Reviews from

in the past

It's okey, nothing more, nothing less.

What a weird narrative experience. Extremely worth it but probably wouldn't play it again. I don't like the developers other again (Telling lies) either.

This one though. Just the simple concept of putting words in a database and seeing what you can find to figure out the story and mysteries is really fun. Made me feel smart. Not a lot of games do that.

Wonderfully executed concept for a game. Had a lot of fun with it, especially in a co-op setting where we felt like two detectives bouncing ideas off of each other. Will definitely re-play in the future once I've forgotten the solution.

One & Done, but worth checking out.

Uma forma de narrativa única, executada com excelência e impulsionada por uma performance incrível. O resultado é uma experiência inesquecível,

Had pretty high expectations based on the critical reception of this game and was left just a bit disappointed. Although it was really cool to uncover the narrative through the clips you watch and you really feel like a detective when you first start playing, I was expecting more on the interactivity side of things - this game really is just you searching for and watching a bunch of clips in a database and that's it. Simple, but it was a nice ride nonetheless.

Played this one when it came out at 2015.
It was a nice and fresh experience.

After really enjoying Immortality a while back, I'd been meaning to try Sam Barlow's other games. I finally got around to slotting in Her Story this afternoon and it was a good time.

Her Story doesn't have the scope or flashiness of Immortality, but it was a solid experience. Since the two games are so similar in structure and content, my thoughts about this game are largely in comparison to Immortality. That's a bit unfair and I can imagine I may have reviewed Her Story a bit higher if I'd played it at launch, but it is what it is.

Much like Immortality, Her Story is an FMV game where you search for clips to put together the story. In particular, you are piecing together sections of a police interview with a woman whose husband has died. Viva Seifert is the only actor in Her Story, and luckily she was up to the task, delivering strong performances throughout. She did a great job of capturing different moods and emotional states. I can't I can't really say everything I want about her acting without spoiling things, so I'll leave it at that.

You search for new clips to watch via key words in a databse. While this doesn't have the wow factor that the object matching in Immortality did, it was a bit more natural to use. Searching for a keyword only returns the 5 earliest results, so generic words usually only get you early pieces of the interview. It's structured well so that you are constantly getting little bits to move forward, but not too far forward. Well, except that I guessed a keyword based on a context clue that led to me solving the game much quicker than howlongtobeat suggests (1.5 hours vs 2.5), but that mostly just made me feel like a super sleuth haha.

The story itself was interesting and kept me focused until credits rolled. The twist was fun, though maybe not the most original. More than Immortality, this mostly felt like watching an experimental movie. That's cool and I had fun with it, so time well spent.