Reviews from

in the past

I don't get this game. It seems to have an interesting and intricate complexity surrunding connecting the world; but you definitely don't get to see or appreciate that for the maybe half of the game?

I've tried to complete this game like 3 times already and I only find it to be boring, slow, and frustrating. Most things are not explained in this game, and I get that there are people who enjoy that, but I don't. Most of the time you can't tell if your solution is wrong or if your logic about is, also it can get tricky to differentiate what is and enviormental clue and what isn't. I usually would end up just looking for the solution online, and is not something that you want for a puzzle game.

On the bright sight, the game is stupidly beautiful, if the game was a walking simulator with your typical story about depression I would've enjoy it just for how pretty it is.

Conclusion? Go watch a video essay about it.

Faut être diplômé d'un master pour finir ce jeu.

I don’t mean to be that guy but god this game is so fucking boring. And not just in gameplay, the ideas it reaches for are just so shallow. Definition of wide as the ocean but deep as a puddle. Only reason it isn’t half a star is because it looks pretty nice. Wow witness. Real high bar.

que experience boa veii era tao gratificante completar uma área nesse jogo que meu deus parecia que eu tinha passado no enem(tirando a parte dos blocos de tetris que era apenas tortura) confesso que não tive QI pra fazer TODOS os puzzles sozinho mas me esforcei! completei 2 finais e não fiz TODOS os puzzles mas tudo que fiz achei genial e muito bem pensado! gostei muito dos vídeos/diálogos que encontrei ao longo do jogo me fizeram refletir bastante.. enfim curti!

Got told this was the greatest video game ever from someone who only, legitimately and without exaggeration, played only 10 video games in their life and I hated it.

I don't think there's been any other game that made me fall asleep multiple times from trying to solve its puzzles other than this one. Admittedly, I'm dumb sometimes, but still. The near lack of music also didn't help.

At least the art direction and environmental design, which is what gives the game its mysterious intrigue, kept me going long enough to actually finish the damn thing.

Just started it to get "free" (yt tutorial based) silver and gold trophies, but I'm too lazy

Ideaza. Mi PC no lo traga. Algún día veré el final.

The Witness is beautiful, challenging, and will probably make you want to tear your hair out at times. The whole island is a giant puzzle, and the game doesn't explain anything – you have to figure out the rules as you go. It made me feel insanely smart when I solved one, but also unbelievably dumb when I was stuck. It's not for everyone, but if you love mind-bending puzzles with zero hand-holding, The Witness is a unique and rewarding experience.

nunca achei que ia ser capaz de zerar essa desgraça desse jogo, mas depois de muita dor de cabeça, frustração e vontade de desistir, eu completei!

o jogo é completamente focado em puzzle e é muuuuuito complexo pra caralho! muitas ideias boas e muito bem executado. Em nenhum momento senti que o puzzle era sem logica. Tudo tinha uma logica e uma explicação, mesmo que seja bem complexo de entender.

Eu achei que ia largar o jogo logo no começo, pensei várias vezes em desistir nas primeiras áreas porque eu tava completamente preso e sem entender nada kkkkkkk mas logo percebi que estava ficando melhor, mais rápido e mais atendo, então botei uma meta na minha cabeça de me esforçar pra zerar isso aqui. Fico feliz que consegui com zero uso de guias.

O problema maior do jogo pra mim é a falta de lore. Acredito que se a cada puzzle completado uma história fosse contada, ia motivar ainda mais pra finalizar, mas infelizmente o jogo tem pouquissima --- pra não dizer nenhuma --- lore.

A falta de musica ou trilha sonora também atrapalha bastante, é meio chato ficar em completo silencio enquanto tenta resolver os puzzles, uma trilha sonora da horinha só agregaria ao jogo.

Fora isso, fico feliz em ter zerado e isso me mostrou que sou capaz de jogar jogos de puzzle.

Definitivamente o jogo mais desafiador que já joguei. É um excelente jogo de puzzle, mas falha muito em outros aspectos.

Yeah, I witnessed my own stupidity alright

i fucking hate jonathan blow

A puzzle game, it teaches you how do do all the puzzles with no dialog. It was at it's best when the puzzles took advantage of the 3d space rather than just being a line puzzle. By the end of the game I would forget how different line puzzle rules worked and have to relearn them. Fun but best with a guide nearby to get unstuck when that happens. I was ready to be done with the game before it was over but not by to much. The envirements where very nice and calming.

Created by Jonathan Blow who ought to blow his fucking head off with how boring this game is.

There's a puzzle in this game so comically difficult that it took me like eight hours of solid retries to get it done and then once I'd done it and got the platinum I got a message on PSN from someone asking me to do it again on their account for them and they'd pay me the princely sum of $5 and needless to say I did not do it.

This game clicked on me SO hard. I could not play anything else until I finished it 99.99%. It's not for everyone, but for me is a masterpiece.

O jogo é interessante, mas definitivamente não é pra mim.

This game changed my perspective on so many subjects in life, I'm sure it won't be as eye opening for everyone but it's a super solid puzzle game with tons of cool secrets to find

O melhor jogo de puzzle já feito, tirando os puzzles de som e o quanto ele pode ser pretencioso as vezes.

I think this game pulls off something insane for a puzzle game, that being that it maintains a sense of surprise and problem solving even after a replay. I feel like I go back to Portal 1 and 2 and everything is so simple to remember how to complete, but something about how simplistic all of the clues are and how they're represented makes them easy to forget in hindsight, giving the player a situation where they basically have their memory wiped after a couple of months away from the game. Also, anyone who's played the game can appreciate what starting from square one does in regards to a fresh perspective. Johnathon Blow did a damn good job with his team in directing this game, and besides a couple painful puzzles like the shipwreck door and the sun smeared panels, it's basically a must play for any puzzle game respecter.

log 1 -- made the inexplicable decision to finally pick The Witness back up again while browsing my library on the steam deck. blew through way more than i had ever gotten to before in one day--what felt like most of the main island's puzzle sections (up to the mountain). genuinely maybe 8 hours. i don't know why i got that locked in. maybe i'll shelve this again, because i haven't gotten a lot out of the game so far that i hadn't already by playing before, or by listening to other people talk about the game, but for the sake of scratching the gestalt itch i'll probably finish the game, even if by largely referring to a guide for time.
log 2 -- finished the main goal of the game, largely cheating with guides. didn't feel satisfied and ended up continuing for another too-many-hours to fill out many of the optional puzzles i missed. i know full well there isn't any sort of completion reward, but i wanted to do it. beating the randomly generated Challenge course was genuinely rewarding, and some of the secrets i "found" were pretty cool to see. as soon as an FMV scene began i had a flash of remembrance that i'd certainly been told about it before, so my reaction was an interesting blend of appreciation and detachment. while i update this log, i'm waiting for the eclipsed moon to finish it's hour-long path so i can get that notorious checkbox ticked. that's some fun synchronicity--that i felt somehow drawn to return to this game soon after an unusually much talked about total lunar eclipse across my part of the world.

It's unfortunate how well put together this game is because the longer you play it the more you realize Jonathan Blow isn't an auteur genius and is actually just a pretentious loser who thinks he's saying a lot more than he is. That being said, I do find a good amount of entertainment in going through these repeated line puzzles and finding out how they get spiced up. On top of that, the game is gorgeous but if I'm being honest I'd say you're better off doing the first seven areas you figure out and then the ending and then never touching it again.

The Witness is a devilishly simple game. Taking place on a luscious, deserted island, you're tasked with exploring and solving a seemingly never-ending series of maze-like panel puzzles where the goal is simply to draw a line from A to B, meeting certain criteria in the process. It doesn't sound like much but it's addictively fun.

Crucially, none of the puzzle parameters are ever explained. It's entirely on you to play around and make sense of the increasingly complicated mechanics, sometimes through sheer brute force trying. That is, though, what makes The Witness so fun to play; that feeling of discovery and conquest feels totally earned when you find and finish a new area of puzzles without any help from the game whatsoever.

Not every mechanic works though. Most are based on logical thinking (like drawing a line from A to B while dividing squares by colour, for example) but there's a string of sound-based puzzles where you have to interpret bird calls and map them to a route through puzzle panels. I found these sections to be a nightmare but they didn't ruin the game.

For context, I actually played The Witness as a couch co-op game. Me and my best friend threw out possible solutions to each other, scrawling out the puzzles madly with paper and pencils. I think it's probably the best way to play and experience the game because it makes those 'Eureka!' moments, where you finally crack a tricky puzzle, all the more satisfying.

Great puzzle game, personally one of the greatest of all time... As long as you try not to think at all about the 'deeper' messages that Mr. Blow is trying to get you to think about.