Reviews from

in the past

Creo que no me gustan los juegos de cartas, pero este está bien

MTG é um tcg genial que foi corrompido pelo Magic arena.

Magic is a great card game and this was a good way for me to learn it HOWEVER it cannot be understated how scummy WOTC's business practices are

Fuck off, Wizards. The shuffling fucking sucks, I can play 10 games without seeing a card.

Magic is super cool irl and the online experience you can have is a manipulated shit that fucking crashes or lags if you tab out, fuck off.

The game runs like ass and it's monetization is really awful.
Still, It's MTG, but in your PC soooooo i can't bring myself to hate it ¯\(ツ)

It sure is Magic: the Gathering against (mostly) randos, alright. I like MtG, even if I don't like everything done with it. Since we're still in a pandemic, this is the only way I get to play it anymore. It's entirely possible to do F2P, but not really if you're trying to be on top of the metas and get exceedingly high in Ranked- unless that's just what you're doing. I like making weird, off-beat decks, so it takes me a while, but I still have plenty of fun.

I'm marking this complete as I finally did all the color challenges in the game and successfully won them, alongside some random matches and experimental deck builds. I'm not the best at strategizing for cards and get way overwhelmed at the options and trying to think how they'd stack against other decks.

The core nature of the game is neat, especially when it rolls into new theming and mechanics to work with, even if I don't have the firmest grasp on it.

I was a brief magic player around high school, but I do hate the inherent gambling and legwork needed for a TCG, no matter how fun it is. Frankly the only thing motivating me to get back into it at all is bloomburrow, and I was trying to farm packs or resources for when that releases.

But to know I'm going to invest in a game that's largely obsolete in 2 years when I don't like to devote permanent attention to any one game for very long, preferring to bounce around sours my mood on it somewhat, even as I'm enjoying getting back into it some.

Hopefully I'll hit a groove and it'll make it all a bit worth it. I love some of the recent sets themes, like southwestern and wild west, though I dislike the IP crossover sets. Let magic be magic, I don't need fallout or lotr in there. Frankly there's too many crossovers lately and having something exist in its own space is more special I'd say. Or have these be it's own collectors offshoot without gameplay maybe. Or only compatible in-series. Idk I don't make the rules, just kinda lame if you ask me.

This is like overwatch in the way that I utterly despise myself for loving it

I had played this before coming back to it, and I still have very similar opinions of the game today. When it comes to DTCGs I think Arena may simultaneously be one of the worst and best choices around. While the card game is easily one of the most enjoyable card games, it's integration as a digital format is by far one of the weakest I've ever seen. The crafting of cards and the deckbuilding in this is much worse than many of the other DTCGs, comparing to Master Duel and Hearthstone specifically.

While I can appreciate any of the DTCGs for what they do, this game purely rides on the fact "It's MAGIC" and nothing else about it is remotely rewarding. The lack of spectating games and basic features after five-ish years is also a clear miss that they have never fixed. The UI is the worst of any of the DTCGs, has the most consistent buggy features in any DTCG i've played in the last year or two, and generally just feels incredibly unrewarding. While I can still play Master Duel and enjoy the game digitally because the solo modes and the overly generous premium currency they give. This game constitutes as me throwing myself at a wall over and over until I play enough matches to open a single pack of cards. Overall just really disappointing, play Magic IRL instead.

I'm not a big fan of how predatory the game feels either with it's business model, but that's an issue with all of these games.

Magic alone is one of the best card games ever 5/5. whos ever idea it was to make it a game is an amazing person who should get at least an honorary award. BUT -1 star for WOTC business.