Reviews from

in the past

Cool demo, not much more to say about it, way too short to be really good

Ein charmanter Vorgeschmack auf "Life is Strange 2". Der Titel präsentiert in seiner kurzen Spieldauer einen sympathischen, jungen Hauptcharakter auf eine ruhige Weise ohne spannende Höhepunkte.

[cries in "death with dignity" by sufjan stevens]

Better than average but still handles certain themes without almost any care like the first season. It's free though so it isn't the worst way to spend an hour.

ya emang cuma game buat pengantar sih tapi ini bener2 gak kasih pengalaman yang menyanangkan dari segi gameplay maupun cerita, tapi lumayan menyentuh di akhir cerita

Compelto, só para o fun. Faltou muita coisa para fazer...

No me suelen gustar las aventuras gráficas ni de Dontnod ni de Telltale. No considero que sean malos juegos, simplemente creo que no están hechos para mí. Sin embargo, Captain Spirit me ha parecido un personaje muy entrañable y lo que me ha ofrecido a cambio de nada (porque sí, es gratis y dura lo mismo que un capítulo de Life is Strange) es, al menos para mí, más que suficiente para recomendarlo abiertamente a todo el mundo.

very good life is strange prequel

Corto, gratis y mejor que Life is strange

coitado desse menino, tem que arrumar a casa inteira pro filho da puta do pai dele ficar no sofa bebendo whisky. não teve um momento sequer nessa demo que eu não me senti como um irmão pra ele, o pai pode não estar presente, mas eu estive, brinquei e ajudei ele em tudo, vi o mundo pelos olhos dele e a pureza nos olhos de uma criança cheia de vida! pra mim ele e meu filho!

If you find this cringey that means it's good.

The OST is great and i love Captain Spirit's creativity. It's a wholesome spin-off.

lindo, eu jogaria um jogo só seu

ja joguei 3 vezes e falo que facilmente foi o unico da franquia que não me deu trauma

Life is Strange was a game that had a heavy impact on my teenage years. Watching E3 and realizing that this was not Life is Strange 2, but yet a mediocre game with half-baked ideas they weren't going to use in the actual sequel made me absurdly sad.

It's definitely a way to kill an hour. It was okay.

jogo tipo life is strange, só que bem meh

Really lovely little mood piece.

Preciso rejogar, assim como toda a franquia LIS (n considerem a nota). Porém lembro de elementos interessantes

a cute little side story that doesn’t really add much in the grand scheme of things. i did love how it tied into life is strange 2 tho

It's a terribly boring game. I tried it only because it was connected to the second game but I regretted it. I totally understand why they gave this game away for free, but it's still unplayable. You have to be a 10 year old kid to like Captain Spirit. Although the game is an hour long, I couldn't even last fifteen minutes. It's one of those mediocre games that you'll never understand why it was developed.

really cool short build up for the 2nd episode of life is strange 2, and an insight to an interesting character, wish we could see more from him tho :(