Reviews from

in the past

It took me fifty hours before it finally clicked for me. It went from masochistic torture to primo twin sticking.

Explode the hatch in the sewer to kill the ninja turtles???
Sign me up...

fast, fun and even better with the multiplayer mod

Really rad and short rougelike, really likey.

Play this while listening to Free Bird. It rocks.

wow Gungeon was an upgrade here. Charming roots but genuinely hard to see the screen. Way too jittery to be fast paced.

mejor roguelite hasta la fecha en cuanto a frenesí y velocidad de partidas siendo divertido. Enter the gungeon si cada run durase 10min y no 50

A chair emiting radiation must be kinda uncomfortable

It's probably due to me not playing much but every run felt pretty much the same, the same 3-4 guns 2 melee weapons and constantly the same few upgrades so I just gave up

Говорят, если пройти эту игру, можно вылечиться от лучевой болезни

un buen rogue lite, actualmente ya no es lo mejor comparado a otros rogue lite modernos, aun asi sigue teniendo mecanicas solidas

One of the very first games that I have ever played. The gameplay is pretty simple, a few of the soundtracks are good. Like the pixel character designs.

When I first picked up this game I didn't really get it. I thought it was too hard and a bit samey. These are misconceptions I had for two reasons. The first was that I was terrible and only making it as far as the 2nd boss.
The second is that you NEED to play this game co-op. Once you do that you will have a fucking amazing time with this. Its difficulty becomes so much more forgiving but still ever present.
It's not necessarily as refined as other rogue-likes out there but if you are looking for an incredible 2 player adrenaline rush that can be between 2 minutes-2 hours, this is it!

La profe: Hasta que no se sepa donde esta el Trono del Mati nadie sale de la clase
Yo con el Trono del Mati en la mochila:

RougeLike devastador. Muy dificil, muy frenetico. Marco las bases para otros que han venido despues como Enter the Gungeon

Classic roguelike with fast and challenging gameplay, has a lot of depth to it once you get quite a way into the endless mode, and honestly just in general. I will probably be playing this game for a long time.

One of the most brutal, bullet hellish rogue likes. It's so peak. It is absolutely unforgiving but god is it fun to keep trying and trying again. (Also some of my favorite character designs in gaming. goated game)

It's alright, I wish I enjoyed it as much as a lot of other people do. I have less than ten hours in this and don't feel much incentive to keep coming back to it.
I found the difficulty to be off-puttingly frustrating rather than engrossing and replaying the first stage over and over again with the same enemies and same three guns got stale pretty fast for me. That being said, the combat feels shockingly good and melee weapons are immensely satisfying.
Might just not be my thing but I could see myself going for a run every once in awhile or trying some other roguelikes in the future.

its peak but i couldnt really get into it until i played the 60fps beta. i reccomend turning on the "beta64" beta branch and setting the settings to 60fps, it improves the excperience tenfold
the game will make other roguelikes feel too slow forever

A fun and frantic roguelike. Simple but effective. Perhaps a bit frustrating because you can die unexpectedly all the time, but since it's so fast-paced, you still feel like playing another round. However, it does end up being repetitive.

Acho legal q vc pode ter as armas e as mutações mais roubadas mas se tu for ruim no jogo vc ainda vai morrer, vc precisa saber jogar