Reviews from

in the past

Wholesome and depressing game, also it's canon to the life is strange universe lol.

tak bardzo forgettable że aż zapomniałam wcześniej dodać ale pamiętam że jedyne co było w tej grze mega slay to że była basically teledyskiem do death with dignity sufjana stevensa

did as much as i could to the best of my ability, i think some tasks got locked out for me

Here I am, playing through the Life is Strange series for the first time, and while the first game made me think the brand identity was going to be about time travel as a unique gameplay mechanic for choose your own adventure games, turns out what actually unites this series is the suffering of minors. Yay!

Seriously, what the hell is this? What compelled people to make this? Who thought a couple hour walking simulator showing me "yup, this kid is real sad his mom is dead and his dad is turning into a deadbeat alcoholic" in multitudinous ways for no pay-off? All so I'd feel... something (?) when I return to the mainline Life is Strange 2?

I am going to use this space to complain about how insane the download process for the Life is Strange games currently are on PSN now that all the episodes have been out for years. Where is the option to download the whole damn game, instead of piecemeal? Why is this chapter it's own "Demo" SKU store listing if the main game will boot me over to it instead of letting me get on with Episode 2?

What is so special about Chris that this little snippet needed to be fleshed out? I have only played one episode of Life is Strange 2, but I know enough from that episode to know that the starring brothers are all that will matter. And knowing that Chris is going to be juxtaposed against Sean and Daniel, who are running from the law as fugitives with no money and a dead dad, I kinda can't care about Chris's struggles as much! He has grandparents who are trying to get custody of him, he has a way out!

1.5 stars, C-/D+ range. It is weird to see the art direction for this series get less focused / worse with every game. As far as these walking simulators go, this one is the most boring and most unrealistic. A 10-11 year old doing dishes, laundry, and clearing the front steps out of boredom? I can believe it a bit since his PS2 is broken, but otherwise, no. This does not feel like a real child. His voice is much younger than his appearance, his maturity level feels too manufactured to tug on my hearstrings because he is a saint. (Which also makes me feel weird that he can only be a saint while the Hispanic kids from the main game can be serial thieves! Choices!)

I cannot imagine what possible impact this save file will have on Life is Strange 2 going forward, what a complete waste of time.

a cute little side story that doesn’t really add much in the grand scheme of things. i did love how it tied into life is strange 2 tho

It's a terribly boring game. I tried it only because it was connected to the second game but I regretted it. I totally understand why they gave this game away for free, but it's still unplayable. You have to be a 10 year old kid to like Captain Spirit. Although the game is an hour long, I couldn't even last fifteen minutes. It's one of those mediocre games that you'll never understand why it was developed.

Meh, just a prequel for Life Is Strange 2 and it's not even importnat

That's... that's literally just a kid doing kid-stuff...

Las increíbles aventuras de Captain Spirit es una historia dura, oculta en parte por la imaginación desbordante de Chris.
La verdad, espero que los hermanos de Life Is Strange2 consigan ayudarle 🥺
Se hace mención a Arcadia Bay, que siempre es bien 😎

Podia ser melhor, achei que tratou de problemáticas interessantes mas foi algo que não me prendeu muito à personagem

This was a fun companion mission to Life is Strange 2 that does a good job of balancing a nice, lighthearted childhood adventure with a story about grief and abusive parents. Can't wait to see how it ties into the whole game.
Update: jfc I got this poor kid hit by a car. he's okay but DAMN.

really cool short build up for the 2nd episode of life is strange 2, and an insight to an interesting character, wish we could see more from him tho :(

a fangame of sufjan stevens - death with dignity
that's the best thing about this tbh

Mesmo sendo curto teve uma história muito boa e emocionante, gostei demais.

They've hit spot on with a child's mind and imagination. It is beautiful and made me reminisce of when I was a kid with a wild imagination =)
I adore Chris and feel like he must be PROTECC. AT. ALL. COST!

i liked this one more than 2 itself lol

coitado desse menino, tem que arrumar a casa inteira pro filho da puta do pai dele ficar no sofa bebendo whisky. não teve um momento sequer nessa demo que eu não me senti como um irmão pra ele, o pai pode não estar presente, mas eu estive, brinquei e ajudei ele em tudo, vi o mundo pelos olhos dele e a pureza nos olhos de uma criança cheia de vida! pra mim ele e meu filho!

It’s a good game. I like that it was free. I got a bit emotional :(

isso aq n deveria existir, quebra o ritmo do lis 2 e é bem ruim e inútil, totalmente dispensável e desperdício de tempo.

joguei esse pq life is strange 2 pediu e achei bem divertidinho(apesar de ser apenas uma demo)!! uma introdução de personagem bem interessante e bem triste também.. ansioso pra ver como a história dele vai andar ao longo dos eps


Fun short teaser for Life is Strange 2.

Nothing special but a very cute and charming experience leading into LiS2

There's not enough time here to care about the characters and I didn't care about the characters.

The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit does a decent job of characterization through interacting with the environment. It's unfortunate that most of the objectives are accomplished through random, tedious exploring, but it can be skipped so at least it doesn't waste too much time.