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Absolutely fun game for sure. Definitely on the more repetitive side in terms of gameplay but the story more than makes up for it. I was genuinely invested in whether characters would live or not or the emotions the Digimon was feeling. Stuff like Shuuji abusing Lopmon genuinely hurt me and his death genuinely made me pause the game and take a break. Can't wait for multiple playthroughs.

Bom. Mas infelizmente não vale o preço.

I kept hoping it would get better but looking at reviews (maybe I shouldn't of) it is the same throughout, I found the writing quite boring and it felt very hand holdy eg. go here go here etc. Combat was somewhat fun when you got to it but it honestly felt like such a chore to get through the dialogue. If you're a fan of visual novels and Digimon it's probably worth your time, otherwise I would give it a miss.

A genuinely wonderful story in the Digimon universe. The animation and artwork are both fantastic and the combat is challenging, if not sometimes slightly basic.

Até onde eu joguei :0... eu gostei 0:

qué pena que no sea un 4 macho

digimon digita- oh god they're dying

I have mixed felling with this game, on one side it's Digimon, on the other side it's a light novel which im not very fan of.
The story is trying to do something but i thing it misses a lot.
Also the Final Fantasy Tactics combat is ok.

Este cuadro de dialogo no debería estar aquí

Refreshing entry in the digimon series, I love it. A darker entry into the digimon series that functions like until dawn style games with multiple playthroughs warranted. The combat is a tactics field (think Fire Emblem, FF Tactics, etc) It has its drawbacks but its so full of heart and the characters are wonderful

Hasta ahora solo he sacado un final, pero ya me he spoileado un poco, tengo pendiente los otros 3, como fan de digimon lo disfruté, como fan de los rpg tacticos siento que no hubo mucho reto y como historia de aventura/VN disfrute la historia y jugabilidad pero aún tengo pendiente ver toda la historia

Marketing for this game focused on it being a battle tactics game way more than it should have. I would say that this game is a visual novel with battle tactics elements.

Which isn't a bad thing! I like visual novels! But after years and years of marketing telling me it was a battle tactics game, I expected a battle tactics game, you know? I got decently far into this game on a first playthrough and did enjoy it, but I didn't end up finishing it for one reason or another. I want to go back to it, but I know that the game itself also needs to be beaten more than once to get to the true ending, and that is... well, a lot.

Not what I was expecting or hoping for, but still a somewhat pleasant experience. Definitely coming back to this one at some point

Slight spoilers!
Story is dark, and i love some darkness especially for something that youd think might be more kid oriented than for adults. This game surprised me because I didn't think itd get to that point of tragedy.
This game has good replayability. Actually, you basically HAVE to do a new game+ because some events are just locked in your first playthrough.
I like the characters, each of them are pretty memorable.
Has persona-like support/social system, where you can get closer to others so that was pretty nice + you get to spend more time with them. Also different choices on how you can react to the conversation, which does have consequences on how you, the story, and the others will grow.

the combat graphics and mechanics pretty much sucks. Especially if you compare it to the other digimon games (i.e. cyber sleuth). Shouldnt matter if youre playing for the visual novel aspect though, but yeah was just pretty disappointing for me.

The balance of your reactions to get a specific ending & evolution is pretty narrow imo.

Another con is something ive mentioned in the pros, you are literally stuck with certain events in your first playthrough and cant change it :,( so that could seem punishing for players who didnt really enjoy the game or not want to replay, but wanted to go a specific route .

I want more Digimon like this please! This might be the only game I've ever played where the True Ending actually is worse than a regular one.

É uma visual novel interessante sem duvidas, os personagens são desenvolvidos e possui personalidade o suficiente para que você se importe ou tenha motivos para não gostar, de forma justificada.
poderia ter mais foco nas escolhas, não só em como os personagens iriam se relacionar com seu personagem quanto no próprio destino da trama.

O jogo é bom, mas claramente tem potencial para ser um jogo maior e com mais conteúdo, duvido que tenha, mas uma DLC seria interessante para expandir as possibilidades não exploradas.

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Digimon Survive gets a lot right but some pretty unforgivable mistakes stops it from being a modern classic.

I want to start off by saying I did not know this was going to be a visual novel, I've never liked that style, and I bought this game because of the tactical fighting, and well, it's Digimon! That being said, are modern visual novels this visually pleasing? I loved the way the characters are fully fleshed out and gave a 3D presentation. The world is beautiful. Whoever worked on the world building/art really dug into that Digimon feeling. With that came fantastic characters. Most characters have their own personality but manage to steer away from the classic anime trope of being one dimensional. This was integral considering you have to interact with them and build relationships. Everyone has something you can like about them, and a few may annoy you at times, but that's very a human thing, it all adds into the world building. The only character I disliked a lot was Shuuji. It was extremely frustrating being unable to give him a punch in the face for how abusive he was. Lowkey I was happy when Lopman ate him.

On the other side of this, Minoru gave a fantastic representation for character development. After the incidents with Ryo and Shuuji, he begins to lose faith in Falcomon, with it leading to him becoming a douche. But as soon as I started to dislike him, he listened to what I told him and actually put in the effort to make it up to Falcomon. He grew. (just like the Digimon do, get it?)

The story in general was keeping me hooked, well, until it wasn't. What was it that went wrong? I'm not even so sure myself. There just came a point where I wanted to skip a lot of the dialogue. It was a slow burner, but it did manage to hook for me a solid portion of the story. After a while though it does run out of steam. The Shuuji incident was pretty iconic in its own right. Though, the whole "the Master is just a big robotic entity" was pretty awful storytelling. That was a terrible idea for a boss. Arukenimon was a thrilling boss to play cat and mouse with, hell, Piedmon's very short stint as being the "real" villain was intriguing. The Master's reveal was simply underwhelming.

Thinking about it, I know why the story became boring for me.

It's too long. I know, I know. My all-time beloved Final Fantasy VII is longer. The difference is that isn't a visual novel. You can explore the world, it's less dialogue focused with you spending more time fighting and running around the world you're in. You can't do that in a visual novel, you are anchored to a spot. Standing in that spot for 95% of the game time is not engaging enough. This leads me to my next issue, the game mechanics itself. Why are the fights so basic until at least part 9? I played 99% of the battles on auto because of how easy they were. Plopping two enemies in the middle of the map with your six just a few squares away, is terrible level design. They did a piss-poor job all around when it came to the combat. Why can't our Digimon start the battles Digivolved, it's a tedious action to do every time.

Overall, Survive has beautiful art, good characters, and a solid story for 75% of the game. But the fighting aspects were sub-par and really held the game back from being a solid 8-9/10. The final villain was boring but a tweak to that would have made the story one of the best I've played.


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Amazingly great game!! Each route is surprisingly really different and well done. I liked every ending, but Moral is probably my favorite next to the True route. I also really love that this is the first piece of the franchise that actually gets to fully explore this lore, after it was only in the background of Adventure, Xros Wars manga, and the Cyber Sleuth duology. I really hope it gets a sequel after the next Story series game!

The only criticism is I'm not a fan of how the 4 Holy Beasts are handled as the parties members evolutions. They just randomly get tacked on when the specific characters don't even interact with the trials. What does get spotlighted during the trials is still great on its own, it's just odd they are randomly added to characters with no connection to them. But that's ultimately a very minor thing at the end of the game.

I need to go back to playing this game so bad. I literally was going on about how Digimon needs more horror/darker themed games and then got depressed playing the game and put it on hold.

I love this game and the depression it gives me.

This game is infuriating. It could be so much more. Combat is pathetically easy, but too simple so even if you crank the HP it'll still be unfun. Terribly limited in the creature collector aspect of digimon. Supposed to be an edgy, serious story, but with absurd lapses in judgement and silly shonen moments that just leave it contrived. I was really frustrated by how little this game lived up to my hopes

Si eres un fan de digimon recomiendo mucho este juego

Isso aqui e o mais puro ABSOLUTO CINEMA um joguinho delicioso para fan de digimon

Muito bom.
Para quem gosta do universo de Digimon e de uma boa história é claro, os gráficos estão lindos, a musica está muito gostosinha e os personagens são muito bem construídos.

This should have been something special.

Huge disappointment for me personally. The game is split into 2 parts: a visual novel and a tactics game. Both parts are underwhelming in their own unique ways. The visual novel part is weak because of the predictable story structure, bad writing that takes forever to communicate stuff that players probably figured out a long time before it is told, uninteresting character dynamics and bad pacing (partly because of the bad writing). I kinda like how choices affect what your Digimon partner evolves to, although this could have been implemented in a better way. The tactics part is weak because of the low difficulty for most of the game, little variety in the maps on which you battle which lead to uninteresting choices and the low variety of Digimon in the game. I also feel like the way you can invite Digimon into your party felt a bit tacked on because it is a Digimon game. It's never mentioned in the story how random Digimon follow you around or where they stay for the night etc. This could have been something special, but unfortunately never turned out to be that.