Reviews from

in the past

No matter how much Neil Druckmann wants us to despise Joel for saving Ellie at the end of the game, this will always be the ultimate homicidally protective dad simulator.

Story and characters are amazing

yk when i played this game i was 13 and didnt realize how amazing the story was. this game is more qualified as artwork than most of modern cinema đź’”

I strongly dislike AAA cinematic game experiences and this is no exception. It doesn't help when people talk about how they felt about the intro like it was the first time they ever experienced feelings.

once i finished this game the first time i immediately restarted and then once i finished my second time i immediately restarted and the cycle continued. i spent two weeks pretty much non stop playing this game

It's good, very moving. I enjoyed it. In retrospect it's pretty emotionally manipulative. You're 'supposed' to think Joel is the bad guy, but maybe it's Neil for putting us all in this position.

This game is seriously so good i love it they can remaster this 11 more times and i’ll just keep buying it.

In 2013 it was a revolution but now I appreciate it less and less with each replay.

I dislike the game. I don't understand the hype for another very mediocre and repetive zombie game.

What a game. I understand why this is a classic of the PS3 era and one of the most iconic monuments of the entire medium ever created. Though not even old by any means, I would still remark it is slightly ahead of its time, with a great cover system (typical of naughty dog shooters), stealth, and combat, this game has everything as far as gameplay goes in addition to a fantastic story backed up by incredible and realistic dialogue and fantastic voice acting from the entire cast. It is an incredibly immersive and cinematic experience and for this reason it is, of course, a must play game.

already saw someone play the game, i still enjoyed every second that i played. so exited to start the second one.

As short as it is, like mgs2 this games message, atmosphere carachters and world are so well put together

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"oh a naughty dog game in the ps3 that isn't uncharted? interesting" always thought this game won't top uncharted but boy how i couldn't be more wrong with that statement. TLOU offers you a zombie-like apocalypse story, where there is this virus that turns people into runners(zombies) or in worse cases "clickers", from the beginning you see how bad it turned in the world of the game. An hour or two in the game and you witness one of the most heartbreaking scenes in a video game or hell dare I say in any type of media, I'll never look at the Joel and Sarah scene without shedding a tear, and that's just the beginning. Then you meet Ellie, a young girl in this dying world, The relationship between Ellie and Joel is something even TV shows or movies can't replicate, the moment he meets her until the ending. Can't say i didn't enjoy every moment of this game. to the point i've bought the remastered version and played it again.

jogo perfeito joao so fala merda

One of the best titles in gaming, especially for the PS3 era. It's sad they continue to rerelease it for increased amounts of money but gotta respect the hustle

My favorite game series of all time

Just take yourself on the ride that is The Last of Us, and be prepared to go through every emotion ever. This game is a complete gem and should be in the video game Hall of Fame.

Absurdly overrated like all Naughty Dog games but definitely more deserving of its acclaim than the Uncharted series, the gameplay is more inspired by the likes of Resident Evil 4 than Gears of War so the combat always has a sense of urgency and survival, even though it's not exactly innovative. Joel and Ellie's relationship also feels realistic and one of the few examples of good writing in a video game.

Primeiro jogo que me fez perceber que é possível ter vários tipos de sentimentos jogando algo...

Acho que por muito tempo procurava por uma experiencia como essa, que me faria entrar em êxtase durante o tempo que estava jogando, amei a experiencia de combate do jogo, mesmo ela não sendo inovadora, mas a sua mira é algo intrigante de tão bom. Alguns pontos me deixaram meio méh, mas o ápice do jogo é algo incrivel

Very fun game. Still looks great now. My first exposure to the "father figure in an apocalypse" trope. There are much better examples that I know of now.

I get the hype story wise, but I found the gameplay to be pretty boring apart from killing clickers and maneuvering around them. Ellie is one of my favorite “child/teenager” characters next to Nanako because she is extremely relatable and realistically written. Joel’s ending decision has a lot of nuance and potential consequences for the next game

The show was better executed IMO, not because the game is BAD but because I didn’t have to slog through walking around when most of the time I was talking to other characters.

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Oh my God. I was feeling just fine giving the game 4 stars over 5 because I felt the story and themes weren't particulary interesting. Now, don't get me wrong, they aren't, but the strong emphasis on the morality of Joel is SO POIGNANT AND MAKES ME CRY. An extremely well made game close to being a masterpiece

cuando el chasqueador hace cerkjrksrjrjrrrrrrcrckrkckkkk

The Last of Us has compelling characters, great gameplay, and a beautiful world to explore, but they never really coalesce into something greater than the sum of its parts.