Reviews from

in the past

Isso aqui e o mais puro ABSOLUTO CINEMA um joguinho delicioso para fan de digimon

Muito bom.
Para quem gosta do universo de Digimon e de uma boa história é claro, os gráficos estão lindos, a musica está muito gostosinha e os personagens são muito bem construídos.

bro really got jumpscared by a pink ball with eyes

This should have been something special.

Not what I was expecting or hoping for, but still a somewhat pleasant experience. Definitely coming back to this one at some point

Hasta ahora solo he sacado un final, pero ya me he spoileado un poco, tengo pendiente los otros 3, como fan de digimon lo disfruté, como fan de los rpg tacticos siento que no hubo mucho reto y como historia de aventura/VN disfrute la historia y jugabilidad pero aún tengo pendiente ver toda la historia

Marketing for this game focused on it being a battle tactics game way more than it should have. I would say that this game is a visual novel with battle tactics elements.

Which isn't a bad thing! I like visual novels! But after years and years of marketing telling me it was a battle tactics game, I expected a battle tactics game, you know? I got decently far into this game on a first playthrough and did enjoy it, but I didn't end up finishing it for one reason or another. I want to go back to it, but I know that the game itself also needs to be beaten more than once to get to the true ending, and that is... well, a lot.

Maybe I'll get around to finishing this one sometime, but after around 15 or so hours i just couldn't continue. It's a visual novel, where the writing is repetitive and takes a long time to get anywhere. I feel like most of the writing could be cut in half, without losing much and improving the pacing a ton. It's also sometimes a strategy game, but the battles are spaced so far away from each other that you'll barely even get to engage with it. Though that's kinda good since the battles are very boring, usually being "walk to opponent" and "hit opponent" lacking a lot of the depth that just about any other strategy game has.

It's a shame because i feel like this game has a lot of potential, being a combo of SMT: Devil Survivor's strategy gameplay and high stakes meets Digimon Adventure's world and creatures. Maybe one day I'll be able to enjoy it fully :P

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Digimon Survive is beautifully written and directed. The art is stunning and there is always the feeling of nostalgia that tends to be invoked with Digimon media, which is insane considering this game was released only two years ago. The music heavily contributes to this also! But I want to talk the most about the character writing, which is always the star of digimon media as a whole. These might be some of the most well-written characters in digimon period. I strongly believe Shuuji Kayama takes the crown as the overall best written character. Symbolism and metaphors pertaining to topics such as abuse and self-harm are done in a very respectful way that shines a light on the cycle of abuse as it is. No infantilization, no complete demonization. I know Shuuji was a very hated character upon initial release, but the point of his character was to show that kids who face abuse in their lives can end up adapting behaviors that harm others, and even if they do this, they can still heal. No child is ever a lost cause. Digimon Survive truly makes me care about its characters, even the ones who are made out to be unlikeable, and I could seriously go on and on about characters like Aoi and Ryo. Hell, I could talk about each and every main character for hours, but I think this review is long enough as it is. Of course this game isn't perfect, but the story makes up for it a million times over to me. It's dark and bleak at times, but it truly makes me care.