Reviews from

in the past

Занимательный пролог ко 2 части

Solid build-up to episode 2 of LIS 2. Explores an interesting dynamic between Chris and his dad.

i love everything life is strange, what can i say

life is strange's writing fucking sucks

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What an amazing game. I was told about this game by a friend to try this game since it would be a good test to see if I would like this series. After playing this I now need to go and play all the other games. I love the story it is telling and the fact that it shows a real issue that kids can deal with and how some kids choose to deal with it. Chris's dad is a drunk and one of the ways Chris deals with it is by using his creativity. Let's just say I relate to this which makes it more impactful for me.

Play this game already if you have not.

Haven’t played it yet, I’m just giving a warning that the game is no longer on the PlayStation Store but is still on steam. So if you only have a PlayStation, you’re shit out of luck.

really cool short build up for the 2nd episode of life is strange 2, and an insight to an interesting character, wish we could see more from him tho :(

The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit does a decent job of characterization through interacting with the environment. It's unfortunate that most of the objectives are accomplished through random, tedious exploring, but it can be skipped so at least it doesn't waste too much time.

eu realmente gostei desse jogo, uma história legal e divertida e dentro de suas 2-3 horas de gameplay se torna muito muito fantástico e uma excelente preparação para life is strange 2.

Liked this alot more than the actual game it was tied to cus it was short and sweet for lack of a better word like this shit sad af bruh but def worth my time nothing else to say