Reviews from

in the past

one of the best game stories ever made, i still think about this game to this day

papo reto nem tão ruim nem tão bom . acho overhyped

Not a fan of the closing hours and the light puzzles, but enjoyed the game otherwise

this game is great , will never forget it(unlike the sequel)

Esse é um dos melhores jogos do mundo e essa é a opinião certa

Found family trope done right

played it when it came out in two 7 hour sessions

the last of us não é sobre zombis, ou pessoas infectados por fungos, nem menos sobre tiroteios e ação… the last of us é sobre amor, irmandade, luto, the last of us é sobre as relações entre pessoas, que surgem nos piores momentos de sua vida, em um mundo sem amor, onde você precisa aprender a amar. the last of us é sobre a vida

Only play this game if you are of strong emotional fortitude because it will tear your heart to pieces.

Writing is top notch. One of the first I remember feeling like characters in a video game were real people.

one of my most beloved games. sometimes, a popular game is popular simply because IT'S FUCKING GOOD.

jogar isso no dualshock 3 é um lixo

Buen spin-off, estuve esperando impaciente que saliera Rick o Daryl pero bueno no se puede tener todo.

Melhor jogo de todos os tempos 10/10

My personal belief the best story driven game the medium has to offer

Tells an amazing story, but it's not a game I feel compelled to go back to. The only fun way to play this game is on the hardest difficulty, but that also makes it very trying. At least it's a better GAME than any of the Uncharted entries.

Assim como a vida esse jogo dói mas dói uma delícia

One of the best games i have ever played and one of the best ever imo. Picked it up back in 2013 for the ps3 and that was when i finished it for the first time. In 2020 -21 i replayed and platinumed the remastered version on the ps4 and i also played the remake in September 2022. Nostalgia hits hard!

Terra meter: 84%

Story/narrative - 5/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 3/5
General presentation - 5/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5

Un jeu au scénario formidable et au gameplay desservant très bien la narration. La fin m'a presque amenée aux larmes du haut de mes 14 ans quand j'ai fait le jeu. Une experience que je suis loin d'oublier

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It's great, and sad. Joel is not a hero, but he's my hero.

grumpy old man and his surrogate daughter