Reviews from

in the past

If you are into murder mystery type games then you will have a great time!

Super imersivo e intrigante. Foi incrível poder embarcar nessa experiência e desfrutar dessa forma diferente de interação proposta aqui. O final ficou na minha cabeça por algum tempo.

I kept this game in my "to game" list for quite a while. Thought it's gonna be boring to be honest but quickly found out on a trip that it's an intriguing detective game which allows you to piece puzzles piece by piece together and discover an interesting story from an unique girl whose husband got murdered. 8.5/10

stumbling upon the ending quickly kind of ruined it I think

This was fascinating, you have to watch a bunch of police interrogations of this woman and they’re all live action. The vibe is insane but it kinda lacks direction and payoff, but a cool idea.

Very unique gameplay and cool story beats to uncover, but I feel like the ending lets it down a bit.

It's like 2-3 hours long just play it loser

Às vezes o que te limita é o que te liberta.

Da mesma mente brilhante por trás de Silent Hill Origins e de Shattered Memories, Sam Barlow mostra que mesmo com pouco orçamento e retrocedendo de encontro à forma no qual a indústria dos videogames vem evoluindo que ainda é possível sim criar algo espetacular.

Her Story é nada de mais na sua carcaça, e é justamente por isso é evidente a criatividade quando elevada ao máximo. Através de um jogo no formato a lá anos 90, o full-motion video (FMV), o jogador assume o papel de investigador misterioso que precisa analisar os vídeos dos interrogatórios de Hannah Smith, onde esta conta à polícia a história de Simon, o seu marido que foi assassinado.

O principal ponto partida aqui que o jogo prega é o fato de não ser possível ver os depoimentos de Hannah de forma cronológica, isto porque os mesmos foram divididos em vários vídeos curtos e arquivados num programa de computador antigo. Sendo assim, você como investigador precisa introduzir palavras-chave na caixa de procura da interface antiquada e, se essa palavra (ou expressão) for dita no vídeo, este irá aparecer nos resultados da busca. O mais interessante aqui é que trata-se de um jogo onde você pode começar pelo final e terminar pelo começo, de forma que cada jogador vai ter uma experiência e apuração individual dos fatos ocorridos, o jogador começa a prestar mais atenção a nomes, lugares ou palavras repetidas, da mesma forma que começa a anotar tudo, a desenhar linhas temporais e a tentar encontrar contradições na medida que tenta entender o que está acontecendo.

Destaque vai também para a excelente atuação de Viva Seifert, o jogo certamente não teria o mesmo resultado sem uma atriz de qualidade e uma direção cinematográfica de peso.

O que mais amei no final das contas em Her Story é sobre como ele é individual. Que mesmo estando praticamente assistindo um filme, eu jogador que determino o que acabei de experienciar, sobre o que a história é. Que mesmo dentro da comunidade existem pessoas que não entendem e desaprovam o conceito do jogo, há também pessoas que debatem e analisam nuances até hoje. Os créditos vão subir mas só você vai poder dizer quando estará satisfeito com a história quando finalmente achar que entendeu tudo, e isso só funciona porque Her Story, mesmo que praticamente um filme, no final das contas, ainda é um jogo.

I've really enjoyed this game

Most game writers would be thrown out of a Law and Order: SVU writers room, I swear.

Cool game. I like how you have to peel away the layers and things are out of order. I don't like the amount of filler clips. Great acting.

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Surprisingly enjoyed this. I wish it had better ways to arrange the videos. My only issue with the story is that what it's implying is very unbelievable. I feel like my personal theory that has less evidence is actually more probable. Very interested in his other games now.

Fonte: Lista - Indie of The Year Nominees

sure, it's innovative or whatever

good game to play late at night

Never experienced anything like this. Get a friend and uncover the mystery.

It took me a while to "get it", but now I think about it all the time. Such a singular idea executed so well, and in the years since we've seen lots of other detective games build on this foundation.

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A game not everyone is going to be a fan of but I found it interesting. Sam Barlow has a unique way of storytelling that I really loved in Immortality and in Her Story you can see the makings of what would be his style. You are watching videos of a woman in an interrogation room and are piecing bits of a story together. It's not scary but definitely interesting.

It's surprising how, with so little, Her Story can produce such an engaging experience.

A fascinating game experiment. I believe calling it more of an interactive movie rather than a videogame is justified. I first played this game around the time it originally released and was being showered with praise, so I already knew what the central reveal was this time around. But still, there were many details I didn´t remember, and was surprised by how many little things I had yet to discover.

The best way I´ve found to appreciate the game is to truly try and engage with it. Get a notebook and a pen out, put your detective cap on, and start taking notes. This is something I didn´t do the first time around, opting instead to just try a bunch of stuff and later look up a list of keywords online, which I don´t think it´s a bad option if you are just looking to clear out the last few remaining and rather inconsequential video clips. But there´s nothing that will get you into it more than paying attention and really experience it like I believe it was intended to be experienced.

There´s a real freedom in the limitations that the game imposes on you. It´s fairly easy to just discover what would be considered the ending of the story right at the beginning of your first play session, but you´ll be wrong to think that this ruins the experience somehow, you should follow the breadcrumbs, in every direction you want, and uncover piece by piece not just a mystery or a twist but a fascinating and inventively told story.

It is absolutely astounding that a game that gives you zero direction can be so engaging and fascinating. Watching a woman talk at a camera for hours is actually fun apparently

i liked it, but like many others, i got to the plot twist too quickly, and then spent about an hour clicking on meaningless videos and trying to figure out if there was anything else there. nevertheless, the format of this "game" is very fascinating, and the plot, although simple, is creepy and interesting. i will definitely check out telling lies!!

if i can't trust you then dammit hannah, there's no future, there's no answer