Reviews from

in the past

vo joga o resto mas tava gostando e foquei com prefuica

Если бы не Resident Evil, то любимый нами жанр был бы совсем иным и, может, даже так бы не назывался, потому что именно у первой игры этой серии появилась на обложке диска приписка "survival horror". Сам проект сохранился неплохо и даёт отлично ощутить на себе эпоху видеоигр 90-ых, но на фоне своего ремейка выглядит заметно слабее, в связи с чем советую играть именно в новейшую версию. Над ней работал сам Синдзи Миками, а потому удалось создать ультимативную версию первой игры серии: с новыми локациями, фичами, потрясающей графикой и более аутентичными диалогами

this does NOT need a remake

Love this game and all the mysteries. One of the most enjoyable experiences I have had with teh game and I love all of the unique puzzles and weapons. Truly set a standard and defined an entire genre. I only dock points for controls and that one puzzle that literally was trial and error.

When I'm in a "Be An Amazing Remake" Contest and my opponent is Resident Evil's remake. Seriously, this is a pitch perfect remake of the PS1 classic. I had to force myself to finish it, but it's because I was doing myself a huge disservice by not playing it till the end. I'm so glad I played this.

Lamentablemente nunca jugué ni la versión original ni el remake original, aún así se disfruta este remaster

So I finally played and beaten the first Resident Evil. My thoughts? It alright. It set the standard for survival horror and its definitely enjoyable.

I think my main problems with game is that a lot of the things meant for horror just piss me off more than anything else. The bosses are easy but annoying because of the tank controls so it never hits a high point. You have limited saves which is insanely infuriating for me personally. There's an argument that too many saves makes the player feel too safe and it makes the game not as scary. Counterpoint, the game can and should still just be scary. RE2 is still scary without limiting saves and putting save areas in the worst locations. I see this argument be made for games outside this genre like Dark Souls 1 and I hate it. I dislike the idea of losing tons of progress and doing it all over again. The enemys all take place in small corridors making running past them hard, and some are really fast too. The pistol is one of the worst guns in the franchise, it takes like 5 clips to down a zombie. Burning zombies bodies are tedious because of the process you have to take to do it. You have to watch a door animation every time you go through one, which is slightly confusing for me because I thought they were gonna use this to eventually scare the player but it never did. For others, this is scary, for me, this is annoying. Which is to not say that I don't get scared often, because I can, but my immersion is broken by all these tedious things you have to do. One last thing to top off my list of annoyances is the box pushing. There is a lot of fucking box pushing segments in this game, like a lot, like holy shit. This is a push-like video game.

Now to list some good things and be positive for a moment. I do think the atmosphere is pretty spooky, and the decision to keep the color palette of areas to a black and white helps create a iconic setting. Speaking of iconic settings though, the mansion is the most iconic setting of this whole franchise, the vibe of the mansion is absolutely stellar, with this feeling that something is always trying to kill you (which is probably true). The ost is pretty enjoyable, sometimes I do think it neglects the spooky atmosphere but in turn, it is kind of a bop. My favorite part of Resident Evil games is that they let you get right into the action and don't bog you down with tons of story. The story is there and it exists to give the player a reason to keep going, and that's all I want from a story that isn't aiming high.

I enjoy this game but a lot of moments did upset me from small things that compounded to annoy me. If I had to rate the RE games I played from best to worst it'd probably be: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3. I tend to prefer the action focused ones because they can still maintain a scary mood if done well like 4, and unlike 5.

I don't really like this remake so much actually. The new bits are not so good and that rubbish bit with the mad lass in the basement is annoying and I get annoyed with the zombies coming back to life I mean I get it they're zombies but come on.

i want to live in spencer mansion.

This game has been sort of like my comfort game for a while and now that I've completed my first run as Jill I'm gonna give my thoughts on it.

First off I just wanna go ahead and say that this game actually managed to scare me which is kinda surprising since I've got numb to horror games after playing lots of them. I don't wanna spoil anything so I'm not gonna go into details but it gets scarier throughout the game. They also did a great job with the atmosphere and ambience but also the visuals that looks amazing on my Switch OLED. The story is however almost non existent or just not that special as there are not that many meaningful cutscenes or characters interacting with each other.

My problems with this game is probably it's length and the amount of loading screens in this game. I feel like this game would have been shorter if it got remaked properly and the doors open within a second of opening like any other game. But this game got loading screens that last for 8 - 10 seconds and they are literally all over the place. It feels like I'm just playing a door opening simulator because half of my playtime was looking at doors opening. I also just felt like rushing this game towards this end because this game takes very long to beat and I just wanted to get done with it.

The exodus of the survival horror genre still holds up today (even as a remake). Despite some clunk, the game is tight and feels like a classic while looking gorgeous.

Esse jogo é maravilhoso, um remake de respeito, ele conseguiu pegar uma obra de arte que era o resident Evil original, e melhorar em muito, a historia, os gráficos, a jogabilidade, tudo é superior, até quando eles acrescentam elementos novos, como a Lisa Trevor, eles acertam, é um jogo perfeito.

The game is good, but I didn't really adapt to the gameplay; If it were a remake along the lines of 2, it would definitely be 5 stars.

the fixed camera makes these scarier to me ngl dont get the hate

GooeyScale: 75/100

Um bom jogo, excepcional para seu gênero survival horror, porém um péssimo remaster.
A CAPCOM simplesmente remasterizou apenas os modelos de personagem e itens e deixou o cenário com a aparência original do remake de gamecube de 2002.

Five Jill Sandwiches out of Five. Highly recommend checking out the randomizer for replays, absolute blast

Un peu trop long, trop d’énigmes d'un coup vers la fin.

One of the best survival horror games ever made.

They gotta study this game for immersion.

Cara, sério, esse jogo ele é INCRÍVEL, incrível de RUIM, puta merda, como alguém me diz que ISTO era a essência de RE ? Literal é um jogo muito mal dirigido, com uma história que mal sabe se desenvolver direito (somente na reta final você ganha pitacos da história contada pelo files) com sub-histórias muito melhores (exemplo? a Lisa nos esgotos/cabana abandonada) e nisso você jogador, fica preso nessa mansão enorme, "explorando" um grande vai e volta de salas em salas buscando peças chaves e também as malditas chaves (Jogando com a Jill, isso é ridículo) com algumas variedades de inimigos pra te encher o saco, SÓ.
Não existe um objetivo claro, você apenas anda pra lá, anda pra cá, até que pimba, laboratório, e aqui sim começamos a falar de algo com potência... Pena que a gameplay nessa parte só dura menos que 2 horas, fora aquela final battle tosca kkk
Mas, a atmosfera do jogo, o terror que ele te coloca de pular um bicho na tua cara a cada nova porta aberta, puta merda, isso era incrível, os personagens são legais mesmo mal desenvolvidos no primeiro jogo, os gráficos no remaster PELO AMOR DE DEUS TA PERFEITO.
E bem, nesse misto de amor e ódio pelo jogo, sua nota final será 6.5/10, é um jogo bom, mas comparando ao resto da franquia, é bem fraco.

The original Resident Evil has a lot of problems, but it established the exploration-based puzzle survival gameplay I grew to love during the PS1 era of horror games. This remake serves to upgrade that experience in a lot of good ways. Very atmospheric and fairly challenging too.

I see why this game is such a classic, great game and I absolutely love the atmosphere. The vibes of such an old zombie movie esque aesthetic makes for a very enjoyable experience. Great horror game and made me really love the Resident Evil franchise.

Someone is very rapidly ruining this game for me

extremely solid remake, not always a fan of all the additions but i think it shakes up the game pretty nicely, and it's interesting that it went for a very different atmosphere. i just wish the pc release had higher resolutions for the backgrounds as they look pretty muddy on modern displays

jill valentine let me KILL barry for you let me KIll ybaryy for youunjfe albert wendell if i got my hands on ouy

Incredible classic survival horror game with good replayability. Play this on hard if you want to cry like a bitch

Resident Evil 1 Remake is a masterful recreation that revitalizes the classic survival horror experience with. Masterpiece!

if you think resident evil is survival horror, wait till you get to a five man team as a woman on valorant with four straight white males asking whats ur discord tag