Reviews from

in the past

enjoyable, fun with friends. not too fun without friends. mechanically good but somewhat unbalanced

Funny Minecraft block man fights Sephiroth and wins. I love this game.

- Teto

World of Light is mid when you play it more, but otherwise... yeah, this is fucking amazing. Still as incredible to play now as it was back in 2018.

How will they top this? Not sure, but this is still my favorite Smash from a complete amount of content perspective.

Por este juego me compre la switch y te da una cantidad de horas de entretenimiento casi infinitas porque este juego tarda mucho en aburrir, y si lo jugas con amigos, dificilmente se canse uno de jugarlo. Con respecto a lo malo, me parece que el online es pauperrimo y que la decision de no balancear mas el juego una vez sacados todos los dlcs es una malisima decision de parte de la gran N. no lo tratan como un fighting game o juego multijugador online, si no que lo tratan como un juego mas que hacen, le metes unas pocas actualizaciones para balancear el juego en el momento y listo

This is probably in the top 5 fighting platformers with the other 2 smash games. You can tell sakurai and his team put so much passion, care, and polish into this game to cater to EVERY audience out there as much as they could.

But the online system holds this game back so much. The worst ranked system, the worst online P2P laggy ass matchmaking system, punishing players because your opponent DC'd, it's just awful. Casuals are definitely enjoying this game the most. For everyone else, you either have a local grassroots scene that you can have fun with or you can get fucked. But hey, it's just a kid's party game by nintendo so who cares lmfao.

Always playing with people 8people multi is so much fun

favourite game to play when bored or with friends

Second best Smash game. Tons of fun with this game.


I'm one of those jackasses that plays this game competitively. And while I think game balancing kind of went out the window at the end of its update cycle. The amount of polish that went into this game is just too great to ignore. Any time i boot up another platform fighter i always find myself feeling spoiled for playing this one despite the faults it has at a competitive level.

Would give it an extra star if all the hot characters were oiled up and naked

Great for casual fun but don't bother trying to get "good" okay? You won't have fun and you won't get anything out of it. Play Rivals 2

This is like dragging your balls through mud that has spikes in it

It was fun competing in smash tourneys. But I'm sticking to modding it.

It is great but the roster is overloaded with just reskins and I HATE NESS.

the focus on characters over singleplayer content kinda made me feel bad, but it plays godly.

great ssm game, dlc characters ruined the game

I can't see video games the same way without Super Smash Bros. To see this game culminate over the course of years was incredible. No video game brings the community together through hype and speculation the same way. Multiplayer games tend to lose their luster but Smash is immune to this. While Melee and Brawl have aspects you could consider superior, Ultimate is my desert island game.

objectively best smash game, shut up melee players.

i suck at this game but you can have doomguy fight solid snake corrin sans minecraft steve and mario

super good, but like it has so many flaws that bother me soo bad but it's really good

(plante piranha >>>>>)

"Everyone is here!" is the selling point of this game. Spirits and World of Light get really repetitive after a while but I appreciate the attempt at contributing to the overall goal of this game. The best part is definitely playing with friends as their are so many characters to choose from. With the DLC included, the roster is a monumental achievement in gaming and each reveal felt like an event.

Competitively, despite being much faster paced than the previous two entries, I have a lot of problems with it. So much so that I have less fun here than in other titles. The choices and types of options this game rewards, the feeling that you're fighting against the controls system itself at times and the lack of depth / homogeneity across the cast makes this not very rewarding to play and put effort into. Also the late meta of this game is terrible for a spectator.