Reviews from

in the past

Если бы Казимир Малевич сделал компьютерную игру, она бы выглядела примерно так.

Но к сожалению раздражающая сложность этой игры мешает наслаждаться ее достоинствами.

i fuckin remade this shit in c, and ive spent like a day on it. i hate myself.

not that fun but for 1€ it's fine

it took me 7 years to beat hyper hexagonest

Would love to see this game with more levels and being customizable, but it's already a quite nice and fun game.

I had so much fun with this game. It is ridiculously difficult, and at the start, the player won't know how they'll pass even the first level, but after many tries, the player will get used to the different speeds and obstacles. Some of the music in this game is great and I really like the way the game looks.

Great music, simple fun. Currently done with 5/6 levels.

October 14, 2023: Finished the last level. FINALLY I CAN UNINSTALL IT.

it's quite fun but after 100%'ing the game I lacked the will to play much more. the game becomes easier to understand as you start noticing the patterns, a couple felt a bit unfair sometimes but you get the hang of them eventually. the "ascension" at 60 seconds is a neat idea but I just wish there was the option to start from that point

A rather simple game at first glance, but already from the first level, it turns into a test of the player’s vestibular system a couple of moments later. The formula of the game is the simplest, you are an arrow that moves from right to left or vice versa around the hexagon (regular hexagon) bypassing the walls. This game is indistinguishable from a simple flash game made by some indie developer in a hurry, but when you realize how divine the sound design, effects, and various obstacles are, although there are not many levels, only 3 (plus one secret shhh), they differ in complexity and variety, starting over after death the level is updated and you don’t know what awaits you next. Visually, everything looks beautiful, but sometimes, at the last levels, the eyes turn into states of fried meat. The game forces you to learn from your own losses, and repeat, repeat all over again...

Game Over, Agian?

Довольно простая игра на первый взгляд, но уже с первого уровня, превращается в проверку вестибулярного аппарата у игрока через пару мгновений позднее. Формула игры самая простая, вы стрелочка которая перемещается справа-налево или наоборот вокруг гексагона(правильный шестиугольник) обходя стенки. Эту игру не отличить от простой флеш-игры сделанной каким-нибудь инди-разработчиком на скорую руку, но когда понимаешь, насколько тут божественный саунддизайн, эффекты, разнообразные препятствия, хотя уровней не так много, всего 3(плюс один секретный тссс), они отличаются сложностью и разнообразию, начиная заново после смерти уровень обновляется и ты не знаешь, что ждет тебя дальше. Визуально все выглядит красиво, но иногда, на последних уровнях, глаза переходят в состояния прожаренного мяса. Игра заставляет тебя учится на собственном проигрыше, и повторять, повторять все сначала...

Game Over, Agian?

Very well-made arcade game, with great visuals, great audio, and simple but effective gameplay. But as a bullet hell and rhythm game disliker, I couldn't get into it.

A great and simple game that I sank so many hours into when I was a kid.

joguinho legal mas eu sou ruim

Maddening but an undeniable rush when you really get into it.

I used to play this game as stress relief after getting home from my soul-sucking retail job, which I think sums things up. At least about that job.

Fun game but to challenging for me.

VERY short, but does exactly what it wants to do very well

It's hard by nature to put an out of five rating for games like these. Basing it off gameplay alone might be good, but by nature its a very non-rating friendly game.

It's unreasonably hard, very old, and sometimes incompatible to play with modern specs, being locked in 60 fps feels horrible nowadays.

However, I believe this game has an underlying narrative that is only apparent if you stick it out through the pain of studying and playing this until the end (yes there is an end to this).

Through this, this was the first game to open me up to the idea of pushing through regardless of difficulty. It taught me that something awaits you beyond the pain, and its beautiful.

ok like it does do what it set out to do just fine, but theres not much to it.

Simple but also absurdly hard. There's not much to do in it but it's great.

Adictivo, desafiante y buen soundtrack, perfecto.

Some of the best dialogue and character development I've ever seen in a game about hexagons

Very hard when you first start but a blast to play when you get used to it.

Beat it at the 12.2 hour mark.

Buy it.