Reviews from

in the past

Joder, este juego es la polla. Si este no es el mejor roguelike de por ahy (que no porque estan el ETG y el Issac), es uno de los mejores. Desde los graficos hasta el funcionamiento del juego te suma en una intensa accion que recompensa con un relajado ambiente lleno de cadaveres.

Yo soy un simple y usaba al cristal, como todo un pro gamer. Ademas, llege al loop 2, ojito.

It is a very good roguelike and the sound designer is a demigod and a monster.

Exceptionally well made arcade inspired game, one of the best roguelikes out there.

Nuclear Throne Together le da un respiro de vida muy distinto a todas las horas que jugue solo. Un juego más que curioso.

Te hace perder la cordura, no te permite cometer ni el más mínimo error y aun con esas es el mejor roguelike que se ha hecho.

In most rogue-likes, you expect to have lots of replayability through the different perks, generated levels, and weapons, but somehow Nuclear Throne makes the most out of what it has.

Everything about Nuclear Throne can be described as grimy and bold. All the different locations are shown as desolate wastelands and the enemies are all mutated creatures or raiders looking to kill you. Everything on the screen pops out and is easy to distinguish which is great when more chaos and explosions start to appear on screen. This art style also works well with the fast-paced gameplay. The sound design perfectly captures the feeling of this game. whether it's the hums of the wasteland or the adrenalin-rushing EDM, it all fits into what's on screen.

One of the main drawbacks of the game would be the lack of different random elements. Most of the time, the stages stay the same and the weapons you can get on each stage are limited, however, I think this is made up through the difficulty of the game and the experience you get from playing. Nuclear Throne is very strict when it comes to health drops or ammo, leaving you very fragile throughout your run. This leads to more times where you die before getting to the final stage, making each level feel intense and rewarding when you move on. Your experience also helps with different secrets that are scattered all across your playthrough giving you different weapons, new stages, and shortcuts to make it to the end faster. All of this manages to make each new tactic feel different and add to the identity of each run.

Even when the game kicks you when you're down, or you manage to get killed by an explosion you could never predict, Nuclear Throne manages to stand at the top of indie rogue-likes. The experiences felt in this game are something that most other games just don't satisfy and that's fine. Nuclear Throne is just a game that stands and will forever stand perfectly fine on its own.