Reviews from

in the past

One of the GOATs. Absolutely perfectly designed game. I hate it.

Really fun game with lots pulled from the original, unfortunately I got tired of dying a lot this time around and never finished it, oops.

I have gone back and forth on loving and hating this game so much, but I can't stop playing it. After every failed run, it drags me back into the caves the beat me up again. It's so hard to tell if I'm enjoying myself or just losing my mind.

So disappointing. It did everything it could to mess with your learned experience from the first game, and I couldn't take it. Really just over the top.

so fucking hard but also just so fun . ive already done the hardest ending but i still play it just so i can do it again because the final area is just so immaculately designed

Why is everything out to kill you in this game.

Oh, hey, it's Spelunky, all growed up! "HD, or Classic?", you might be asking, and the answer, dear reader: yeah.

Spelunky 2 is TOUGH AS NAILS. Even moreso than HD at times. The difficulty curve's a little wack in this one, we'll say, and to date we've never made it to either of the secret zones yet... And yet, we can't be mad. Such is the nature of the Spelunky. This game has so much new stuff, which of course means for more ways to get totally Looney Tunes'd (or "Spelunked", as is the common nomenclature for this series, ty Twiggle) by the game. Again, though, for as frustrating as it can be... We can't stay mad. Hell, in this case, while Spelunky HD had the occasional totally random thing that screws us over, in 2, it's almost ALWAYS our fault--which simultaneously stings us more, yet paradoxically, it makes us less mad, knowing that it really was just on us to avoid that mistake.

Now, while we think Spelunky HD has a far more compelling scene with speedruns and scoring--y'know, it's far more fun to watch a Spelunky HD run than a 2 run--Spelunky 2 is far more FASCINATING on a meta level. Seriously, anyone who can contend in Spelunky 2 scares us with their power, and we also deeply respect them. It also has a far more fun co-op seeing as it's got MULTI-PLATFORM ONLINE SUPPORT HOLY GOSH??? That still boggles the mind that they were able to pull that off.

Played in when it first came out and disliked it. I wished they didn't try so hard to be "new".

Spelunky 2 feels like it should be the ultimate challenge, but unfortunately it just feels like unfair fight that's hellbent on wasting your time.
The main quest for the regular ending is a fun bout with a lot of RNG but its manageable enough that you can still feel like you can prevail with enough practice and skill like any good rougelike. Sunken City and god forbid Cosmic Ocean runs are complete bullshit. The amount of RNG in this game does not allow for honest runs 100% of the time because no matter your skill level, some lava will explode strangely and end your run immediately, a skip wont work and will end your run immediately, or getting hit once will start a chain reaction and end your run immediately.
There is nothing more disheartening than doing the same boring slog to get the items you need and then 15 minutes into your run something happens that just ends your run entirely. There is way too much out to get you in this game and most of will kill you on the spot. I will see through the Sunken City run but after that I will never touch this game again.
I already got the no treasure and speedrun trophies completed and told myself I would wait until platinuming to review this one but I feel so frustrated with the game design choices that after dying in Neo Babylon and losing Qillin for the 95th time I decided to step away and write this.

Muy dificil, uno de mis roguelikes favoritos junto a su anterior entrega, hay que tomarselo con calma la exploración

every couple years i block out a month of my life to dedicate to playing this game

Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking Can't stop spelunking

even harder than the first spelunky with some fun new items, mechanics, enemies etc, but i personally feel the RNG screws runs over a bit too often compared to the first game. still recommend to anyone who loves (mostly) fair yet brutally difficult games

It's like a Rube Goldberg machine that culminates with an unexpected direct hit to your balls.
You will suffer and call the mother of whoever designed it so many things that you will later be ashamed of, but at the same time you cannot avoid be impressed by how all those elements interact so naturally and spontaneously, even when they were meticulously planned and put together with a lot of effort, care and attention to achieve the ultimate goal of screwing you.

probably best roguelike ever made