's new gameplay style and hitting walls at every step putting out the worst games in the series, meanwhile DS2 is out here effortlessly expanding on the survival action horror format in so many fun ways. Pretty much every aspect of the first game has been improved on massively, it looks better, plays better, sounds better, the story is better, it's far more tense and exciting and every mechanic feels smoother and more polished. Full of unique and distinct environments with fun gimmicks, from the claustrophobic intro scenes to the beautifully designed Unitology Church to the trap-filled ANTI section to the relentless tension of the last chapter that barely leaves room to breathe. It's easy to see why this is is considered such a classic. I do still have my issues with this game; I think the core combat, progression and enemy designs are almost identical to Dead Space 1, and I never really felt the need to experiment with the different weapons. Tiedemann and Dana also continue the series trend of extremely unmemorable human villains, which lets down the plot in places (although Nicole's presence is consistently creepy and enjoyable). Still, this was a blast to play, it's a shame I've heard only bad things about Dead Space 3 because this was clearly a franchise with a lot of potential.

Te aprieta hasta que no puedes más, me encanta cómo lleva las zonas más de miedo

After a couple months of messing around with Dead Space's spin offs and extended universe, I have finally reached the actual sequel for the game I played all the way back in January, and I must say, the wait was well worth it. The team over at EA Redwood Shores, now Visceral Games, identified the few shortcomings of the first Dead Space game, and rectified them, creating one of the most true survival horror experiences that I have played in a while. Honestly, it felt more akin to the roots of the genre than I think even the Resident Evil remakes did when I played through those. A lot like the series signature plasma cutter, Dead Space 2 is a tight, clean, efficient experience; it wastes none of the player's time and is extremely tense throughout its entire run time. Though, I do think some of the parts that make it such a tense experience are where a lot of its downsides come from.

In my review for the first Dead Space, I mentioned how I felt the game struggled with creating a terrifying atmosphere, as well as being somewhat bland with its environments and overall aesthetic. These complaints stemmed from the fact the game refused to leave the player alone, always having someone talking directly to Isaac, or by not leaving any ambiguity and leading the player directly to where they need to be; this not being helped by the very bland looking environments that looked like scraped concept art for Doom 3. So, I am very glad to say that they improved on both of these aspects quite a lot. Firstly, Isaac talks now. I never would have thought that simply having the player character talk could be so integral to creating tension, but it is. By giving Isaac a voice, the developers dissolved the need for the other characters to be constantly hounding the player with objectives, and trying to force agency where there is none .Now there is clear and effective agency because Isaac is his own person who can express personal wants and create his own objectives; no longer does he feel like an errand boy to the other characters, instead he actually feels like the main protagonist. As well, by having Isaac be more independent, there is much more room for the fear to build, and for anticipation to fester. There are now long stretches of time where the player goes without any sort of meaningful interactions with NPCs, meaning that they are going to be alone with their thoughts way more often, which is the key to creating good horror. To add to the fear factor, the game's environments are so much more varied and creative than that of the Ishimura. The game’s setting is a giant city colony orbiting Jupiter called The Sprawl, think the giant ship from Wall-E, but way bigger. Throughout his journey, Isaac stumbles through every possible corner of The Sprawl; from the medical wing that he wakes up in, a (formerly) bustling entertainment complex, an absolutely terrifying elementary school sector, a decadent Unitologist church, a sprawling mine and cave system, to, what is most definitely my favorite area, the quarantined remains of the Ishimura. All of these environments are so much different from the last, each offering new aesthetics paired with challenges that are appropriate to the area. A few of my favorites would be how the new velociraptor necromorphs use the church’s daunting collection of pillars to play mind games with the player and flank them; the necromorph babies and children that wander the halls of the school, and how the Ishimura is just this imposing scar throughout its entire chapters run time, filling the player with memories of dread with every familiar area they come across. As well, the general pacing of each chapter feels so much smother; gone are the individual levels of the first game that start and stop with a tram ride, in their place is now a much more Resident Evil 4 style structure that flows into itself very well, letting the world feel interconnected and not like individual parts. The RE4 comparison doesn’t stop there, however, as I think the developers finally got what made RE4’s combat so great.

Again, to reference my review of the first Dead Space, I described that game's combat as an imitation of Resident Evil 4’s, but without the understanding and nuance that made it so great. I think I can confidently say now, though, that they not only understand it, but made it their own thing. The first Dead Space took the surface level ideas of focusing on location based damage and a wide arsenal of weapons, and kind of did only that. The stasis concept was neat, but definitely not fully explored, and while the focus on cutting off enemy limbs is really cool, it is functionally not different than a headshot. Dead Space 2, however, fully expands on both of those ideas, while also fully embracing the RE4 style sense of momentum that made that game such a classic. RE4 does a lot of things right, but what it does obscenely well is creating a sense of forward momentum; it is hard to describe what I mean by forward momentum, but I think the best way I could is that the make the player constantly push forward, and that is the same feeling Dead Space 2 invokes. The player is constantly pushing through hoards of necromorphs,and through set piece after set piece at lightning speed, constantly keeping the player engaged and on their toes. I got physically exhausted my first time playing RE4, and I get the same feeling here; my heart rate is through the roof every waking minute. Stasis has now been revamped so that it can also launch, as well as freeze and carry them. Because of this, there is a much bigger focus on using the necromorphs severed limbs as projectiles in order to save ammunition. This creates a whole new layer of thinking for the player, on top of prioritizing targets based on who they perceive as more deadly, the player must also think about which enemies have the easiest limbs to cut off so that they don’t have to use up ammo, completely flipping the dynamic of the game on its head, and leading to really intense combat encounters. As well, ammo pickups have been made more scarce in order to encourage this playstyle. This is a great addition that really makes the game stand apart from both its inspirations, and even newer games. But like with every game, there are still some less than favorable aspects that accompany it.

While the combat is way more dynamic and way more exhilarating, some of the enemy placements and spawns are just baffling. There are a sizable number of encounters that have the necromorphs just appear behind the player out of thin air, and while I am sure that they had some animation that showed them coming out of a vent, in the heat of combat when I am facing an entirely different direction, with my back to the end of a hallway that I new was clear a second ago, it feels really cheap. I think this could have been made slightly better if maybe each of the necromorphs had more distinct sounds, or at least some sort of doppler like effect that would let the player know if one was coming. Alas, no, the player just has to suffer. But really that is my only complaint, because other than that it is a fantastic game that is well worth anybody’s time. The atmosphere is great, the combat is phenomenal, the story is very intriguing, though I don’t want to discuss it for spoilers and what not. As well, the voice work in this game is very well done and really helps to make deeper connections with the characters; I am also very glad to see they kept with the very diverse dialects and accents from Extraction, that was something that I thought made the universe of Dead Space feel a bit more real. Again, highly recommend.

Perdeu a exploração e o mapa, que era algo muito legal do primeiro jogo, agora virou uma linha reta, e assim como o primeiro o fator REJOGABILIDADE continuou inexistente.

Picked this one up to get over a break-up and was a really fun time to distract me. Never played Dead Space one before starting this one.

Dead Space 2 is a masterclass in survival horror. It takes everything great from the first game and amps it up – better weapons, scarier Necromorphs, and one of the most intense opening sequences in gaming history. The Ishimura is still claustrophobic and creepy, and the story takes Isaac on a wild ride. It loses points for those stupid hallucinations... but otherwise, Dead Space 2 is a must-play for horror fans.

if Dead Space 2 gets remade in the same vein as Dead Space 1, it might actually end up being the best game ever developed.

Comparado com o primeiro, ele perde em medo, o primeiro é referencia ao criar um cenario que te deixa 100% apreensivo, esse ainda consegue essa pegada mas não tão bem como o primeiro, lhe dando mais liberdade e aos poucos a serie ficando mais puxada para a ação mas em quesito de historia, é perfeito, os dois juntos são maravilhosos e uma coisa que vemos cada vez melhor é o visual, esse jogo é simplesmente maravilhoso de lindo e o que eu mais acho bonito em modo geral.

Entrei no Hype do remake de Dead Space e comprei essa maravilha, nunca havia jogado nenhum jogo da saga antes e mesmo assim aproveitei esse jogo maravilhosamente, um dos melhores survival horror que já joguei

Um dos maiores exemplos do que uma sequência deveria ser, melhorando tudo que o primeiro jogo fez e criando sua própria identidade, que se desprende não só de seu antecessor, como de todos os outros jogos do gênero, misturando Survival horror com ação, coisa que sinceramente, eu achei genial, a forma como os devs conseguiram encaixar os dois sem nenhum se sobrepor ao outro. Só no começo esse jogo já prova que ele não é só o primeiro mais bonito, na abertura eles vão por um caminho diferente do 1, tu vê os traumas que o Isaac ganhou no primeiro enquanto é questionado em um hospício, mas em menos de 3 minuto o jogo já vai mostrar os inimigos, tanto você quanto o Isaac já conhecem muito bem com o que estão lidando. Sabendo disso, o jogo te coloca em uma situação de fragilidade enorme, tudo que você pode ver é o massacre que os necromorphs estão fazendo, e tudo que pode fazer é correr, correr naqueles corredores tomados por morte e loucura, quase como o primeiro jogo. Essa abertura, considero que já demonstra o que esse jogo representa como uma sequência. 

Em termos de gameplay a diferença não é muito grande, é praticamente a mesma do primeiro, na verdade, só umas armas e novos inimigos, acredito que focaram muito mais em adicionar dificuldade, coisa que funcionou muito bem, aqui você pode ficar sem munição e morrer aqui e ali pelos inimigos. Em contrapartida, a história vai por um caminho diferente, enquanto o primeiro foca em te apresentar o universo e as criaturas, o 2 deixa isso um pouco de lado pra poder focar no Isaac e os traumas que ele pegou depois de passar pelo inferno na Ishimura, tu vê só pelo rosto como ele tá fudido mentalmente. Essa ideia funcionou muito bem, nos momentos que ele se encontra com a ex dele, você vê a culpa que ele está carregando por ser o "culpado da morte dela", ver ele perdendo a mente cada vez mais e no final conseguindo se perdoar é uma coisa linda, ele é realmente um personagem nesse jogo, inclusive pra quem só quer curtir uma história boa e um final satisfatório (ou um jogo bom no geral), termina Dead Space aqui, porque esse jogo fecha perfeitamente a história do Isaac.

Mas talvez meu maior elogio vá pros cenários, apesar da Ishimura ser incrível, é inegavelmente cansativo andar por ela a longo prazo, não é atoa que os melhores capítulos do primeiro são os inicias e o da USM valor (mas só no Remake). O 2 como se passa em toda uma estação gigante, acaba dando uma liberdade muito maior pra usar aquele espaço, tu vai passar pelo sanatório, área residencial, mineração, ala política, área infantil, igrejas e um lugar diferente (não vou falar pra não estragar a surpresa), todos com uma ambientação muito foda e bem detalhados. Os cenários incríveis mais os lindos gráficos, geram uma imersão perfeita, você fica desconfortável só de estar lá, mesmo que não tenha nada, é uma sensação muito semelhante com RE2R e Fatal Frame, e eu gosto como eles montaram um inimigo único em cima desse desconforto (sendo provavelmente o melhor inimigo comum dessa saga), ele basicamente vem em grupos, te cercando enquanto ficam nos cantos te observando. Essas pequenas coisas que me fazem ter paixão por esse jogo, ele pode não ser a maior adição da história, mas tudo de novo que ele inclui é relevante.

Em conclusão, esse jogo, pra mim entra naquele grupinho de jogo que não tem nenhum erro que realmente me incomoda. Talvez por não ter o que criticar, eu não tenha muito do que falar após terminar com as qualidades mais notáveis. Gostaria de escrever muito mais sobre esse jogo, mas pra mim é muito difícil explicar o quanto amo esse jogo e todos os motivos do porque. Então espero que algum dia todos que tenham interesse nesse jogo consigam a oportunidade de jogar ele, eu adoraria passar horas discutindo sobre esse jogo e as menores qualidades ou possíveis erros que ele tem. 

the last 2/3 chapters are insanely hard on survivalist but this game has so many fuking epic moment

john dead space and isaac clarke should smooch

Que jogo foda, depois do primeiro game pensava que iria piorar pois já vi gente reclamando das sequências e estão enganados, o segundo game conseguiu me prender na história, e a gameplay não é tão ruim quanto pensava, simplesmente uma sequência boa.

En mi opinión, uno de los mejores de género. Sin embargo, ahora que lo volví a jugar años después de la última vez, no puedo evitar notar ciertos detalles que hicieron que partes del juego fueran algo tediosas para mí, en especial el uso excesivo de los "raptores" en varios niveles cuando realmente no eran necesarios. También el problema del Ubermorph (el inmortal) al que le pasa lo mismo que al Tyrant de RE2make: después de un rato, ya es un puto fastidio estar lidiando con él. Eso sí, la historia y los pocos personajes son una joya y el hecho de que la idea es Isaac tratando de dejar ir a Nicole mientras que la Marker usa eso para controlarlo y hacer lo que quiera, deja un twist fantástico.

Отличный сиквел который делает больше упор на экшен, нежели на хоррор, но тем не менее игра не перестаёт держать в напряжении. Добавили новые виды оружия, расширив арсенал почти в два раза, новые виды некроморфов, к некоторым из которых требуется определённая тактика. В отличии от оригинальной первой части, боёвка стала пошустрее, за счёт чего рукопашный бой стал приятнее, а урон ощутимее. Пожалуй лучшая часть серии.

Ну это ахуй жесткий. Понравилось сильно

Ich weiß nicht mehr genau wie oft ich damals Dead Space 2 durch gespielt habe, es war aber auf jeden Fall im zweistelligen Bereich. Ich war richtig süchtig nach diesem Spiel. DS2 ist auch das erste Spiel gewesen, welches mir mein Vater heimlich nach der Arbeit mitbringen musste, weil meine Mutter sehr stakt gegen FSK 18 Spiele war.
Zwar ist Dead Space 2 nicht mehr so gruselig und bedrückend wie der erste Teil, aber dafür haben sie einfach das Gunplay perfektioniert. Es ist auch deutlich abwechslungsreicher und im ganzen eine deutlich rundere Erfahrung.

Pretty much just dead space 1 again but with a slightly more interesting setting and story. The pc port isn't great, and I didn't like the final few rooms of the game for just having way too many enemies.

A great iterative sequel that polishes up the combat and adds in a pretty good gun upgrade system. So many other games fail to make upgrades feel meaningful, but this game really strikes the balance of making upgrades feel meaningful while also leaving you always wanting the next upgrade.

Ele é mais um jogo de ação do que terror na minha opinião mas continua sendo bom.

One of my favorite games of all time. So much fun and the atmosphere is perfect. Based

Isaac's optometrist appointment

O que é melhor, tem a sequencia!!!