Reviews from

in the past

If there's anything Terry Cavanagh can't do right, then he's wise enough to not bother putting it into his games.

Lots of people know about this game but I rarely see it being meaningfuly discussed so I'll mention the main things I liked and disliked from it.
Super Hexagon is a challenging game, but it's structured in a very smart way. Having the game be divided in three levels, each one divied in six 10 second long phases gives you short term goals which allow you to track your progress and feel encouraged to beat the considerable challenge of getting past hexagonest.
It is a shame though that while I was playing the game I was constantly getting mad at HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS NOT HAVE ANALOG CONTROLS? FUCKING PONG IN 1972 HAD ANALOG PADDLES

Very hard when you first start but a blast to play when you get used to it.

Beat it at the 12.2 hour mark.

Buy it.

Managed to 100% this game. Unbelievably compelling